Calculation Type
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Meaning described in the chapter for the product
Part Payment Period
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Product Type Financing with Services = No, not otherwise
Financing Term – min
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user can only enter a higher value than the one drawn from the financing product
Financing Term – max
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Financing Term – step
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is editable
Financing Term – default
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
The user can change the default value of the duration in months, when the value must be greater than the value of the Financing Period – min field and less than the value of the Financing Period – max field and according to the Financing Period – step field
Distance Unit
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Editable only if the Financing Product Type field is Contract with Services=Y, otherwise not
This is the default value for the calculation
Max. Contr. Distance Tolerance (Max. Contr. Distance Tolerance)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Upper Tolerance
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product TypeE field Financing with Services = Yes and if the Upper Tolerance % field is zero, otherwise non-editable
The user can change the value in the field, which must be less than or equal to the value of the Max. Contractual Distance Tolerance field
Upper Tolerance %
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, and if the Upper Tolerance field is empty, otherwise not editable
The user can change the value in the field
Lower Tolerance
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes and if the zero field is Lower Tolerance %, otherwise not editable
The user can change the value in the field, which must be less than or equal to the value of the Max. Contractual Distance Tolerance field
Lower Tolerance %
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, and if the Lower Tolerance field is empty, otherwise not editable
The user can change the value in the field
Lower Tolerance Limit
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
The user can change the lower tolerance of the operating units. The value of the field limits the number of unfinished KM when the leasing company has yet to refund the client's money.
Calculate APR
Default Value = No
Depending on this flag, the OC will not (No) / will (Yes) calculate the APR (annual percentage rate of charge according to the requirements of legislation) in the contract
On tabs, it is editable only if Financing Type = Financial leasing or Credit / Loan
Calculate IRR
Default Value = No
Depending on this flag, the OC will not (No)/will (Yes) calculate the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) in the contract
On tabs, it is editable only if Financing Type = Financial leasing or Credit / Loan
Recalculation Settlement Type
It takes the default value from the financing product.
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Changes the user's choice of options manually if they need to
The system will then take this over into the financing contract. Use in wizard for contract recalculation – change of time and mileage (for contracts with Financing with Services = Yes)
Do Not Recalculate
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Typefield Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Turned on by the user if he/she wants this flag to be transferred to the calculation when creating a calculation from the given template (for the use of the flag, see Změny smlouvy Contract Changes).
Recalculation Period
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Meaning described in the chapter on the financing product