BC has several periods for different modules of the system.

It is important to have two periods set for OCs:

MS regularly updates the documentation for this setting area. Documentation valid for BC22 is available at the following link:

Working with Accounting Periods and Fiscal Years - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Core Localization Pack for Czech - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Dependencies and assumptions

The posting and reporting option depends on the period settings.

Description of the documented area

Accounting periods

Accounting periods, which are also known as reporting periods, are periods for which a company or organization reports financial performance, such as by generating an income statement or balance sheet. Accounting periods typically refer to a company's fiscal year, which can contain several accounting periods, such as months or quarters.

For many companies, the fiscal year is not aligned with the calendar year. For example, a fiscal year might end on June 30 instead of December 31. For newly created companies, the fiscal period may actually be more than 12 months.

BC requires an accounting period only if you want to close the income statement or run data compression jobs.

You can use accounting periods in reports. For example, if you are reviewing posted entries on the G/L Balance/Budget page, where you can specify a reporting interval. This is one of the options that you can specify for reporting by accounting period. You can also create an accounting plan that compares results for different accounting periods.

The Accounting Periods table can be accessed from the Manual Setup list, or from the General Ledger Setup table in the General tab, or by searching for the table using the magnifying glass.

Creating an accounting period

There are two ways to create a new posting period:

Closing accounting periods

Accounting periods can be closed using the Close Year batch job on the Process tab.

Closing Year is one of the tasks for closing the ledger. When you close the fiscal year, check boxes are selected for all periods in the year Closed and Date Locked. You can't reopen the year or clear the check boxes.

You must always have at least one open fiscal year. When closing the year, make sure that a new year has been created. Also note that once one year has been closed, you cannot change the start date of the following year.

Although the fiscal year is closed, you can still post general ledger entries to the fiscal year. When you do so, the entries are marked as posted to the closed fiscal year, and the check box is selected Prior-Year Entry. The next step is to close the income statement accounts and transfer the annual results to an account on the balance sheet. Repeat these steps each time you post entries to a closed fiscal year.

VAT Periods

The VAT reporting period and the company's accounting periods can often be different. To enable users to seamlessly report and account for VAT by VAT reporting period, as well as to issue internal and other statutory reporting based on accounting periods, this feature introduces VAT Periods.

Table VAT Periods is available from the Manual Setup list or by searching for the table through the magnifying glass.

New Period You can create:

Closing the VAT Period It occurs automatically after the VAT settlement is calculated and posted. You can also close VAT periods manually in the VAT Periods table (manually closing and reopening VAT periods is not recommended).