RC OneCore – Rent car Dispatcher
V RC In RC OneCore – Rent Car Dispatcher jsou vytaženy volby pro správu modulu Autopůjčovny , there are options for managing the Car Rental module (Rent) – detailní popis jednotlivých voleb je popsán v a detailed description of each option is described in Autopůjčovna
Reservations - new
otevírá přehled nových rezervací
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Nové
Typ smlouvy = Rezervace
Rezervace - vydané (Reservations - released)
otevírá přehled vydaných rezervací
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Vydané
Typ smlouvy = Rezervace
Rezervace - stornované (Reservations - cancelled)
otevírá přehled stornovaných rezervací
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Zrušené
Typ smlouvy = Rezervace
Rezervace - hotovo (Reservations - closed)
otevírá přehled uzavřených rezervací
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Hotovo
Typ smlouvy = Rezervace
Výpůjčky - nové (Rent - new)
otevírá přehled nový výpůjček
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Nové
Typ smlouvy = Pronájem
Výpůjčky - vydané (Rent - released)
otevírá přehled vydaných výpůjček
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Vydané
Typ smlouvy = Pronájem
Výpůjčky - ukončené (Rent - finished)
otevírá přehled ukončených výpůjček
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = Hotovo
Typ smlouvy = Pronájem
Výpůjčky - fakturované (Rent - invoiced)
otevírá přehled vyfakturovaných výpůjček
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = New
Typ smlouvy = Pronájem
Výpůjčky - vše (Rent - all)
otevírá přehled všech výpůjček
filtrace na
Stav smlouvy = New
opens an overview of new reservations
Filtration on
Contract Status = New
Contract Type = Reservation
Reservations - released
opens the list of issued reservations
Filtration on
Contract Status = Released
Contract Type = Reservation
Reservations - cancelled
opens an overview of canceled reservations
Filtration on
Contract Status = Cancelled
Contract Type = Reservation
Reservations - closed
opens the list of closed reservations
Filtration on
Contract Status = Done
Contract Type = Reservation
Rent - new
Opens the New Rent List
Filtration on
Contract Status = New
Contract Type = Lease
Rent - released
Opens an overview of issued loans
Filtration on
Contract Status = Released
Contract Type = Lease
Rent - finished
opens an overview of terminated loans
Filtration on
Contract Status = Done
Contract Type = Lease
Rent - invoiced
opens an overview of invoiced loans
Filtration on
Contract Status = Invoiced
Contract Type = Lease
Rent - all
opens an overview of all loans
Filtration on
Contract Type = Lease
Reservations - today
opens an overview of new reservations
Filtration on
Contract Status = New, Released
Contract Type = Reservation
Rent from <= current date
Rent - expired
opens an overview of expired loans, when the current date >= Rent To
Filtration on
Contract Status = Released
Contract Type = Lease
Rent To <= current date
Rent - before return
opens an overview of rentals X days before the planned return. X is set in the General settings of the car rental company in the Return Toleration field
Filtration on
Contract Status = Invoiced
Contract Type = Lease
Rent To <= Current Date - Car Return Toleration
The other concepts of the role of the center are explained in Autopůjčovna