The process of creating a service permit and invoicing:
Establishment Creation of a Service Permit
Create Purchase Invoicea purchase invoice
Create a sales invoice
In operative leasing for the Service Maintenance area, it uses the following basic code lists are used to work with service permissionspermits:
Service Types
Maintenance Categories
Maintenance Subcategories
Maintenance Codes Buy / Sell
Service Types
In the Service Types code list, the user sets the basic data for each type of service.
For the service type, the following is used in the area of service permissions:
Service Kind (Service Kind)
The user chooses the basic classification of the service
Code (Code)
The A user enters the a code for the a given service
Description (Description)
It is used for a more detailed description of the service
Tire Service (Tire Service)
It is used to specify the Tire Service service, whether it is Tire, Rim, Storage, Tire Change or Rim Accessories
Maintenance Permission Numbers (Maintenance Permission Nos.)
Here, the user assigns a number sequence for the approval number of the service. E.g. the a service station will be numbered SExxxxxx, the a tire service will be numbered PSxxxxxxx, the a replacement vehicle may be numbered NVxxxxxx. Then it will be clear from the approval number which type kind of service it is.
Service Type Limit Amount (Service Type Limit Amount)
The user sets the value that the system can apply when checking the amount from the purchase invoice against the maintenance permission. For a data record, if the difference in the value in the data record for the service type is less than or equal to the limit amount, the system automatically creates a difference delta row with this that value.
The limit amount for the service type is also applied when importing a data record if Check amount or Check approval number (mandatory approval number) is checked on the relevant invoice interface template. E.g. in the data sentence there is a line for storage with a value up to the limit set on the service type "storage" of tires and there is no line for maintenance permission line for storage. The system creates a new allowance line for storage
Do not write mileage(Do not write Mileage)
If the user sets to Yes, the system will not store the odometer status in the Odometer Status History when the service permission permit is approved.
The table is described in detail in Services Pricelists
Maintenance Categories
Maintenance Category is a first-level code list for specifying the cost side of the service.
For maintenance categories, the user must select the service kind. If the User leaves the Service Type field is left blank by the user, it means that the category is valid for any type of service type of that kindtype. We only need to specify the service type if we need to differentiate the settings for this particular type of service from other types of services of that kind.
Maintenance Subcategories
The maintenance subcategory is a second-level code list. It is used to break down a given category.
Again, the user enters the service type only if he needs to differentiate for a specific type of service, otherwise the field is empty.
Maintenance Codes
The third level of setting is the "Maintenance Purchase Codes" code listdial. This section is divided into settings for buying and for selling. On the The purchase side , is entered by the user enters the service for the given type of service via the icon "Maintenance Purchase Codes“.
For a specific maintenance code, the user enters:
Purchase Currency Code (Purchase Currency Code)
The field is not used, because the currency can only be entered on the Standard Buy/Sales Sell Code
Description (Description)
The text is transferred to a new line for Maintenance Permission
the service permission
Invoice To)
The set value is carried over to the new Maintenance Permission Line maintenance permission line when the maintenance code is used
Here , the user selects chooses who pays the costs, to whom who to issue the purchase invoice to – the default value is Leasing Company. Another option is to invoice to the Customer.
Reinvoice (Reinvoice)
The user marks if this maintenance code always needs to be reinvoiced to the customer. Transfers the The system transfers to the service permission line.
Standard Purchase Code (Standard Purchase Code)
Settings for Expense Account Posting and item posting groups on the purchase invoice line
The user selects Standard Purchase Codes from the code list
Registered Number(Registered Number)
If the number is specified, the system will pre-fill it after creating the allowance line.
When processing a tire data record, the quantity from the data record is filled into the registered number
Description 2 (Description 2)
Informative field, not transferred to the allowance line
Determining whether a bond it is labor or material parts is important when a if the company counts different bonds for bons as labor and other for materialsothers as parts. Then, by correctly determining the maintenance code, we will set the source for the bonus calculation calculating bonuses correctly.
Direct Compensation from Insurance Company (Direct Compensation from Insur. Company)
In the case of a maintenance code, the user can mark for the deduction of the amount paid by the insurance company directly to the workshop (in the insurance claim allowance)
When using the maintenance code on the allowance line, the system will check if the entered purchase price is negative. If it is positive, an error message follows
On the Bonuses tab, the system will not fill the Amount without VAT (materialparts) or the Amount without VAT (labour) on the Bonuses tab. The leasing company is entitled to a bonus on from the entire purchase price, regardless of the fact that part was paid directly by the insurance company.
For Maintenance Code, you must enter a Standard Purchase Code for the purchase, according to which the system will set up the posting of the purchase invoice.
Standard Purchase Code
On the Standard Purchase Code card, you must set up two different posting methods.
If we want to choose other accounts when the expense is reinvoiced overinvoiced and not invoiceduninvoiced, we can differentiate between the option in the Reinvoice field. The An Option field has the values -empty, Reinvoice, Do Not Reinvoice.
One for the in case that the load cost will be reinvoiced by the user and the second method other in case the amount goes to the costs of the leasing company.
For example, in the case of "Reinvoicing", it is possible to set up posting to balance sheet accounts (class 3). In the case of "Non-Reinvoicingreinvoicing", posting to profit and loss accounts (class 5).
It is possible to set different billing not only according to the Currency Code, but also according to the Proproduct of financingFinancing.
Sales Maintenance Code
The user enters the sales side is entered by the user for a specific "maintenance code" via the " iconSales Maintenance Codes“.
The system fills in these fields from the default maintenance code:
Service Kind (Service Kind)
Service Type (Maintenance Type Code)
Category Code (Category Code)Subcategory Code
(Subcategory Code)
The user fills in the field:
Description (Description)
Only informative Informative text field only, maximum length of up to 150 characters
Standard Sales Code (Standard Sales Code)
Settings for Revenue Account Posting and product posting groups on the sales invoice line when reinvoicing to a customer
The user selects from the code list of Standard Sales Codes code list
Description 2 (Description 2)
Only an informative text field with a maximum length of up to 30 characters
Standard Sales Code
Here, the user prepares a line for posting the reinvoicing of the load cost to the customer. It is possible to set up different accounting based on the currency or financing product