For loan creation we need to select Financing Product Type. Currently we have possibility to choose between 2 types of financing products - anuit and interest product type. Difference between them is in calculation of interest.
Code - code that will identify the posting group
Description - short description of the posting group
Def. VAT Bus. Posting Group - select business posting group which has settings related to VAT Posting Setup, where is possible to define Tax %, VAT Calculation Type for certain combinations of VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Group
Auto Insert Default - if the Automatic insertion field is checked, after filling in the General Business Posting Group, the system will automatically insert the set VAT Business Posting Group (on the customer, vendor, document card). The system inserts the posting group filled in the Default VAT Commercial Posting Group field.
Tax Business Posting Group - in setup for Tax Business Posting Group are inserted VAT Rates based on combination of VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Group. There are following fields:
Service Cost % - cost of service provided with financing in percents. It is used for Net Profit Indicator.
Financing Product Rates
In this table is possible to define interval for automatic assignment of financing rate based on inserted criteria. There are available following fields:
Financing Period From
Financing Period To
Principal Amount From
Principal Amount To
Financing Rate - Cost
Financing Rate - Margin
Financing Rate - Total