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App version:

Bug fixing


Functional area



Payment calendar (FL, L)

If the principal balance is changed, the API Change Principal Wizard save this value not only in the calculator but also in the last charged line of the payment calendar. Rows are correctly recalculated taking the “Change Principal Amount” into account.


Financial leasing wizard (FL)

Filter added to the wizard for Financial leasing creation to show only available assets.


Rent before return (Rental)

There was a fixed formula for the tile “Rent before return”. For filtering is now taken into consideration the Work date which is set in Settings decreased by number of days which are set in field Rent before return days (this field can be found in Rent Module Setup). In case of change the no. of days before return, the number displayed on tile can be updated after page reload. In case of testing environment is needed rollcentrum update (CTRL + F5).




Customer change (FL, L)

Change customer wizard does not include the button Show financing card anymore. In case there is Proposal status in fast tab Contract transfer and user enter Customer Change Wizard, system alerts the user that status needs to be changed in order to continue. User clicks on OK button and closes wizard manually to change the status from Proposal to Approved.


Factbox (Rental)

Fact box of the page Rent card was updated with new information. There is possible to see now Invoiced amount, screen was added some additional data into the fact box:

  • Total Rent Amount, which is calculating rent amount for all rented items

  • Invoiced Amount, which is calculating the amount of posted invoices for rent

  • Units Count - Beginning

  • Units Count - End

  • Consumed Units

  • Free Units

  • Posted Units

  • Price per Consumed Unit

  • Price per Posted Units


Financial Leasing contract (FL)

In case Financial leasing calculation was created via wizard without selecting object, values inserted in wizard: Object Description, Principal amount, Service, Insurance, Residual value are transferred into Object Lines in case it was entered during leasing creation.


Blocked item (Rental)

If we change “Blocked” to YES on the Item level, the Boolean “Rent Item” is changed to NO and the “Rent item” button will be manually not possible to edit unless the user changes the blocked value to NO. If item is not blocked, the user can decide whether the rent item value will be YES or NO.


Rental Setup (Rental)

Usage of some fields in Rental Setup has been adjusted.


Warranty - Discount % , Internal Reservation Nos. , Internal Rent Nos. have been hidden from Rent Module Setup, because it does not have further usability within the OC Rental app.

Reason Code for Invoice - this code is now visible on screen Posted Sales Invoice / Cred. Memo and Sales Invoice / Cred. Memo.

Mechanic Resource Group setup has now a usage in Rent lines, where is possible to select Rent Item Apposition [Mechanic] and insert delivery date and time and also Rent Item Pickup [Mechanic Code] with pickup date and time. Mechanic code is automatically populated. It works in a way that during creation of Resources we assign Mechanic Resource group. Then when creating new Reservation or Rent we are able to select created resources from the group which is selected in setup into already mentioned fields.


Change Principal Amount (L)

In case there is defined default value of Service Amount and Insurance Amount in a Financial Product definition. These values won’t be brought to the contract (in status calculation, offer, waiting for approval, approval) after change of Principal Amount. 



Payment calendar (FL, L)

User is not allowed to make a posting cancellation of the payment which is not the last one. Error message appears: “Payment Calendar Line cannot be canceled, there is the next posted line on Financing Contract No. 2021000019”



Rent Item Card (Rental)

During creation of Rent item offers function Import items with settings only those items which have boolean Rent Item = Yes.



Guarantees (FL, L)

Fast tab Guarantees was hidden from financing card. This section was useless because it was not linked to main Guarantee function and data inserted here were not saved into Contract Guarantees List. From Contract Guarantee object Card function was hidden Boolean Financed object because in app we do not use catalog during creation of Loans.



Mass invoicing rental (Rental)

  1. it is not possible to "Make Rent" or "Release" from a reservation that has no lines. In this case an error appears: "Reservation .. has no items." A reservation which has no lines can be deleted via the trash icon.

  1. it is not possible to make a "Release" for a rent which is in status “New” that does not contain any lines. A warning will appear: "Rent .. has no items." This rent can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon.

  1. mass invoicing started by task 70502803 - Mass Invoicing Rental (Job queue entries) skips rents that are in the state "Released" and "Finished" with no lines and make an invoice for the next entry, it means this batch job will not fail on empty rent

  1. mass invoicing started by the task "Mass Invoicing Rental" skips rents that are in the state "Released" and "Finished" with no lines and make an invoice for the next record, it means this batch job will not fail on empty rent

  1. if there are empty rents created in the past that are in "Finished" or "Cancelled" status, we have the option to delete them with the trash icon button or via page rent list “Delete” button or using option “Delete” hidden under three dots placed next to Rent no.



Extraordinary payment wizard (L)

Extraordinary payment wizard was hidden from Home menu, because it works the same way as Change Principal Amount wizard. There was hidden section Action/Changes where was placed the function “Extraordinary payment wizard”



Agreed Payment Amount (FL, L)

“Agreed payment amount”  was hidden from Financing product page, Financial card page and from the wizard Create Calc. Wizard CRE because this functionality does not have any further usage in OC App at the moment.



General terms and conditions (FL, L)

We hided column “Proper termination fee” as there is not developed functionality for invoicing proper termination fee for closing contracts.



Import Items, FA (rental)

We added confirmation messages in order to notify user that import function run successfully (import function is placed under Actions>Rent Items>Actions>Import

>Import from Item

>Import from Fixed Asset



APR calculation (FL, L)

Fix for APR calculation.



No-object FL calculation (FL)

In case Financial leasing calculation was created via wizard without selecting object, values inserted in wizard: Object Description, Principal amount, Service, Insurance, Residual value are transferred into Object Lines in case it was entered during leasing creation.



Proper contract termination (FL, L)

Filter for tile Ending contracts has been adjusted. There are visible active a closing contracts, where Expected Termination Date <= WorkDate + No. of Days Bef ore Contract Term. We added also the confirmation message to confirm, that processing of the task Proper contract termination has been finished.



Payment calendar (FL)

In case we have a residual value, in payment calendar was service fee displayed in residual value line instead of payment line


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