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Before you can perform the actual migration, you need to perform Complete system setup. This process is controlled by the Configuration Workbook (Configuration Worksheet). This workbook is described in the documentation Nastavení Business Setup in the current version.

Among other things, the basic code lists used for processing the OneCore product agenda, described in the following chapters, as well as the standard code lists used especially in relation to the accounting processing of the agenda, must be set.


For a detailed description of the models, see Finanční produkty Financing Products

Financing Contract Template


For a detailed description of the models, see Finanční produkty Financing Products

Financing Product Type

Financing Product Type It is used to define the basic types of products and their general characteristics, which will subsequently be developed in financing products.


For a detailed description of product types, see Finanční produkty Financing Products

Financing Product

The Financing Product defines the default values for creating a Financing Template or Offer, but also defines the conditions that must be met in order to validate the contract.


For detailed product descriptions, see Finanční produkty Financing Products

Financing Template

The Financing Template is primarily used to narrow down the conditions that have been defined on the Financing Product. It can also be used as a definition of framework conditions for a certain client.


For a detailed description of the templates, see Finanční produkty Financing Products