The customer form in BC is divided into tabs:
Basic information about the customer (name, address, obligation, salesperson code, etc.)
Address & Contact
Customer's communication data (telephone, fax, e-mail, correspondence address)
Customer invoicing setup (billing, payer, etc.)
Set up the customer's payment methods (payment terms, payment methods, etc.)
Set up the customer's delivery method (consignee, reservation, delivery method, etc.)
Operative Leasing
Records of data related to operating leases
Automatic Apply
Setup for the Apply Customer Ledger Entries batch job
Important buttons on the customer card
Process Group
The user can record the notes about a given customer, which are available, to all OC users.
The link opens the customer's list of financing contracts with a filter for the customer's number
Insurance Contracts
opens the list of insurance contracts of the given customer with a filter to the customer number
Framework Contracts
An overview of the customer's master agreements opens with a filter for the customer number (see chapter Customer Master Agreements)
Credit Limits
opens an overview of the customer's credit limits (see chapter Customer Credit Limits)
opens an overview of the customer's guarantees (see chapter Guarantees)
Customer Group
opens the list of contacts of the given customer (from which the customer was created as well as the customer's contact persons)
Bank Accounts
opens the list of bank accounts of the customer, where it is possible to create these bank accounts as well
General Tab
Basic information about the customer (number, VAT number, name, balance, liability, etc.)
No. (No.)
Specifies the customer number. This field is either filled in automatically from the defined number sequence or entered manually if you have enabled manual input in the number sequence settings.
Specifies the name of the customer. This name appears on all sales documents for the customer.
VAT Registration No.
Tax ident. Customer number. Linked to VAT ID on contact
Detail Type
A contact can charge with values:
Company Detail
In the wizard for creating a partner, the value of Business partner in the Type field
Person Detail
In the wizard for creating a partner, the value of Contact person in the Type field
The detail type determines whether the contact is a company (the entity we do business with) or just a person. This means, for example, that the customer can be a private person, i.e. it is a Type of Person and a detail of the Company.
Legal Form Code
The field is used to record the legal form of the contact (e.g. PO entrepreneur, FON – natural person not entrepreneur, FOP – natural person entrepreneur, etc.).
Legal Subjectivity Code
The field is used to select the legal personality of the contact. According to the selected legal subjectivity, editable fields are set in BC.
Specifies the payment amount that the customer owes for the completed sale. This value is also known as customer balance.
Balance (LCY) As Vendor
Specifies the payment amount that the customer owes for the completed sale. This value is also known as customer balance.
Balance Due
Specifies payments from the customer that are overdue relative to today's date.
Credit Limit (LCY)
Specifies the maximum amount that will allow the customer to exceed the payment balance before the warning is issued.
Liability (LCY)
Calculated field, the amount of liabilities for the customer's contracts in the local currency.
After clicking, the records from which the liability was calculated for the given customer will be displayed ("Customer Liability" records filtered to the customer number will be displayed).
For a detailed description of the calculation of the obligation, see the separate chapter below.
Closed (Blocked)
Specifies which transactions with the customer can't be processed, for example, because the customer is insolvent.
Closed-Privacy Blocked
Specifies whether access to data subject data should be restricted during day-to-day operations. This is useful, for example, when protecting data from changes as part of privacy controls.
VIP Category
Specifies a category that can affect the amount of the Fee Discount when issuing fee invoices
Salesperson Code
Specifies the code for the salesperson who is typically in charge of the customer
Total Sales - Fiscal Year
Specifies the total sales turnover with the customer for the current fiscal year. This is calculated from the amounts excluding VAT on all completed and open invoices and credit memos.
Costs (LCY)
Specifies how much cost you incurred on sales for the customer in the current fiscal year.
Profit (LCY)
Specifies how much profit you have earned from the customer in the current fiscal year.
Profit % (Profit %)
Specifies how much profit you have earned per customer in the current fiscal year, expressed as a percentage of total sales to the customer.
Last Date Modified
Specifies when the customer card was last modified.
Changed By
Specifies when the customer card was last modified.
Addresses and Contact Tab
The tab cannot be edited on the customer card, Address changes must be transferred to the contact card by adding a new registration or correspondence address.
Customer Address (Street and House Number)
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Address 2 (Address)
Additional Address Information
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Post Code (Post Code)
Postal code from the contact's registration address
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Kraj (Country)
Region from Contact Registration Address
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
City from the contact's registration address
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Country/Region Code
Country from Contact Registration Address
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Correspondence Address Code
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Address from Koresp. Contact Addresses (Street and House Number)
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Post Code (Post Code)
Postal code from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
A town from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Country/Region Code
Land from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Phone No.
Specifies the phone number of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
non-editable field
Mobil Phone No.
Specifies the contact's mobile phone number
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
E-mail (Email)
Specifies the e-mail address of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
Fax No.
Specifies the fax number of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
Home Page
Specifies the contact's site
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
Correspondence Type
Specifies the preferred type of correspondence for the interaction
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
Language Code
Specifies the language that will be used to translate specified text on documents for foreign business partners, such as the product description on an order confirmation, or to select layouts for interactions and emails
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contact
Field editable
Invoicing tab
Customer invoicing setup (posting details, VAT number, customer posting group, etc.)
Specifies another customer to be invoiced for the items that you sell to the customer in the Name field on the customer card.
VAT Registration No.
Specifies the customer VAT number for customers in EU countries/regions.
Registration No. (Registration No.)
Specifies the customer identification number
Possibility to verify the Registration Address by clicking on the three dots
Personal ID No.
Specifies the customer's social security number
The value is drawn from the customer's contact card
The field is non-editable, if the user wants to edit the value, he must edit the birth number on the contact card and it will also be written to the customer card
It determines the registration and identification number of economic operators, which is used in the exchange of information with customs authorities when conducting trade to or from the European Union.
Tax Registration No.
Specifies the secondary VAT number for the customer.
Specifies the customer in connection with sending the electronic document.
Global Location No.
The Global Location Number in the GS1 System is designed to identify objects or entities within the supply chain. It is necessary for the identification of business partners in EDI communication and for GDSN. Only the standard 13-digit number structure can be used for it.
Use GLN in Electronic Documents
Specifies whether the GLN is used as an identification number in electronic documents.
Copy Customer Address to Quote
Specifies which customer address is inserted on sales quotes that you create for the customer
Posting Details
Gen. Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
Specifies the customer's store type to link this customer's transactions to the corresponding general ledger account according to the general posting setup.
VAT Bus. Posting Group)
Specifies the customer's VAT specification to link the transaction that was created for this customer.
Customer Posting Group
Specifies the type of customer market to link to business transactions
Allow Multiple Posting Groups
Specifies whether multiple posting groups can be used to post business transactions for this customer.
Prices & Discounts
Currency Code
Specifies the default currency for the customer.
Customer Price Group
Specifies the code of the customer's price group, which is used to set up special sales prices in the Sales Price window
Customer Disc. Group
Specifies the code of the customer discount group that can be used to set up a special discount in the Sales Line Discount window.
Allow Line Disc.
Specifies whether a sales series discount is calculated when a special sales price is offered according to the settings in the Sales Prices table.
Prices Including VAT (Prices Including VAT)
Specifies whether to show the Unit Price and Line Amount fields on document lines with or without VAT.
Mass Sending Sale Documents
Mass Sending Sale Documents
Values from which the user can choose and sales documents will be sent in bulk:
Bulk Jobs
Periodic Task
Periodic Task ZIP
Stop Sending (Stop Sending)
Default value = No
If the user changes to = YES, the running task "Mass sending of documents" will skip and will not send such a customer and the documents to the customer
Foreign trade
Transaction Type
Specifies the default transaction type for Intrastat reporting purposes.
Transaction Specification
Specifies the default transaction specification for Intrastat reporting purposes.
Transport Method
Specifies the default transport type for the purpose of reporting in Intrastat
Payments tab
Set up the customer's payment methods (payment terms, payment methods, etc.)
Payment Terms Code
If a Payment terms code has been set up on the customer template, it is taken into this field.
This payment terms code is not used to determine the payment terms for customer payments.
Financing Payment Terms Code
Empty by default.
Specifies the due date of payments in the contract payment calendar.
If this field is empty, the Payment Terms Code from the General Terms and Conditions of the Financing Contract will be transferred to the Financing Contracts.
After manual editing, the system executes:
After validation, the field looks for contracts that are for the customer and have a blank framework agreement number. If it finds one, it displays the dialog "Customer has contracts. Do you want to make a change to contracts as well?". If the user confirms, they will update the Payment Terms Code on the respective contracts. If they do not confirm, the change will remain written only on the customer card.
Sales Price Payment Terms Code
Empty by default.
Field specifies the due date of the sales price in the contract payment calendar (for financial leasing)
If this field is blank, the Sales Price Payment Terms Code from the General Terms and Conditions of the Financing Agreement is taken over to the financing contracts.
The user can set a different due date for a specific customer than other customers. After manually editing the Sales Price Payment Terms Code on the customer, the system executes:
After validation, the field searches for contracts that are for that customer. If it finds one, it displays the dialog "Customer has contracts. Do you want to make a change to contracts as well?". If the user confirms, they will update the Sales Price Payment Terms Code on the respective contracts. If they do not confirm, the change will remain written only on the customer card.
Reminder Terms Code
Empty by default.
Specifies how to debit receivables from the financing contract
If this field is empty, the Reminder Terms Code from the General Terms and Conditions of the Financing Agreement will be transferred to the financing contracts.
If the user changes the value of the field manually or by selecting from the reminder codes, the OC will check whether the customer has created calculations or contracts that have a blank framework agreement number
If not, the OC will change the reminder code without a message.
If so, the OC will display the message "The customer has contracts. Do you wish to make a change to the contracts?"
If the user confirms Yes, the OC will change the reminder code on all customer agreements on which the Master Agreement No. (4026670) = Blank.
If the user confirms No, the OC will change the reminder code only on the customer.
Fin. Charge Terms Code
Empty by default.
Specifies how to penalty receivables from the financing contract
If this field is empty, the Finance Charge Terms Code from the General Terms and Conditions of the Financing Agreement will be transferred to the financing contracts.
If a special penalty condition is agreed with the customer, the OC will execute:
After validation, the field looks for contracts that are for the customer and have a blank framework agreement number. If it finds one, it displays the dialog "Customer has contracts. Do you want to make a change to contracts as well?". If the user confirms, they will update the "Finance Charge Terms Code" on the given contracts. If they do not confirm, the change will remain written only on the customer card.
Datum posledního výpisu Last Statement Date
Specifies the date when the last statement was generated in the system
Shipping Tab
Ship-to Code
Specifies the code for a shipping address other than the customer's own address, which is entered by default
Location Code
Specifies the default location to process sales to this customer.
Combine Shipments
Specifies whether multiple orders delivered to a customer can appear on the same sales invoice.
Specifies whether items for this customer will be rebooked never, automatically (Always), or optionally.
Recommended Delivery (Shipping Advice)
Specifies whether the customer accepts partial deliveries of orders.
Shipment Method
Specifies the mode of delivery that is used when the items are delivered to the customer.
Shipping Agent Code
Specifies which shipping company is used when the items are delivered to the customer.
Shipping Agent Service Code
Specifies the code for the carrier service to use for this customer
Shipping Time
Specifies how long it takes from dispatch from the warehouse to delivery of the item.
Base Calendar Code
Specifies a customizable calendar for supply scheduling that includes the customer's working days and holidays.
Customized Calendar
Specifies that you have created your own version of the base calendar
Operative Leasing Tab
The tab sets up invoice grouping for individual invoicings.
Fuel and Maintenance Billing Method
Mass Fuel Card Invoicing and Mass Service Invoicing groups invoices by value.
For Customer
Per Business Location
Per contract
For Customer and Calculation Type
Per Framework Agreement
Payments Billing Method
The Posting Financing Installments and Posting Financing Installments with Services mass task groups invoices based on the selected value.
Separately for a contract
Collectively for Customer
Collectively for the customer's business location
Collectively for Customer and Calc. Type
Collectively for a framework agreement
A more detailed signature can be found in the Fakturace prodej
Acquisition Segment
Non-editable field
Empty by default
Value from the Acquisition Segments table according to the number of customer's tradable assets in the Customer Potential Items table
The Acquisition Segment Code will be entered into the field
Automatic Apply Tab
The setting is used in the Apply Customer Ledger Entries task described in Finance BC22.
The fields on this tab are described in Nastavení Finance BC22.