The Maintenance Agreements tab contains the following tabs:
General (General) – basic data related to the Framework Maintenance AgreementInvoicing (
Invoicing) – data relating to the invoicing of additional bonuses
Services (Service) – the service services provided by the supplier
Number No. (No.)
The Maintenance Agreement No. is generated automatically from the number series
Title (Name)
Maintenance Agreement Name
Vendor No. (Vendor No.)
The user selects from a list of all suppliers entered in the system
Vendor Name (Vendor Name)
Vendor Name is automatically completed according to Vendor No.
Vendor Business Place No. (Vendor Business Place)
The user chooses the vendor's business location
Vendor Business Place Name (Vendor Business Place Name)
The name is automatically completed according to the number of the supplier's business location
Contact Person No. (ContactPerson No.)
User selects a contact person for a given vendor from the contact list of the Person type
Contact Person Name (ContactPerson Name)
The Contact Person Name is automatically completed according to the Contact Person No.
Customer No. (Customer No.)
The user selects a customer if the terms of the framework agreement belong only to a specific customer
If the conditions apply to all customers, the field remains blank
Customer Name (Customer Name)
The Contact Person Name is automatically completed according to the Contact Person No.
Service Package (Maintenance Package)
Informative field whether the vendor provides a service package
It does not contain any related functionality
Status (Status)
The status of the framework agreement can be changed manually by the user.
Preparation (Preparation ) - at the time of preparation of a new framework agreement, the user sets Preparation. The Service Framework Agreement is not yet in effect.Signed (
Signed ) – The maintenance framework contract agreement is effective. Only signed contracts can be selected in the header of the service permission.Sealed
(Closed ) – The maintenance framework agreement is no longer effective.
Signing Date (Signing Date)
Maintenance Agreement Signing Date
Valid From (Valid From)
Valid from the Master Service Agreement
Valid To (Valid To)
Valid from the Master Service Agreement
Currency Code(Currency)
The code of the currency in which the contract is concluded (additional bonuses will be invoiced in this currency)
Vendor as Customer (Vendor As Customer)
It will be tightened automatically if a corresponding customer is created for the supplier
If the field is not completed automatically, a customer has not been created for the vendor
Vendor as Customer Name (Vendor As Customer Name)
The Vendor Name as Customer is automatically completed according to the Vendor as Customer field
Gen. Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing field=Sales Invoice then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Customer
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing=Purchase Credit Memo field is then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Vendor
VAT Bus. Posting Group (VAT Bus. Posting Group)
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing field=Sales Invoice then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Customer
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing=Purchase Credit Memo field is then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Vendor
Vendor Posting Group (Vendor Posting Group)
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing field=Sales Invoice then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Customer
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing=Purchase Credit Memo field is then the value of the General Commercial Posting Group field is drawn from the Vendor
Standard Sales/Purchase Code (Standard Sales/Purchase Code)
If the value of the Additional Bonus Invoicing=Sales Invoice field is, then the User selects Standard Sales Code
If the value of field Additional Bonus Invoicing=Purchase Credit Memo is then the User selects Standard Purchase Code
Invoicing of additional bonuses (Additional Bonuses Invoicing)
The user selects whether a Sales Invoice or a Purchase Credit Memo for Additional Bonuses is agreed with the vendor
Maturity (Due Date)
Invoice/Credit Memo Due Date
Bonus Period (Bonus Period)
The period in which additional bonuses are invoiced. You can select from Quarter / Half Year / Year.
Provided Services (Provided Services)
Service Kind (Service Kind)
Types of services provided by the supplier
Service Type Code (Service Type Code)
Type of service of a given type
Marker Brand Filter (Service Type Code)
The user can select one or more car brands from the make list
If the brand filter is filled in, the service provided is intended only for vehicles of these brands
Description (Description)
User note text box
Valid From (Valid From)
Date of commencement of the provision of the given service
Valid To (Valid To)
End date of the service
Business Location No. (Business Location No.)
A user selects a business location if the service is provided only by that vendor's business location
Maintenance Agreement No. (Maintenance Agreement No)
The system fills in automatically if the user enters the services provided for the framework maintenance agreement
In addition to the general service agreement, the user defines vendor discounts and bonuses. New conditions (discounts and bonuses) can be introduced, the validity of the original ones can be terminated and new discounts and bonuses can be entered.
Discounts and Bonuses of the Maintenance Agreement
In the Maintenance Framework Agreement, you define the Bonuses and Discounts provided by the Supplier. To access bonuses and discounts, follow these steps.
To enter discounts and bonuses, Valid from is important. When entering, the system checks whether Valid From is filled in. This check system after entering "Height (%)“.
The user enters discounts for the given maintenance agreement.
For a "general discount", which is intended to apply without restriction to make, model, model line, point of sale or customer, the user enters:
Service Kind (Service Kind)
The user selects the type of service to which the discount applies
Discount / Bonus Type (Discount / Bonus Type)
The user selects the Discount Type/Bonus - Purchase Discount for Labour or Purchase Discount for Materials to which the discount applies
Height % (Value %)
The user enters the discount amount in percentage
Valid From (Valid From)
User enters the start of the discount
Valid To (Valid To)
The user can also enter the expiration of the discount
Vehicle / Tire (Vehicle / Tire)
It tightens the system automatically based on the "type of service". In the case of a "tire service", the tire is tightened. In other cases Vehicle
For a "Specified Discount" to apply to specific brands, model lines, models, business locations, or customers, in addition to the basic fields, specific restrictions must be specified for:
Marker Filter (Make Filter)
The user can select a specific tag. Multiple tags can also be selected, separated by a "|".
Model Line Filter (Model Line Filter)
The user can select a specific model series. It is also possible to select multiple model series separated by "|".
Model Filter (Model Filter)
The user can select a specific model. Multiple models can also be selected, separated by a "|".
The user can also specify a discount for:
Business Location No. (Vendor Business Place No.)
The user can select a business location. Once the business location is filled in, the discount will be valid only for that business location.
To enter a tire discount, you need to select:
Service Kind (Service Kind)
Tire Service
Tire Filter (Tire Filter)
The user can select one or more tire brands from the Tire Makes dial.
Period of tires (Tire Season)
The user selects the period for which the discount applies
If the user needs to enter a discount for a specific material or a specific work (e.g. a discount on a specific oil, or a discount on a car wash), he enters this item via the "Vendor Price for" field. The user selects Vendor Price and Rate Types from the code list. On the discount line, he then selects a specific item in the field:
Vendor Price (Vendor Price)
The bonus for services provided by the vendor can be set up for the framework maintenance agreement in the same table as the discounts. The difference is in the Discount/Bonus Type column.
To enter a bonus from a supplier, the user fills in
Service Kind(Service Kind)
The User selects the type of service to which the bonus relates
Discount / Bonus Type (Discount / Bonus Type)
The user selects the Type of discount/bonus (Bonus for work or Bonus for materials, Bonus for work and materials), to which type of bonus it relates
Height % (Value %)
The user enters the bonus amount as a percentage
Valid From (Valid From)
User enters the start of bonus validity
Valid To (Valid To)
The user can also enter the end of the bonus validity
In addition to these fields, it is also possible to enter the following fields for the bonus:
By Turnover (According to Turnover)
The user ticks if it is a turnover bonus
Turnover From (Turnover From)
The field is editable if the By turnover field is checked
The user enters the lower limit of turnover
Turnover To (Incl.) (Turnover To (Incl.))
The field is editable if the By turnover field is checked
For the Turnover Bonus, Turnover to (incl.) must be entered!
The user enters the upper limit of turnover
To enter the conditions of the bonus from a given supplier, the user can enter including restrictions on brands, model lines, models, customers as well as in the case of discounts.
Vendor Rates and Prices
For the purposes of recording hourly rates, there is a code list Supplier Rates and Prices.
If the user clicks on the New icon, the system creates a new row and automatically fills in the keys according to the framework service agreement:
Maintenance Agreement No. (Maintenance Agreement No.)Number(
No. ) – the number of the item
Vendor No.(Vendor No.)
Vendor Name (Vendor Name)
The user can fill in filters, this is the restriction for which the rate is entered:
Business Location No. (Contact Business Location No.)
In the case where the rate applies to a specific business venuelocation
Customer Filter (Customer Filter)
The user can select a customer. It is also possible to select multiple customers separated by "|". The rate will then only be valid for these customers.
Tag Filter (Make Filter)
The user can select a specific tag. Multiple tags can also be selected, separated by a "|".
Model Line Filter (Model Line Filter)
The user can select a specific model series. It is also possible to select multiple model series separated by "|".
Model Filter (Model Filter)
The user can select a specific model. Multiple models can also be selected, separated by a "|".
Next, the user fills in:
Vendor Price (Vendor Price)
Selects from the Vendor Price and Rate Types code list
Description (Description)
Completes the system automatically from the Vendor Price and Rate Types code list
Amount Excl. VAT (Amount Excl.VAT)
The user enters the rate amount excl. VAT
Valid From (Valid From)
The user enters the start of the rate validity
Valid To (Valid To)
The user can also enter the expiration of the rate
Unit of Measure Code (Unit of Measure Code)
The user can select from a code list of units of measurement
In the OC, this is the registration field
Quantity (Quantity)
The user can enter the quantity
In the OC, this is the registration field
Do Not Allow Quantity (Do Not Allow Quantity)
The check mark is entered by the user in the case of, for example, washing must not be in the service permission more than 1x
In OC, this is an organizer field