Creating a Calculation Input for Purchase Price and Entry Fee
The system creates a calculation input for the purchase price automatically according to the value entered in the Input Price field in the Create Contract Wizard. In the same way, it will also create a calculation input for the entry fee according to the value in the Entry fee excl. VAT field.
from the course card using the Calculation Inputs button (Elements section) and the New button on the Contract Calculation Inputs form
from the menu tab using the Calculation Inputs button (Elements section) and the New button on the Contract Calculation Inputs form. The difference from method 1 is that the user has to select the financing object number manually on the calculation input and cannot create the calculation input without the object number if the selected Calculation input type contains the flag Mandatory from object = A.
Calculation Input Card
General tab:
Financing Contract No.
Automatically fills in the OC with the number of the contract from which the input is based
Object No.
Fills in the OC automatically if the input is created in method 1 or 2 (from the item card)
If the input is based in Method 3, the user selects. It is mandatory if the flag Mandatory from Subject = A was on the calculation input type
Row No.
Fills up the system automatically
Calc. Type Code Entry
The user selects the code of the calculation input type from the Calculation Input Types code list. After entering the code, the system fills in the default settings from the calculation input type.
Description of calc. type Entry
Fills in the OC automatically according to the code of the calculation input type as an informative value
Calc. input variant
Adds OC automatically according to the type of calculation input
Values = empty, Purchase price, Purchase price change, Grant, Fee, Commission, VAT - delivery of goods
Calculation Input Type
Fills in the OC automatically according to the type of calculation input as an informative value
Base Amount
The user manually enters the height of the calculation input without VAT
In case the financing product of the contract from which the contract was created is set to Max. Loan to Value (LTV) %, system for the calculation input type, specified in the LTV field for the calc type. input in the financing product table, checks whether the amount of the financed value is within the limit. If the condition is not met, the system displays an error message and does not allow the calculation input to be saved
VAT Amount
Fills in the system automatically when creating a calculation input (description in wizard)
Amount incl. VAT
Completes the system automatically as Base Amount + VAT Amount
Amount Paid By Customer %
Editable only if Financing Type = Loan
Fills in the system automatically from the wizard
The user can change and then the system automatically recalculates Amount paid by customer = Purchase price incl. VAT x (Amount paid by customer % /100)
Amount paid by customer
Editable only if Financing Type = Loan
Fills in the system automatically from the wizard
The user can change and then the system automatically recalculates Amount paid by customer % = Amount paid by customer x 100 / Purchase price incl. VAT
Financed Value
It fills in the system automatically when creating a calculation input (description in the wizard) or when changing the input if To calculation=YES
Non-editable for all types of financing
It counts:
Financing Type = FL, OL, SP: Base Amount
Financing Type = Credit: Amount incl. VAT - Amount paid by customer
Sum Insured
It calculates OC automatically if To Insurance = A and depending on the parameter Sum insured without VAT = Y/N
The user can change the amount
Calculation Amount
It calculates OC automatically if To Calculation = A
To Acquisition
Tightens the OC automatically according to the Calculation Input Type Code
If the value is:
Yes (in combination with To Calculation=A and Local Calculation=A)
The given calculation input goes into the principal
No (in combination with To Calculation=A and Local Calculation=A)
The given calculation input is entered into the interest of the contract (the calculation is functional only via the contract payment calendar)
To Depreciation
Tightens the OC automatically according to the Calculation Input Type Code
If the value is
When using special tasks to create property cards, the system will use the calculation input marked with this flag
Inclusion Date
Fills in the OC automatically Expected Handover Date
To Insurance
Completes the OC automatically according to the Calculation Input Type Code. If A, the value specified in the Sum Insured field will be used in property insurance as the basis for calculating premiums
Insurance Amount Incl. VAT
Default Value No
If Yes, the sum insured will be calculated including VAT
To Calculation
Fills in OC automatically according to Calc. Input Type Code
Flag whether the calculation input should enter any calculation within the offer (e.g. calculation of financial indicators, annuity, etc.)
Local Calculation
Fills in OC automatically according to Calc. Input Type Code
Flag whether the calculation input should be entered into the annuity calculation, when posting CI, the system then looks for posting settings in the table Posting setup OneCore for the accounting area Local (the description of CI posting is in Finance)
IFRS Calculation
Fills in OC automatically according to Calc. Input Type Code
Flag whether the calculation input should be entered into the IFRS calculation, when posting CI, the system then looks for posting settings in the table OneCore Posting Setup for the IFRS accounting area (the description of CI posting is in the Finance)
Fills in OC automatically according to Calc. Input Type Code
Flag whether the calculation input should be entered into the APR calculation
Calculation Enter Date
Fills in the OC automatically Expected Handover Date
Changes OC automatically to YES after contract activation. The calculation input is blocked after activation so that it cannot be changed
The field is not user-editable
Opens the calculation input to the purchase price, in which he changes the value of the "Base Amount" field
Closes the calculation input card to the purchase price
On the list of calculation inputs, it starts refreshing the page using the standard Update function (F5). Subsequently, the system evaluates whether it is necessary to establish/delete a calculation input for the unclaimed part of VAT. The criteria for the unclaimed part of VAT are as follows:
System Work Date=> "VAT Limitation Valid From" (set in OneCore Settings) and
Financing Type= Operative Leasing and
Catalogue Group Code of the course has "Maximum price for VAT"<>0 (this value is then compared with the purchase price, if the purchase price is higher than the setting in the category of the card, then it meets the criterion for the unclaimed part of VAT) and
The value of the "Calculate limitation for VAT" field in the Financed Object Metod Usage table
Subsequently, recalculate the contract payments
This procedure can only be used for calculations/contracts that are in a lower status as Active.
Creating a Calculation Input for VAT on Delivery of Goods (Leasing with Delivery of Goods=Y)
The calculation of calculation inputs for VAT on the delivery of goods takes place during the calculation/recalculation of the contract via the calculation function (not via the Payment Calculation button, which was hidden for contracts with Leasing with delivery of goods=Y) and follows the following principles:
The calculation input type code is determined from OneCore Settings in the Calc field. Input VAT Goods Delivery
Already posted calculation inputs (Calculation Input Posted = TRUE) with this code of the calculation input type do not change and their sum (by individual VAT posting groups of goods) is taken as the default when generating any differential calculation inputs.
In general, new calculation input for VAT on delivery of goods = current tax liability - sum of posted calculation inputs for a given VAT posting group of goods
There are some exceptions to this rule, e.g. when settling VAT on a contract transfer (see Contract Changes)
The system will go through all tax obligations associated with the contract:
Source | Mode | Entry | Posting Group | Basis | VAT |
Payment where Individual Tax Document = FALSE | VAT Special Mode | Tax base under the special regime | APICZ VAT Pos.Gr.Spec.Mode Tax | APICZ VAT Base Special Mode | APICZ VAT Amount Special Mode |
Normal VAT regime | Principal | VAT Posting Group Principal | Principal | VAT Principal | |
Interest | VAT Posting Group Interest | Interest | Amount VAT Interest | ||
Simple Insurance | VAT Posting Group Simple Ins. | Insurance | Amount VAT Insurance | ||
Simple Fee | VAT Posting Group Simple Fee | Simple Fee | Amount VAT Simple Fee | ||
Payment with Selling Price where Individual Tax Document = FALSE | Principal | VAT Posting Group Principal | Principal | VAT Principal | |
Selling price | VAT Posting Group Principal | Selling Price | Amount VAT Selling Price | ||
Insurance client payment schedule (only insurance policies in installment) | Installment | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Amount | VAT Amount | |
Initial Fee (Contract Calculation Input) | VAT Special Mode | API Spec. Mode VAT Base Entry for KV with type code KV = OneCore Setup." Calc. Input Type - Initial Fee" | APICZ VAT Pos.Gr.Spec.Mode Tax | VAT Base Par. 66 Amount | VAT Amount Par. 66 |
Normal VAT regime | Contract Calculation Input | VAT Prod. Posting Group | Base Amount | VAT Amount |
Creates a temp table where they are accumulated for a given contract and VAT Prod. Posting Group Relevant components of filling:
VAT Base
VAT Amount
Deletes all calculation inputs that have not yet been posted (optimally those that do not appear in the list of temp lines with VAT)
If there are no posted calculation inputs, it creates one calculation input for each VAT product posting group, where
Calculation Input Type Code = OneCore Setup." Calc. Input Type - Initial Fee"
VAT Prod. Posting Group = VAT Posting Group from Temp Table
Base Amount = Base Sum
VAT Amount = VAT Sum
If there is a posted calculation input (or more) for a given VAT posting group, the system calculates the difference between the bases and the VAT (total from TEMP – sum of posted) and creates a calculation input for the difference.