Released: 4.10.2024
App version: 22.1.241004.1200
Functional area | Description | ID |
Funding | Czech caption grammar correction in field Payment Calendar Type (20, Option) on API Loan Tranche Card. | 20940 |
General | Missing czech captions in various places. | 21259 |
Contract | Prohibition to copy the financing contract in the Status => Active. | 21342 |
Contract | Finanční vypořádání - Vícepředmětová smlouvy - vyúčtování předmětu | 21383 |
Rental | At the end of the function Mass Invoicing Rental is displayed only one message of the created documents (number of created documents is number of created invoices and credit memos together) | 21420 |
Contract | Correction of the functionality for depositing an extraordinary payment. | 21514 |
Insurance | Manual insurance rate improvements. | 6622 |