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Creating direct debits is a standard functionality of BC. Due to the complexity of the whole process, this process is described in this chapter.
A prerequisite is the correct setting in all areas describedNastavení Finance Setup
This documented area describes how direct debits are created and posted.
Create a Direct Debit
Now, search find and open the pageDirect debits. Use the New and Create direct debit buttons to start setting up a new direct debit order.
Fill out the dialog box.
From Due Date and To Due Date Until the due date
Period for selecting Selecting Customer Items according to their by Due Date
Both dates data must be filled in
Partner Type
Customers are selected according to the settings on the Customer Card on the Payments tab
Select Choose one of the options (Company or Person)
It is not possible to issue one direct debit collection order for both types at the same time
If this option is enabled, then only those customers who have a valid Direct Debit Authorization in the given period are selected for the direct debit collection order. If not turned on, then all customers are processed.
The system checks whether the authorization is valid only on the Customer card, the authorization ID does not have to be filled in on the invoice (e.g. for invoices posted through the registration of the collection authorization registration)
Only invoices with a valid permit
If the field is ON, then only Customer Ledger Entries with a valid Permit Permission ID are selected
Bank Name
Name of the selected bank account of the company, it is downloaded from the Bank Account Card automatically
Customer Tab
You can further restrict the selection of items for a collection order by specifying your own filters on the Customer tab.
Only Customer Ledger Entries of the Invoice type are included in Direct Debit Collection.
Since this is a SEPA direct debit, only items in EUR currency are suggested (depending on the country, EUR can be a local or foreign currency).
Confirm the OK button to start the creation of the direct debit a collection order. The user is informed about the result by the message:
After the a direct debit order is has been successfully created, a new row line is based on the Direct Debits report. Collection The status of the collection order status is "New"
Direct Debit Entries
You can view the content of the created collection order by clicking on the Direct Debit Entries button or by clicking on the Number of Transfers field or the Number field.
When clickedAfter clicking, you will see a list of invoices proposed for collection.
Customer No.
Customer Name
Applies Item Apply Entry No.
Customer Entry No. (Invoices)
Applied Entry Document No.
Document No. (
Application Entry Description
Posted Posting Date of the Applied Entry
Application Entry Currency Code
Invoice Currency
Applied Entry Amount
Original Invoice Amount in Invoice Currency
Applied Entry Balance
Current Unpaid Invoice Amount
Open Applied Entries
Current Invoice Status
The current status of the invoice.
On the Direct Debit Entry the following fields are also filled in on the Direct Debit Entry:
Transfer Date
Copied Due Date from Invoice
The transfer date must be at least current (today's) or higher
If the Transfer Date is lower than the current date, you must manually correct (overwrite) it
Currency Code
Direct debit currency code
For SEPA direct debit , the currency must be "EUR" (according to the country of the company's country, if EUR is the local currency, the field will be empty, if EUR is a foreign currency, the code will be filled in)
Transfer Amount
Direct Debit Amount
You can manually adjust the suggested amount, but it can't be more than the your invoice balance
Transaction ID
Direct debit number + sequential Debit No. + Sequential number of the direct debit entry Direct Debit Entry separated by a slash
Permission ID
The customerCustomer's direct debit authorization identification numberDirect Debit Authorization Identification No.
The field is mandatory when exporting direct debits, the system will use it to check validity
If the authorisation authorization ID is not entered on the Direct Debit Entry (e.g. the authorisation authorization was registered on the customer's card after the sales invoice was posted), you must fill in the authorisation authorization number manually. You can only select from the customer's existing permissions. If the authorization is invalid, closed, or blocked, it can be added to the line, but an error window will show an error and the collection item will not cannot be exported.
Sequence Type
Information about the order of collection for the permita given authorisation.
For Allowed Payment Type Allowed = Periodic, the sequences can be
First – the first recovery order of the authorisation
Last – the last direct debit order (according to the set expected number of direct debits set)
Periodic – direct debit collection orders between the first and last direct debit
For Allowed payment type = One-timeoff, the value One-off is filled in. This value is filled in even if the authorization ID is not filled in on the direct debit entry.
The status of the collection order entry (line).
Depending on the functions used, it can have the following values:
After you create a new Direct Debit
File Created
Direct debit has been exported to an XML file
The user used the Reject Entry Item function (e.g. the payment was not debited from the customer's bank account)
The user used the Post Received Payments function and generated or posted a journal from the Direct Debit.
Entry No.
Sequence Sequential line number of the line within the given Direct Debit
Permit Permission Payment Type
From the direct debit authorization, it is copied whether it is a periodic or one-time direct debit.
If errors are found in on the command line, they are displayed in the error window on the right.
In the Export File Errors in the export file Errors are always displayed for the line you are standing on. You can click on individual errors in the error window to view the error detail.
Before exporting the file, it is necessary to remove the errors (e.g. add SWIFT to the customer's Bank Account).
Delete a direct debit entry
If you do not want to export an item proposed for a collection order, it is possible to delete it from the order by clicking on the Delete button before exporting it (the order status must be New).
By confirming the message, the selected lines of the collection order will be deleted and can be included again in another order.
Export to XML file
After checking the collection order and removing any errors, export the order to a file in XML format. After the XML file is created, the status of the direct debit collection order changes is changed to File createdCreated. You can also export the a command repeatedly.
To start the export, click on Export direct debit file:.
Save the file in a place where you can import it into the appropriate electronic banking application.
After you export a direct debit to a file, the Collection status changes is changed to File createdCreated.
At the same time, the Direct Debit Authorization window (on the Customer Card) updates the Direct Debit Mandate Collection Count field for the given Authorization ID.
Rejecting a Direct Debit Entry
If the direct debit order has been exported (Direct debit Collection status is File created), but the payment has not been collected by in the bank, it is possible to mark the direct debit item entry as "rejected".
In the Direct debit entries window, select the item entry that your bank failed to process, and then, on the Process FastTabtab, click Reject item.
After confirmation by the Yes button, the status of the direct debit entry will change to Rejected. A rejected Customer Ledger Entry can be resuggested to another order.
Post Payments Received
If the a bank payment has been successfully collected from the customer, the payment can be posted. This can be done in two ways, depending on the internal processes:
Payment can be posted directly from Direct Debit
A payment can be posted as part of importing an import of a bank statement in the Payment Reconciliation Journal.
You can start posting a collected payment from a Direct Debit by clicking on the Post Received Payments button, both from the list of direct debits and from the direct debit order lines.
When the task startsruns, a dialog box opens:
In the window, fill in the General Journal Template and the General Journal Batch in which the payments will be proposed. (Note: It is necessary to set up a Number Series on the General Journal Sheet)
After confirming the OK button, the direct debit collection status will change to Postedand the journal lines are generated.
Review the payments in the journal and post the journal.
Closing Direct Debit
After the payments have been posted, it is possible to close the Close direct debit button can be used to close the order by clicking on the Close direct debit orderbutton.
After confirming the Yes button, the direct debit status switches will switch to Closed.
Closed collections entries can't be exported, posted, or rejected.
Note: It is possible to close a direct debit from any Direct Debit Status, but no other actions can be performed on the direct debit.
Checking Customer Items
On the Customer Cardcard, check the posted Payments.
Payments are posted to the customer and settled with the invoices.
An up-to-date list of SEPA countries can be found here: