V OC na výmaz služby slouží tlačítko Delete na přehlede Contract Services (je možné zmazat pouze službu z který nebylo nic zaúčtované, typicky před aktivaci smlouvy):
Po potvrzení systém vykoná kontrolu, či daná služba má Povinná služba (Mandatory Service)=Y:
Pokud ne, službu zmaže
In the OC, the Delete button on the Contract Services overview is used to delete a service (it is only possible to delete a service from which nothing has been posted, typically before the contract is activated):
After confirmation, the system will check whether the service has Mandatory Service=Y:
If not, it will delete the service
If so, it will display the message: "This is a mandatory service. Approval is required for deletion. Continue?”Po potvrzení službu zmaže"
After confirmation, it deletes the service.