No. | Functional area | Description | ID |
Calculator lines (FL, L) | If we change relative and absolute values in Calculator lines and click on Update button we see recalculated values in calculator lines. Clicking on New Calculation button resets values to default (it means abs values resets to zero and rel values resets to one for all unposted lines). In case we click on Finish button, values are brought to Payment Calendar. | 20418 | |
Payment terms (FL, L) | Payment terms code is not longer editable in payment caledar. For changing payment terms is allowed perform this change in particular contract statuses as follows:
| 20558 | |
Rent Item Card (Rental) | During creation of Rent item offers function Import items with settings only those items which have boolean Rent Item = Yes. | 20975 | |
Contract changes (FL, L) | Change Principal Wizard is visible only if Status is Active. | 21751 | |
Contract statuses (FL, L) | We changed the allowance of status sequence. Currently we are allowed change status as follow: Signed → Activate Contract (changes status to Active), Archive Contract (changes status to Archived) | 22133 | |
Proper Contract Termination (FL, L) | Extended functionality related to Proper Contract Termination for Loans and Financial Leasing App has been developed. It is possible automatically change Active Contract into status Closing via process Proper Contract Termination. Function searches all active contracts, (where Expected Termination Date <= Workdate - No. of Days Before Contract Termination), and based on enabled controls (can be turned ON in OneCore Setup/Proper Termination) system is checking Payment Posting, Residual Value Posting, Individual Invoice Posting and Payment Balance. All contracts that have been reviewed by this task are stored into Proper Contract Termination Log. In case some condition related to active controls are not met, error detail appears in Proper Contract Termination Log. From Closing state can be contract manually Archived (Financing Card/Change Status/Archive). | 21975 | |
7. | Financial Leasing with Residual Value (FL) | Bugfix - Negative interest has been calculated in Financial Leasing with setup Calendar month ON and Residual value > 0. | 22070 |
8. | Change Principal Amount (L) | Change Principal Amount was hidden for Signed contracts.
| 22442 |