Gen.Bus.Posting Group
The user selects from the code list Gen. Bus. Posting Group
The value of the field will be transferred to the contract, it is used to determine how the contract lines are posted
Gen.Prod.Posting Group
The user selects from the Gen. Prod. Posting Group code list
The value of the field will be transferred to the contract, it is used to determine how the contract lines are posted
Customer Posting Group
User selects Customer Posting Group from the code list
The value of the field will be taken over from the contract, it is used to determine the account of the receivable arising from posting the contract lines
Individual Invoice Customer Post.Group
User selects Customer Posting Group from the code list
The value of the field will be transferred to the contract, it is used to determine the account created by posting an individual invoice from the financing contract
Customer Posting Group for Selling Price (IS)
User selects Customer Posting Group from the code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used to determine the account created by posting the invoice for installment sales
VAT Business Posting Group
The user selects a business posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be transferred to the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for the individual components of the contract payment.
VAT P.Gr.Special Mode Non-Tax
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for installment amounts that do not enter the tax base of the financing contract
VAT Pos.Gr.Special Mode Tax
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for the payment amounts that are part of the tax base of the financing contract (calculate the value of the VAT Amount field for the special VAT regime in the contract payment calendar).
VAT Posting Group Simple Ins.
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for simple insurance.
VAT Posting Group Principal
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used for the VAT rates for the principal amount of the contract payment.
VAT Posting Group Simple Service
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over into the contract, it is used for VAT rates for the amount of the simple service of the contract payment.
VAT Posting Group Whole Paym.
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over from the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for the installment amount of the installment sale of the financing agreement.
VAT Posting Group Interest
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over from the contract, it is used to determine the VAT rate for the interest amount of the contract payment.
VAT Posting Group Simple Fee
User selects item posting group from the VAT code list
The value of the field will be taken over to the contract, it is used for the VAT rates for the amount of the simple contract payment fee.
Bank No. (Bank No.)
The user selects the bank account code to which the client should send installments (it will then be taken over into the financing contract)
For foreign currency posting, the following settings are important: Bank No. On the template – the bank where the customer is to pay. If it is blank on the template, the Bank No. is taken from the Company Information. The selected bank account should have a foreign currency set.
Payment Method Code
The user selects the payment method through which the client should send payments
VAT Clause Code
The value of the field is transferred to the contract card and is used for the print report Payment Calendar (Report ID 4026395)
It is mainly used for contracts that use the payment calendar as a tax document to provide information necessary for reporting VAT on the customer's side, or for another note.
A detailed description is given in the Fakturace prodej
Customer Posting Group VAT for Tax Documents (Supply of Goods Delivery)
It is used in financial leasing with the delivery of goods
Customer Posting Group for posting a leasing receivable with delivery of goods on VAT documents (invoices, credit memos, debit notes) and on a customer entry to settle VAT if the Use Cust field is set in OneCore Posting Setup. Posting Group (IS) = Delivery of Goods (VAT).
If it is blank in OneCore Posting Settings, the Customer Posting Group field will be used from the Financing Contract
Relation to T92 Customer Posting Group
VAT Prod. Posting Group Shipment Payments
It is used in financial leasing with the delivery of goods
VAT product posting group that will be used for posting payment transactions that must be in the mode without VAT
Relation to the VAT Product Posting Group table
VAT Prod. Posting Group Payments on Delivery of Goods - Corrective Document
It is used in financial leasing with the delivery of goods
VAT product posting group, which is used for posting corrections (credit memos, debit notes) when the original tax document is changed based on a change in the performance of the contract
Relation to the VAT Product Posting Group table