Setting up the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central information system is a basic prerequisite for the proper functioning of the processes and functions implemented in the system.
Without the settings, it is not possible to migrate the initial data or use the follow-up functions to process your own records.
The settings can be divided into several groups according to the criterion – general description:
Criterion | Group | Example | Note |
Common / Local | Common (global) code lists | Contacts | All clients use a common code list and it is not advisable to delete/change/add codes without synchronizing with each other. |
| Local dials | Accounting system | Compatibility (e.g. code structure) with other clients may be required in local code lists |
Dial Type | Module Settings | General Ledger Setup | The table always contains 1 record, in which parameters affecting the operation of the whole module are stored |
| Dial | Currencies | The code list contains a list of used codes and their descriptive or additional data |
| Settings (Session) | VAT Posting Setup | These setting tables are based on existing code lists (e.g. the code list of VAT product posting groups and VAT business posting groups) and define additional parameters for the combination of these codes (it is used mainly for setting billing parameters) |
Area of application of the dial | System | User Group | Code list necessary for the basic functioning of the system (user access, ..) |
| General | Currencies | The dial is used in multiple modules together |
| Region-specific code lists | VAT Prod. Posting Group | The code list is used for a specific area of the system (e.g. VAT registration and accounting) |
The setting is the responsibility of the leasing company, SEY only provides cooperation
Keeping the code list up-to-date among databases is also the responsibility of the leasing company
If there are more clients in the system, the settings must be compatible with other clients in the area of common code lists (i.e. code lists used by all clients within the implemented system).
There are two ways to set this up from the perspective of monitoring table readiness:
Via Manual Setup
The disadvantage is that monitoring the readiness of individual dials is only possible via xls (by exporting the Manual Setup overview to xls).
The advantage is a simpler form of overview.
Via the Configuration Worksheet
The SEY prefers this method of setting control
The configuration workbook is part of a broader functionality called Rapid Start
The advantage is that via Configuration Setup it is possible to assign e.g. Category (Low, Medium, High, Unused), responsible analyst of the supplier, responsible user of the customer and other values to individual tables
This is the recommended method from the supplier's side.
Both methods contain the same code lists, the only difference is the method of registration.
Additional Notes:
The scope of the settings is different for each leasing company, depending on the financial products provided, work processes, etc.
The list of code lists contains only the main (header) tables. In the case of so-called follow-up tables, the user always has access to these tables from the main table.
Dials/settings are available via:
magnifying glass for searching (only those dials that are "pulled" in the menu)
Manual Setup
Configuration worksheet
In the following chapters, the work with Manual setup as well as with the Configuration Worksheet is described.
After clicking on the Setup/Manual Setup option, a list of settings will be displayed (the names in ABC will be in order).
The name of the given table/code list. When clicked, the dial will open
A short description of the content of the given dial
The area in which the code list is assigned
Keywords for the content of the given dial
Expected Duration
The expected duration of the dial setting.
Readiness monitoring is possible by exporting the report to xls and further recording the necessary data in an xls file.
The configuration workbook can be opened:
Through the magnifying glass by typing Configuration Sheet
Via the extended menu ("three lines" button)/Explore all
The configuration workbook is filled in by the supplier (SEY), its updating in the case of adding new tables will be done by the leasing company.
Below we describe only some of the most important fields and functions.
Line Type
You can choose from the following values:
Area – registration character only
Group – registration character, but if the individual tables are part of the so-called Rapid packages, it is recommended that Group name=package name
Table – the lowest level, must contain detailed information about the table. Next, we'll describe the field values for this row type only.
Table ID
ID of the given code list, can be selected via lookup
The system fills in the name automatically after selecting the table ID according to the user's language.
If the user then switches languages, the name doesn't switch to the new language. If the user wants to update the name according to the currently set system language, he can do so using the Process/Update table names option.
Table Usage
You can select from the following values (ENUM):
Empty – set in the Group row
Standard BC – if the table is part of Standard Business Central
General OC – this table is part of the OneCore general settings
Contr. with Services (Contr. With Services) – the table is part of the contract settings with services
Insurance - the table is part of the OneCore module settings
Rent - the table is part of the settings of the Rent OneCore module
Editable only for Row Type=Table
It is possible to choose from values (according to the importance of the table, only subjective assessment)
Empty (default)
Not used – set if the table is not used in the conditions of a particular leasing company.
User ID supplier. (Vendor User ID)
Selection from User Setup, SEY analyst who consults on the settings.
User Name supplier. (Vendor User Name)
The name of the SEY analyst will be automatically filled in by the system from the Users table
User ID
User Setup, the user of the leasing company who is responsible for the settings.
User Name
The name of the given user will be automatically filled in by the system from the Users table
Migr. ID analytics (Migr. Analyst ID)
Select from User Setup, the user of the leasing company who is responsible for the migrations of the area.
Name migr. analytics (Migr. Analyst Name)
The name of the given user will be automatically filled in by the system from the Users table
Readiness %
It is possible to add a % estimate of the readiness of the given setting according to the subjective assessment of the responsible user of the leasing company
The value is always added by the responsible user of the leasing company
Relevant for Migration
Sets the user to A if the setting is relevant for migrations
Ready for Migration
Sets the user to A if the setting is ready for migrations
Ready for UAT
Sets the user to A if the setting is ready for UAT (user acceptance testing)
Ready for Business Portal (Ready for BP)
Set by the user to Y if the setting is ready for Business Portal
It is possible to add a text note (used by the vendor's analyst).
Note Fin. Company
It is possible to add a text note (used by the leasing company's analyst).
Complete To
to record the deadline by which the table setting will be completed
Page ID
Selection via lookup, add the ID page that should be opened when the settings are opened
Page Caption
Fills in the system automatically according to the page ID
Created At
The system will automatically fill in the datetime of the row creation
Other fields – the meaning is explained in the tooltips.
To open a given setting:
Via the Process menu/Open button
In the Package Tables factbox, click on the Number of items in the database.
After opening, the appropriate setting/dial is opened and the user can fill it in.
The responsibility for making the settings is fully on the side of the leasing company. The contractor will provide support in setting up (consultation and workshop) to the extent defined in the project delivery contract.
Setting up the system can be divided into two basic ways:
Manual setting – the setting is done manually, by entering data. If the leasing company decides to use the functionality of the Rapid Start tool to fill in certain tables, the use and correct setting of this tool is the sole responsibility of the leasing company
Batch setup – the setting is realized by data integration/import. This group may include code lists/tables for creating catalogue cards as well as the catalogue cards themselves (e.g. by importing from an external supplier)
We propose to set up the system according to individual areas (so-called Group):
For each area and table, a consultant is appointed on behalf of the supplier, who will suggest the possible non-use of the table in the terms and conditions of the given leasing company
For each area and table, it is necessary for the leasing company to designate a responsible person for its setup
The supplier's consultant will conduct a training workshop with the responsible person:
If it is possible (due to time constraints, complexity, availability of related settings, etc.) to set the table completely, this setting will be implemented during the training workshop
If it is not possible to make the complete settings, an explanation will be made at the training workshop with the creation of sample/sample records (settings), the rest of the settings will be done (ensured) by the responsible person of the client
Individual tables are classified into Groups. When setting up, we recommend following the sequence of settings by individual areas, but in some cases it will be necessary to adjust the order of the tables, or to set up the table in several steps.
A setup is considered complete when it is marked as complete in the Preparedness. That is, there is a column on the record Preparedness set to 100% (we recommend adding 100% after delivery and setting of all adjustments, especially before the start of UAT tests).