When importing a data record, in addition to creating a fuel card transaction, the system also writes data to the invoice interface buffer. It creates one batch for each invoice in the file. One imported file can contain several invoices = several batches. Each batch is further processed separately.
In the "Invoicing Interface Buffer Overview" there is a list of all imported batches.
Above the overview of the invoicing interface buffer, it is possible to run the "To match" or "Update rows" function over one or more lines via Process.
By Origin Code (Source Code), set in the Invoicing interface for data records, the user will know what type of data record it is.
It is also possible to open the Invoice Interface Buffer Header from fuel card transactions. From the marked transaction line, click the Invoice Interface Buffer Header button.
The system will show an overview of batches for the file on the marked line.
Clicking on a row opens the batch card, which contains the header and lines.
Interface Invoice Buffer Header
In the header there are important data for the batch (invoice) from the data record. By clicking on the calculated field with the number of soft or hard errors, accepted errors or warnings, the system opens an overview of the rows that make up this number.
The header fields of the invoice interface stack are described in detail in the Maintenance Permissions and Bonuses in chapter Invoice Interface Buffer Header.
Interface Invoice Buffer Lines
The rows contain data from individual items of the data record. The lines also contain any error messages.
Important fields of the Invoice Interface Buffer Line for Tire Change Data Records:
Internal Doc. No. (Internal Doc. No.)
Document number from the imported record (Shell format, it is the first entry on the line, see chapter Data Record Form)
Description (Description)
A description composed of the data found during import, i.e.: the internal fuel card number (primary key) and the vendor number and item number from the data record
Licence Plate No. (Car Licence No.)
The system fills when importing from a data record (this is column 3=C)
If a user has detected an incorrectly entered vehicle registration number in a data sentence, they can edit here. Then it searches for the object and, if successful, fills in the VIN, object number and contract number and performs checks according to the template.
Financed Object No. (Financed Object No.)
The system fills in during import when searching for the financed object
Fuel Card No. (Fuel Card No.)
The system fills in when importing from an imported record
VAT Date (VAT Date)
The system completes the "Posting Date" that the user entered in the dialog window when starting the import
External Document No. (External Document No.)
The number assigned by the system when importing a dated sentence
Standard Purchase Code (Standard Purchase Code)
The system fills in the imported sentence based on the mapping of the item code and the country in the imported sentence
Odometer Status (Odometer Status)
Odometer status and imported records (We do not fill into the buffer line, only into the TK transaction)
Quantity (Quantity)
(We do not fill into the stack line, only into the TK transaction)
Amount (Amount)
By country code in the data record and Country/Region (Country/Region Code) in Company Information (Company Information). E.g. a Czech company has Countries/Areas = "CZ"
In case the data sentence contains "country code" = "CZ", the system will deduct tax from the total amount with VAT
In case the data sentence contains "country code" <> "CZ", "Amount" = Total price incl. VAT from the imported record
Processing Status (Processing Status)
If there was no error during the import
or a soft error has been accepted and the Update Rows function has been triggered
After you create a purchase invoice
In case of an error during import or further processing
Status Code (Status Code)
Status New corresponds to status code 100
The status of Processed corresponds to a status code of 200
There are two codes for the error processing status
400 is a soft error
300 is a hard mistake
I accept the error (Error Accepted)
A soft error can be flagged by the user and the system does not verify this line during further processing
Error Message (Error Message)
The system uses the system to describe any errors
For a single line, several errors can be detected during checks. Therefore, the system uses multiple fields for the error message
Assigned Document No. (Posted when Processed)
Filled in by the system after the purchase document is created
Amount from Document (Assigned Document No.)
Filled in by the system after the purchase document is created
Type of Processing (Type of Processing)
Filled in by the system during import according to the settings on the invoicing interface – in the case of importing refueling = "Fuel card"
File ID (File ID)
Identification of the imported file is assigned during import
If there is a soft error in the batch that the user accepts, it marks the line with the error I accept error and the system skips this line during subsequent checks. Only soft errors can be accepted.
If the hard error is caused by an incomplete setup, the user fills in the settings.
After completing the settings, you need to run the Update Rows function.
Update Rows
When you press the Update Rows The system goes through and checks the rows again. It does not check accepted errors, but sets the "processing status" on them to New.
It performs checks on the other rows. If the error has not already occurred in the rows, it changes the "processing status" in the batch rows to New.
A batch is ready for further processing when all lines are in processing status "New":
Process Function
In the OC above a batch in the billing interface buffer that is error-free (or only with an "accepted" soft error), the user runs the Process function:
The system creates an unposted purchase invoice. The user can view the document via the View document button.
The document is also written into the History of the processed data record.
When a non-posted purchase invoice is created, the system also writes the odometer status to the Odometer Status History.
To record the odometer status from fuel card transactions, the following applies:
Area (Area) = Fuel card
Document No. (Document No.) = Fuel Card Transaction No.
If the user deletes an unposted purchase invoice, the system also records the odometer status history related to this purchase invoice.
The user can post the purchase invoice after the review.
The system writes the number of both unposted and posted purchase invoices into the relevant fuel card transactions.