The table list can be searched using the Search function (magnifying glass) by entering the name of the table or on the role centre Tell me what you want to do and typing a name for the list. You can also use ALT+Q to launch Tell me.
Or you can open the spreadsheet directly on the "Manage Users, Security Groups, and Permissions" roles hub. After clicking on the link, the List of Templates for Recording the Reason for Consent will open
To If the user wants to create a new template, the user he clicks on the New button . A blank tab opens.
If the template has already been created and is active until the first consent on the contact is activated for the template, the user can change the values of the template until the first contact consent is activated for the template. However, if at least one consent is already activated for the template, the template is non-editable and only the "Default when creating contact" field and the "Active" field can be changed