/Contract activation is carried out The contract is activated after the object has been handed over to the customer (or, in exceptional cases, even without handover).
By contract activation, we mean putting the contract into the standard contract life mode, where it is possible, for example, to invoice installments from the payment schedule, etc. Normally, this step is carried out after the customer has taken over the financed object and the handover protocol has been signed.
Checks the existence of a payment schedule:
If it does not exist (Complete Calculation=N), it calls the calculation function and creates a contract payment calendar. At the same time, it sets the contract flags:
Payments updated=A
Services updated=A
Insurance updated=A
If it exists (Complete Calculation=Y), the function calls to recalculate the payment calendar according to the updated dates (described above)
Switches the detailed contract status to the status according to the OneCore Setup setting.
Toggles the contract status according to the detailed contract status settings after activation (usually Active)
Toggles the status of insurance contracts from Preparing to Active (if they exist in the contract)
If there are additional insurance contracts that are linked to the main insurance, it fills in the value of the Addition to insurance contract (base insurance number) field according to the Addition to product type setting. If a field is filled in, it does not update/overwrite the field value.
Terminates the pre-insurance policy if it is not set on the insurance contract Insurance Reporting Online = Yes, Valid To = Handover Date -1
If the contract contains third-party insurance contracts in instalments and Green Card Assigning Method=Contract Activation is set in the framework contract, the system will add the green card number to the insurance contract (according to the settings of the insurance company's product Other Conditions/Green Card Number Masks->Numbering Source)
Creates a pledge card in status Not delivered if an insurance contract exists, where Product Type = Property, Insurance Type = Individual, Insurance Subtype = Related to Financing.
If Financed Object = Used/Individual import, the insurance company product is set to Mandatory inspection = Yes, set to Framework agreement type = Period for inspection.
Toggles the status of services from Preparing to Active (if they exist in the agreement)
If there are guarantees in the contract in the status<Active, the wizard switches the status to Active and adds the handover date to Valid from.
If the contract says Financing with Services=Y is in the contract, it :
creates the first line in the Odometer Status History:
Mileage=adds Initial Mileage from object
Mileage Date=adds Handover Date
Planned Mileage=adds Initial Mileage from object
adds the value from Calculation start date to a row in the Contractual Distance table to Date From.
For financial leasing: Posts an Posts the first increased payment in advance, if it exists on the contract and has not been posted before (a the description of down payment posting is described in detail in the user documentation Fakturace prodej)
For Instalment Sale: Creates and posts an Instalment Sales Invoice and fills in the Document No. (IS), Posting Date (IS), Due Date (IS), VAT Date (IS), Posted (IS)=A, and Customer Posting Group of the SP Sales Price on the contract (Payroll Sales Tab). A description of posting an invoice for installment sales is described in detail in the user documentation for invoicing).
For financial leasing with delivery of goods:
Creates and posts a sales invoice for the VAT contract contract VAT. For a detailed description see Faktura na DPH při dodání zboží
fills in the field Document No. - Tax Invoice upon Delivery of Goods (Posted Invoice NumberNo.) on the contract header and ticks sets the Posted field Tax Invoice upon Delivery of Goods check boxposted=Y,
on the source calculation inputs (Calc. Input Variant = VAT - Delivery of Goods) fills in the fields Calculation Input Posted = Yes, Document No. = Posted Invoice No.
If an initial fee calculation input has been created, creates and posts an entry fee sales invoice. The invoice is "excl. VAT" because VAT has already been included in the sales invoice on the VAT contract. For a detailed description see Fakturace vstupního poplatku.
When the activation process is complete, the OC will display the message "Contract No. XXX has been activated". The user confirms OK, OC leaves the card of the contract open.