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Setup of mass invoicing of instalments with services


Description inBusiness Setup .

Contract Dimension Value

Value Dimension 2 for a mass invoice that can contain multiple contracts.


Detailed description in the  Address book .

Maturity date

On the customer card, on the Operative leasing tab, the following is set:


The job handles contracts that:


marked Financing with services = YES

This designation is transferred to the contract when it is created from the Financing Product Type


On the Options tab, you can enter the Posting Date and VAT Date that the task inserts into the invoice. When you run a job, the system prompts you a work date that you can override.

Posting Date a Datum DPH sú povinnéé pole, ak nebude plnina, úloha skončil na chybovou hlásekuand VAT DAte are required fields, if they are not filled, task ends with an error message.  

On the Filter: Financing Contract Lines tab, the user selects the period (Posting date of payments) that he wants to post (e.g. From 1.3.2022..31.3.2022). The User can enter a specific Posting date of the instalment (e.g. 1.3.2022) or a period "to date" (e.g. 31.03.22) or "from date" (e.g. 01.03.22..)


On the Options tab, click the Tlač faktur Select Print Invoices select or post invoices should be pushed out at the same time when posting installments.


  • Flirts the customer's contracts that have:

    • flag Financing with services=A,

    • Calculation variant=N,

    •  Payment calendar is tax document=N,

    • Contract Status = Active, Change Copy, Terminated, Settled 

  • It goes through contract by contract and on each:

    • deletes the Change Copy, if it exists

    • If det. the contract status does not have a value of Yes in any of the fields Allow Posting from Payment from Thr, Allow Posting of Increased Prepayment, Allow Partial Credit Posting, the contract is skipped and not processed

    • if the conditions for contract extension are met (Estimated termination date<=first day of month of the entered Posting Date, the model has the flag Automatic Contract Renewal=Yes and the object has blank Object Return Date), it will call Contract Extension Function

      • Contract Extension Feature the last row in the SPK Payment Calendar is searched. It then checks the value on the Contract Extension card.

        • If it is NO, the system copies the last posted payment with the flag Contract Extension=NO,

        • If Contract Extension=YES is on the contract header, the system copies the last created payment with the Contract Extension=YES flag.

    • flirts the lines of the contract – the filter for the posting date was entered by the user during the launch, then it is filtered to Type=Payment, Posted=No

    • if there is no Enable Posting from T&Cs on the Det. Contract Status, then :

      • if Allow Down Payment Posting=Yes, then it will run the filter on contract lines to process only lines with flag Line with down payment=Yes

      • If it is Allow Partial Credit Posting=Yes, so it runs the filter on the contract lines to process only the lines with the flag Partial Credit=Yes

    • Row processing :

      • If the line has flag Recalculation Settlement=A or Partial Credit=A and at the same time Amount on Line < 0, the line is charged immediately (just as if it were billed manually). Posting RS, PC line from payment calendar see lower in description.

      • If the previous point is not met, the values from the row are written to the buffer

      • If it's up to the customer in the Payment Billing Method=Separately for contracts, the buffer is charged immediately after filling with one line (an individual sales invoice is created), otherwise, the buffer is gradually filled with rows of all contracts of the given customer and is charged by the buffer posting task only after all the customer's contracts have passed.

      • When posting the buffer, the value of the field Method of invoicing payments from the Customer is taken into account. According to this value, grouping occurs and one or more invoices are created, i.e. e.g. if the grouping of invoices per customer is set. The customer has 20 contracts that match the filter. The task gradually goes through 20 contracts, in case it finds out that the necessary settings (number series, dimensions, etc.) are missing for posting, it does not post any invoice and the failure is recorded in the Posting Log. If there is no setting for sending invoices, the system will post the invoice and the failure will be recorded in the Posting Log. 

      •  The invoice is created, the lines are filled in according to the OneCore Posting Setup and posted. If set, they will also generate attachments after posting and send an email with them.

        • When filling lines into invoice lines, the system searches for posting in OneCore Posting Settings (PD Finance Settings).

          • Ak is in the Service Contract Settings field Check for Billing Invoicing Difference:

          • WELL (in Service Contract Setup, in the Check for Billing Invoicing Difference field)

            • The system fills the invoice lines according to the OneCore posting settings for the given posting group. If the settings are missing, the invoice for the customer is not posted, the system writes the failure to the Posting Log and moves on to the next customer. 

          • YESas well as the role of Post Financing Payment with service:

            • Rolls over contract payment calendars that match the filter specified in the dialog box when the task is run.

            • for field group: No. 1 group: Principal, Interest The system looks for the corresponding line in OneCore Posting Settings. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 1 must be equal to the prepared invoice line. If the difference is positive or negative, it will create an invoice line for group 1. The line will be filled:

            • Account: from settings (same account for all groups)

            • VAT: from settings (same settings for all groups)

            • A value with a different value (positive or negative)

        • For field group: No. 2 group: insurance searches for the corresponding row in OneCore Posting Settings. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 2 must be equal to the prepared invoice lines. If the difference is positive or negative, the system creates an invoice line for group 2

          • The row will be filled in the same way as for group No. 1 flax with the difference value

        • For field group: No. 3 group– services searches for the corresponding line in the Posting setup. The sum of the found values from the payment calendar for group No. 3 must be equal to the prepared invoice line. If the difference is positive or negative, the system creates an invoice line for group 3

          • The row will be filled in the same way as for group No. 1 flax with a value difference. Vid example no. 1 below.

      • During Processing Payments flagged with RS (non-calculation line), PC (partial credit note upon returning the vehicle) = YES :

        • If the amount is negative, the system checks in the Contract with Service Setup field Do not post credit memo from payment calendar, when it is:

          • YES

            • The system creates a non-posted credit memo as described in Chapter IV. 13.3

            • Original Invoice No. on the PC line, the system fills into the line of the unposted credit memo

          • WELLNO

            •  Creates a posted individual credit memo.

            • The numbering of the document is according to the settings on the Contract Model.

      • When creating a partial credit memo, the system populates the fields in the payment calendar – Applies to Document No. with the document with which the last payment was posted and the credit memo is created from it.

      • The header of the credit memo will be filled with the original document number, if it is a mass invoice (from which the PC line was created):

        • Closed, i.e. not open, the system will not fill in the Type and No. of Applies-to Credit Memo document.

        • It is open, the system fills in the Type and number of the settlement document on the credit memo.

        • When posting, the system checks: The sum of all items (principal, interest, insurance, services, VAT to principal, VAT interest, VAT insurance, VAT services) minus Amount including VAT = result must be 0.

          • If the sum is not 0, the system writes an error message: "Row balance is not settled LC No. ...: 10181113 Row type: Payment Regular number: 1910"

  • After posting the invoice, the table on the Customer card checks the Customer's Invoice Sending Method, where it searches for Invoicing Type: Payment, Document Type: depending on whether it is an invoice or a credit note. Generates an external structured attachment and the name of the attachment from the given line, as long as it is specified

  • After creating attachments, whether they are set on the customer to send, it takes into account the settings in the Invoicing Print Settings, where it searches for the report for the document, the body of the mail, the subject and the Job responsiibility.

  • After posting as an aj after sending, success or failure is recorded in the Posting Log

  • The system also changes the value of the Reference Date field in the contract header to the current system date.

  • When the invoicing job ends, the system opens a message about X successful and Y unsuccessful posting of invoices. You wish to open the Posting Log. If you select Yes, the Posting Log opens with a filter on the records created during the job run.


  • After posting a mass invoice for payments, the system writes the following into the payment calendar:

    • Zúčtovací datum / Posting Date

    • Datum DPH / VAT Date

    • Datum splatnosti / Due Date

After sending, if the customer card was set in the field Mass Sending Sale Documents = Mass Invoice is:


Contract with Service Setup


Change OC Posting Settings


If the system finds a difference, it will display a system message (when manually posting an installment from a payment calendar)


If bulk invoicing ended in an error and an invoice wasn't generated, you need to fix the errors and rerun invoicing.

A more detailed description of the vid chapter Posting Error Log.


More detail description is in chapter

Posted Bulk Sales Invoice for Installments 

If invoicing is successful, one or more posted Sales Invoices will be generated, depending on the customer's invoicing type that is set.


To press the invoice, the fields are filled in Typ tlače faktury = Installment Invoice Print Type = Payment. According to this type, the system selects Invoicing Printout Settings, described in Chapter II. Print and send saleable documents.   
