For the task, you need to set up:
OneCore settings (a detailed description of the fields is in PD Business Settingsthe Nastavení OneCore ):
Paym. Posting Selection Method
Determ. Day for Payments Batch Posting
It goes through contracts that:
Financing Product Types, Contract wit Services = NO
Variant = NO
Change Copy = NO
Detailed contract status has Allow Posting from Payment Cal.=YES
It filters payments with Posting Date according to the job settings vid point above.
It posts all payments up to the calculated date from the settings, i.e. if the payment was not posted in the previous month, the system will post the previous payment as well.
o Variant = NO
o Change Copy = NO
o Detailed Contract Status has Allow Posting from Payment Cal. =YES
o Filters payments with Posting Date according to the job settings vid point above.
o Posts all payments to the calculated date from the settings, i.e. if the payment was not posted in the previous month, the system will post the previous payment as well.
A task can be used for automatic posting via the scheduler. Batch posting must be set up for the job.
The system also changes the value of the Reference Date field in the contract header to the current system date.
After sending:
On the
Document Status: Complete
Sending Status - Mail: Sent
In the appendices
Attachment with attachment type Sales Invoice