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These changes are apply only used for to contracts with services - Financing with services=Y (operational leasing and fleet managementOperating Leasing and Fleet Management).

There are can be several types of services specified in the contract , and each of them can be added or stopped under certain conditions :- see below for a detailed description.

  • Road tax (only for CZ/SK legislation)

    • Only one service Service at a time, where Service Type = Road Tax

  • Highway Stickers

    • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time

  • Fees

    • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time

  • Replacement Vehicle

    • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field field Service type=Replacement vehicle at the same time

  • Maintenance

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service Kind =Maintenance

  • Tire Service/ Tires

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service type=Tire service/ Tires

  • Tire Service/ Storage

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service Type = Tire Service / Storage

  • Tire service/ Tire change

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service

    / Tires
    • type=Tire service/ Tire change

  • Tire Service/ Rims

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service type=Tire service/ Rims

  • Tire Service/ Rim Accessories

    • Only one Service at a time, where Service Type=Tire Service/ Rim Accessories

  • Fuel Cards

    • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time

Adding new services to Contract

When adding a service, the system checks for duplication of the added service (generally applies to any service addition - before activation, after activation or in bulk):

  • does not allow to add two identical services in the Preparation or Active status, where the sameness is checked as follows:

    • Road tax (only for CZ/SK legislation)

      • Only one Service at a time, where Service Type = Road Tax

    • Highway Stickers

      • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time

    • Fees

      • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time

    • Replacement Vehicle

      • There cannot be two services with the same value in the field Service type=Replacement vehicle at the same time

    • Maintenance

      • Only one Service at a time, where Service Kind =Maintenance

    • Tire Service/ Tires

      • Only one Service at a time, where Service type=Tire service/ Tires

    • Tire Service/ Storage

      • Only one

      • Service at a time, where Service Type = Tire Service / Storage

    • Tire service/ Tire change

      • Only one

      • Service at a time, where Service

      • type=Tire

      • service/ Tire

      • change

    • Tire Service/ Rims

      • Only one

      • Service at a time, where Service

      • type=Tire

      • service/ Rims

    • Tire Service/ Rim Accessories

      • Only one

      • Service at a time, where Service Type=Tire Service/ Rim Accessories

    • Fuel Cards

      • There cannot be two services with the same value in the Service Code field at the same time


  • If the Service already exists, the system will display a message and will not allow the service to be added.

Adding a new service is not possible cannot be done directly on an active contract, the change can only be made on a change copy/variant. To create a change copy, select Change - Change Contract The wizard opens the Contract Change Contract Wizard.

In the first step of this wizard, the user selects a general change with the wizard object number equal to 0 in the "Change Type Code" field with the Wizard Object No. equal to 0. The "Change Contract" wizard is described in detail in chapter Změny smlouvy - změnové kopie / varianty. When you complete After completing this wizard, the contract will remain in a the change copy, where you can add a servicethe service can already be added.

Using the "Add services" button, which is located in the list of services, the user selects the required desired service.

Selection is possible only from the services defined in the Financing Template, if it is specified in the contract, if not, then the list of services defined in the Financing Product will be displayed. Another service cannot be added.


  • Valid From

    • By default, the system automatically sets the payment period start date of the repayment period of the nearest unposted installmentnext unposted payment.

  • Valid To

    • By default, the system automatically sets the Expected Contract Termination Date.


  • it is necessary to create a service detail by pressing the "Detail" button, on which the service calculation will be performed, or it is possible to change the rate for the service.

  • You can also create a service payment calendar and include the service in the contract payment calendar. The service payment calendar can be created separately using the "Calculate" or "Calculate all" function. This creation of a payment calendar is not mandatory - if the user does not create it, the calendar will be created automatically when the contract calendar is recalculated (next step).

  • Subsequently, the user must recalculate the contract so that the amount of the new service is reflected in the contract payment schedule. You can do this from the contract using the "Calculator Lines" button and then "Finish". If the user does not recalculate the service, then the contract recalculation will also recalculate the services. Therefore, there it is no need not necessary to recalculate only the service.

  • During the recalculation, the system calculates the value of the service into individual contract payments for the period of service validity.


It is not possible to stop the service on an active contract, it can only be stopped done on a change copy or on a variant. Importantly, at least one payment must be posted on the service. If there is no payment is posted on the service, then the system will not terminate the service. To create a change copy, select use the Action – Change Contract The option, the wizard opens the Change Contract wizardWizard.

In the first step of this wizard, the user selects a general change with the wizard object number equal to 0 in the "Change Type Code" field with the Wizard Object No. equal to 0. The "Change Contract" wizard is described in detail in chapter Změny smlouvy - změnové kopie / varianty . When After you complete this wizard, the contract will remain in a change copy , where you can stop the service. On the list of services, the user selects the service he wants to stop by marking the line ("stepping on it") and then selecting the "Stop service" function, which is located in the list of services


Step 1:


  • Contract No.

    • OC displays will display the contract number

  • Financed Object No.

    • OC displays the subject object number of the contract

  • Financed Financing Object Name

    • OC will display displays the name of the object

  • Service Code

    • The OC displays the code of the service that on which the user is standing on stands and which he wants to change

  • Valid From

    • The OC will display the date Valid From for from the service

  • Valid To

    • The OC will display the Valid date Valid until the service is stopped (before the service is stopped)

  • Stop at Termination Date

    • The system automatically fills in the Stop on Date To field with the "Period To" field from the last posted period of the service payment calendar.

    • The field cannot be changed, i.e. the service can only be stopped for the last posted period


In this step, you can specify whether to print the invoice


  • Contract No.

    • OC displays will display the contract number

  • Object No.

    • OC displays the subject object number of the contract

  • Object Name

    • OC will display displays the name of the object

  • Code

    • The OC displays the name of the service that the user is standing based on and wants to change

  • Valid From

    • The OC will display the date Valid From for from the service

  • Valid To

    • The OC will display the Valid date Valid until the service is stopped (before the service is stopped)

    Stop at
  • Termination Date

    • The OC displays the date entered in the previous step

  • Invoiced to Date Excl. VAT

    • OC displays the sum Invoiced Amounts excluding VAT for the service from payments at date in the "Stop at date" field

  • Drawn to Date Excl. VAT

    • OC displays the sum Pumped the amounts for the service as of the date in the field "Termination Date“. The drawn amount drawn is calculated from the service permission as "SUM Purchase price exclPrice Excl. VAT' – 'SUM Reinvoiced Amount Excl. VAT" Of all service permits that qualify:

      • The contract number is equal to the original for the change copy

      • The creation date on the allowance line is less than or equal to the end date

      • Service Kind

      • Service Type Code

      • All Maintenance Permission Statuses

    • If service permissions are not issued for charges, then the value in the field will be zero. The user can enter the reinvoiced amount manually.

  • Summary of the service without VAT

    • The OC will display the value in this field "Drawn to Date Excldate excl. VAT" – "Invoiced to Date Excldate excl. VAT" In Contract Currency in the contract currency

    • This amount is included in the invoice if the user ticks checks the "Issue Invoiceinvoice" boxfield

  • Create Issue Invoice

    • Parameter means whether the OC should issue an individual invoice for the value in the Service Summary field; this function cannot be used in Calculation Variant - it is not possible to create individual invoices (the field cannot be checked)

  • Payment Terms Code

    • The default value is added from the contract card, the user can change the value

Create Issue Invoice field = YES

When you press After pressing the Finish button, a dialog box window for creating an individual sales invoice appearswill appear.

A description of how to create an individual invoice can be found in the Fakturace prodej.

When you confirm the dialog box, a non-posted sales invoice is created for the original contract. The system will also override overrides the Valid To on the given service to the date from the "Stop on dateat Date" field on the given service.

Issue Invoice = NO

After pressing the Finish button, the system will overwrite the Valid To on the given service to the date from the "Stop at on Date" field on the service.

Note: If the service Service is in the Ready Preparing state, then the user can delete it without having to expire it (as long as it has not yet been activated).

Changing of Contract services (only for financing type Operative leasing – financing with services)

A The user can change a the service only by stopping an the existing service and creating a new identical service, where he can make the required change in the service detail. A detailed description of stopping a the service and adding a new service is described above.