To create and send a fuel card order, you can use the Printout Definition, which is described in detail in Business Setup.
We have prepared two types of printouts for fuel card ordering. With the use of Word, the report 4026760 is determinedA 4026760 report is used to use Word, which uses a "custom report layout". For an Excel attachment, there the report is a 4026759 report that , which uses the import of an Excel template in Actions. For an Excel template, you need to set up the worksheet that contains the data source. Source: Blokace_vzor.xlsx
The basic template contains the Data sheet, which is the same for both order and blocking and is filled by the system. It is always necessary to adjust the first sheet, depending on whether it is an order or a blockhold, and adapt the order of the columns to the requirements of the fuel company. The first worksheet contains Excel functions that retrieve pull the content from the Data worksheet. The dataset pattern Dataset Pattern is a sample of what it looks like when the Data sheet is populated, and is used to help map facilitate the mapping of the first sheet.
Right to Press Output
On the vendor card, on the Operative leasing tab, it is necessary to set the type of fuel card order printout:
If the vendor settings on the vendor are missing, the system outputs an error message when creating the an order:
Printout Definition - WORD
If the desired requested order is in Word, you must use the a standard report layout.
Word report layout is also used for the body of the email. For this reason, at least one printout definition must be set up via the Report Layout Code for fuel card orders.
When setting up, you need to create a Custom Report Layout – new row and select the report number with the DataSet for Word:
It Then it is then possible to "import" the pre-prepared layout into a new line named CCS Order:
To create an order in Excel, we will use a template in Excel that contains a blank sheet called DATA. This batch will be populated by the system with a DataSet system , and we will use standard Excel functions to transfer the data to the a sample sheet required by the supplier.
In a the newly created row in the Printout Definition, it is necessary to first Import Template. It This can be a template file from a company where a new one is added Blank sheet DATA sheet To populate the DataSet:
Because the worksheet data sheet must be empty, it will be a good idea to add a sheet to the template Dataset patterntemplateso that the mapping user can see which cell the report 4026759 populates into for mapping.
The sample template will contain the following worksheets:
Sheet with a prescribed template from the supplier
This is where the mapping to the dataset fields from the Data sheet worksheet is completed
Data Sheet
Empty, fills the system at startup
Dataset patterntemplate
Editing aid
User in excel with Pattern from the vendor adds a lance sheet Dataset patterntemplate. Copy it as a sheet Data. Sets up the mapping in the template from the vendor. Then, on the Data worksheet, it deletes the contentcontents.
The example of the Excel Mapping
Excel functions used for mapping to a form from a vendorFunctions Used to Map to Vendor Form
=Data! M20
Takes the contents of the M20 field from the DataSet on the Data sheet. If we copy the formula in the target field on the Card Order, the system itself changes the fields in the formulas on the other lines to M21, M22, etc. But if the source field array is empty, it gives 0!
=IF(Data! L20<>'"'; Data! L20;"")
The system checks the L20 field. If it is nonempty, it is inserted inserts into the target field. If it's empty, it puts a space in the target field. When it wasn't treated, excel would put 0 in the empty fields
Takes cell B10 from the DataSet (Data Sheetsheet). If I copy in the destination on Card Order, the system does not change the cell numbers in the formula and copies the same field in all rows.
=IF(Data! F20="National";" GS'; WHEN(Data! F20="International";" GG"; WHEN(Data! F20="","")))
Takes from the Data field! F20 territorial validity and if it is national, it will give GS, if it is international, it will give GG. (for MOL)
=IF(Data! L20<>'"'; VALUE. ON. TEXT(Data! L20;" 00000000“);““).
If it is necessary to add leading zeros to the Customer Number number at the end of the Card Order for SHELL. The dataset DataSet passes a "207051" and the a VALUE function. ON. TEXT changes to "00207051".
Copy the formula to transfer it to a the line, e.g. 500
Logical Logic functions:
Using these standard Excel functions, we will then link the individual fields to the cells of the DATA worksheet:
From the first row, we copy to the next rows.
Email for sending the order
In the "Printout Definition", you can use either the destination e-mail email address (the "Send to e-mail email address" field) or the job responsibility ("Send to Job Responsibility" field) to send the e-mail, which that is set to the vendor's contact person to send the email.
Contact person of the vendor
Data from Contact PersonsPerson We use suppliers for email recipients. It is the contact person to whom we send the email – the recipient of the email.
This person must have the appropriate "Job Responsibility Code" set up on the contact card via the Job Responsibility button.
Job Responsibility – contact for orders
The A contact person must be assigned Job Responsibility – designation of a worker for orders.
Job The job responsibility is the same as in the Printout Definition of Printouts
Orders will be sent for this job responsibility.
The user who sends the order must have an employee card. Data from Employee We use it for the one who sends – an employee of the leasing company. An employee is the sender of the email. The user who ran the orders.
The printout definition contains fields for setting up emails
In the case of Excel orders in the form of Excel, the system uses the same layout for email.