The user enters a number sequence for each range used. Setting up number sequences is described in Nastavení Číselných řad No. Series Setup
Default tab
Rounding of Annual Premium/Monthly Premium/ Pro Rata (Year Ins./ Month Ins./ ProRata Rounding Method)
Here, the user selects the rounding method for annual premium, monthly premium, and pro rata
Base Framework Agreement Type (Base Framework Agreement Type Code)
The user selects the type of framework agreement that the system will use when automatically creating an individual insurance contract from the incoming premium.
Default Individual Contract Duration (Default Individual Contract Duration)
The user enters a time formula according to which the validity of the individual insurance contract will be calculated
Default Object Usage Type (Default Object Usage Type)
The user selects a type from the usage code list, which the system pre-fills in the typesetting. The user can change it at the rate
Default Variant Code (Default Variant Code)
The user enters the default variant. When you create a new insurance company product, the system creates this default variant automatically.
For automatically created fuses (e.g. removed items), the system takes the variant from this field. The field cannot be empty. If it is necessary to create both third-party liability and property insurance policies for the removed items, the same varinta code must be entered in the settings of both insurance company products.