The import of rates will read an Excel file that contains the input data for creating insurance rates.
No variant found that meets the restrictions
No variant found with restrictions: -FIX_MES/0/60/-COMMODITY/0/0/SZ-PO_SUMA/0/3,000,000/-STARI_MES/25/60/
Import failed because a variant with this limitation was missing:
Variant with the given deductible not found
Variant not found. Filters: Insurance Company No.: CSOB_POJ, Product No.: STROJNI ALLRISK, Participation Code: '<ERROR>'
There is no variant on the Allrisk Machine without a deductible code.
Variant with limit not found
Conversion of the Indemnity Limit value of CZK 8,000 in the Insurance Limit table failed.
Based on the text "Fulfillment limit CZK 8,000", the system did not find the limit code.
Calculation method interval not found
Calculation method interval not found 51.
There is no interval with a range of 0 – 3000 on the set