In case when customer wants to make rent item but is not sure about it, it is possible to make reservation before making rent. In Rental App you have ability to create new reservation through 2 options:
New reservation via Item Utilization
Click on button Item Utilization placed in Role Centrum to open Item Utilization screen.
Then you will see Utilization Card which informs you about availability of rent items in concretely period. You can also filter available rent items by group, subgroup type or location. To check the availability of a specific item, use the Rent Item field.
Click on available rent item which you want to rent and create new rent or new reservation.
Then you will see Reservation Card. All information about rented item are automatically reflected into sections Lines, you only have to enter the name of renter or other details.
In General fast tab select desired
Date filter - insert date range to check which rent items are available (Not Assigned), reserved, rented. In Microsoft Learn can be found how to define desired date rage Entering dates and times in Business Central - Business Central | Microsoft Learn. Note, that this field does not work with single date.
Type - filter among item type {Furniture, Hand Tools, Machine, Electronic, Special} to quickly find all rent items which are available for particular type.
Group - filter for tariff groups
Subgroup - filter for tariff subgroups
Returned - Yes - all available rent items are shown, No - all not returned rent items are shown, All - all rent items are shown
Location - filter only rent items placed in particular location
Rent item - filter only specific rent item to see occupancy for defined date range
Filtering is done automatically after selection of criteria.
Utilization Item Matrix - list of filtered rent items with displayed status
Clicking on Item Status inside of the Matrix opens new window with 4 options:
Entries - displaying Detailed Contract Entries (for other status than Not Assigned, it is shown detailed contract entry for particular day, otherwise empty)
Reservation/Rent Card - displaying Reservation/Rent Card (for other status than Not Assigned otherwise empty)
New Reservation - creation of New Reservation (in case status is Not Assigned, otherwise warning message appears: “Rent Item R00102 is not available. (Detailed Entry)“)
New Reservation is created with following data:
Date From - chosen date from Utilization Item Matrix,
Time From - current time,
Rent To - chosen date from Utilization Item Matrix,
Time To - empty.
creation of New Rent (in case status is Not Assigned, otherwise warning message appears: “Rent Item R00102 is not available. (Detailed Entry)“)
New Rent is created with following data:
Date From - chosen date from Utilization Item Matrix,
Time From - current time,
Rent To - chosen date from Utilization Item Matrix,
Time To - empty.
2. New Reservation via Actions/Reservation
Another way how to create reservation is clicking on button Reservation, situated in section Action.
The proces is the same as we made in first option, but difference is in section Lines, where you must filled all information about rented item manually.
We are recommending the first option.In this case empty Reservation Card is opened and all details, like Rent item, Rent From, Rent To must be entered manually
From the Reservation can be created new Rent via button Make Rent.
Rent can be created also by Item Utilization as described in upper part of this chapter by clicking on Not Assigned Rent Item and choosing the function New Rent.
The second way is to use Rent button in Role Centrum
Follow up: