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The Batch Jobs Setup table is created. To create asset cards, a batch job card with Batch Job Type = FA – Card (Batch Job Type = FA – Card) must be created and set up.
A more detailed description of how to set up the batch jobs settings is described in the Nastavení Finance
In addition, a new code list FA Depreciation Book Templates has been created, in which it is possible to set up various methods, methods of depreciation methods with the setting of depreciation conditions (method, depreciation starting date, number of depreciation months, default depreciation book, etc.). The template code is then set to the FA Subclasses code. The FA Subclass Code is then set up on in the Batch Jobs tab to create the FA cardCard. According to the settings of the Depreciation Book Template, the system then creates rows (FA Depreciation Books) when generating the FA Card and sets the depreciation method for each book.
For a A more detailed description of the FA Depreciation Book Templates and FA Subclasses settings , see is described in Nastavení Finance
To create FA cards for financing contracts in bulk, use the "Build Fixed Asset Cards" batch job. After starting the task by the user, it is possible to limit the selection of Financing Contracts to be included in the task (e.g. Contract No., Financing Object Handover Date of the Financed Object) in the dialog window. If some parameters for contract selection are given by settings (Batch Jobs), e.g. Contract status, the user can use a custom filter to further narrow the selection, not expand it (e.g. , if the contract status is set to Signed and Active in the Batch Jobs settings, the user can only select the Active status in the job).
After confirming the OK button, the task will go through the Financing Contracts and create FA Cards for their Financed Objects. At the end of the task, there is information about the number of subjects that were included in the task. This count number includes both generated FA cards and items for which the card generation ended in with an error and the FA card was not created. These errors can be found in the Fixed Asset Error Log (FA).
If the task does not find significant defects, it creates a new FA Card (Depreciation Book header and lines of depreciation books) for the given Financed Object. The FA writes the number of the created FA card on the financed object and writes the number of the financed object plus other data or information about the contract and the financed object is written on the created FA card.
The task can be found and run from the following locations:
in the Fixed Asset overview is located in the Process -> Build Fixed Assets Cards menu or in the Actions menu, where tasks can be rearranged by the user using the Personalize function
Search using the system magnifierSystem Magnifier.
Dependencies and assumptions
The dependency is the setting of to set up the Batch Jobs Setup Card with Batch Job Type = FA – Card.
Another dependency is the created and correctly set FA Subclasses code for vehicles (financed objects). At the same time, this FA Subclasses code is set up on the Batch Jobs tab to create the FA Cardcard.
Batch Job Type | Object Type | Object No. |
FA – Card | Report | 4046910 |
When the job runs, it looks at the Batch Jobs Setup Settings (Build Fixed Assets Cards) and uses the Batch Job Card for the Build Fixed Asset Cards task with Batch Job Type set = FA – Card for the Build Fixed Asset Cards job.
When the Build Fixed Asset Cards task is invoked, the task dialog box is displayed first. In the dialog box, the user can narrow down the conditions in the Options section. In addition, the user can enter filters for data from the Contract Header (e.g. contract number, customer number, date of contract signing date, etc.). The task will work with the set conditions and filters after it is has been started by clicking on the OK button.
After the task starts by confirming the OK button, the task performs the following steps:
It applies Applies filters to contracts as follows:
If if it is not empty in the batch job setup, it deploys the filter to Financing Type Filter
if it is not empty in the batch job settings, it sets the filter to Contract Status Filter, because the status is = Option, the filter in the settings is in the form e.g. 10|14
if If it is not empty in the batch job setup, it sets the filter to Detail Contract Status Filter
Deploys Fixed filter to Calculation Variant = No, Change Copy = No
It then goes through all the contracts that match the filter. For each contract, it looks to see if there is a calculation input with the To acquisition flag = Yes. If it exists, it goes to the financed object that is filled in on the calculation input. If the financed object has blank FA No., the FA card creation function startsis launched
Checks checks the Calculation field in the Detailed Contract Status. If Yes, it stops processing the contract and moves on to processing the next contract. If it is No, it continues to process the next steps of the process
checks and validates whether the field is filled in on the contract Handover Date, if the field is not validated, the FA card creation process is stopped and written to the Fixed Assets Log error message, the task will move on to processing the next contract
if the FA number series is filled in in the batch job setup, it will be used, otherwise the financed object number will be used to assign a new FA number
Fill It fills in the fields on the FA card as follows:
afield Description writes a the value from the Make Name field of from the financed object
afield Search Description writes the value from the Description field on the FA card
afield Description 2 writes the value from the Model Name field from the financed object
afield Full Description writes the value from the Name field of the financed object
afield FA Location Code from the same FA Location Code (19100) field on the subject
afield Current Fin. Contract No. writes the contract number from the object card (if the contract is a change copy, it puts the value before the _ character)
afield Financed Object No. Writes the Financed Object No. financing object number from the Financed Object Cardobject card
To the calculated field Customer No. the value from the same field on the contract is "populated"
To the calculated field Customer Name the value from the same field on the contract is "populated"
if If the following is filled in on the course : Chassis No. (VIN), the same value is "populated" into the Car Identification Number VIN (VIN) field
if If the following is filled in on the course : Licence Plate No., the same value is "populated" in into the calculated Licence makeLicence Plate No. field.
if the value for Global Code is filled in on the contract dimension 1 (Cost_center Code) or Global Dimension 2 Code (Contract Code), writes them to the FA card and to the Default Dimension table (352), or respectively to the FA card and to the Default Dimensions table, and to the Default Dimensions table, all dimensions that are filled in on the contract are entered
If there is a non-blank value in the field in the batch job setup FA Class Code, writes it to the FA card
In the batch job setup, if If there is a non-blank value in the field in the batch job setup FA Subclass Code, writes it to the FA card
creates a inserts the FA card – the same operations tasks are performed as in the case of manual creation will take place, i.e. assigning a number, etc.
writes the number of the created asset card on the financed object
writes the number of the financed object on the asset card
Creates depreciation books:
in the Depreciation Book Template table filters to the code that is set on the filled completed FA Subclass Code. For Each Once After the FA book is found, the FA depreciation book of the asset is created as follows:
FA No. – from the newly asset that has just been created asset
Depreciation Book Code – From Template, Deprciation Book Code field
On the template, it must be filled in Depreciation Date + Depreciation Startin Date Formula. This formula is applied to the date from the contract according to the settings of the FA Depreciation Date field, values: Contract Signing Date,Advance Payment Date,1st Installment Date,Handover Date,Calculation Starting Date. The date thus obtained is recorded entered in the depreciation book as the Depreciation Starting Date
Depreciation Method – from the template, the Depreciation Method field
Purchase Price Retrospectivally – From Template, Purchase Price Retrospectivally field
On the template, if there is a non-blank nonblank value in the field FA Posting Group, enters it in the FA Depreciation Book
On the template, if there is a non-blank nonblank value in the field Depreciation Group Code, enters it in the FA Depreciation Book
Modification for OC SK: First,
check the value in the Fuel Type Code field (15) in the API Financed Object (4026560) card. Then, if there is a non-blank value in the Tax Depreciation Group Code field on the template, it looks
in the Tax Depreciation Groups table and looks for the observed value in the Fuel Type Filter field. If it finds a match, it writes the value from
the Tax Depreciation Groups table of the same name into the Depreciation Group Code field in Depreciation Books. If it does not find a
Fuel Type
match, it
terminates the processing of the FA card and writes to the error Fixed Assets Log Notification "xxx The code Fuel type xxx was not found in the Tax
depreciation groups setup. (xxx Fuel Type Code not found in Tax Depreciation Groups settings.)".
If the template has Default Depreciation Book (FA) = Yes and Number of Depreciation Months according to the rent (Number of Months of Depreciation in Accordance with the Lease) = Yes, enters
into the FA Depreciation Book No. of Depreciation Months = Contract Duration in Months
If the template has Default Depreciation Book = Yes, Number of Months of Depreciation in Accordance with the Lease (Number of Months of Depreciation in Accordance with the Lease) = No and there is a non-empty value in the No. of Depreciation Months field, he writes it to the FA Depreciation Book
Keep Last Depreciation Date – from the template, Keep Depreciation Ending Date field
If there is a flag on the template Copy Ending Book Value = Yes, then:
Afield Ending Book Value (Ending Book Value) writes – either the value from the template, from the Ending Book Value field, if it is non-zero, otherwise the value from the Residual Value Calculated field from the Financing Contract, table 4026397)
The FA saves the created depreciation books.
The process is repeated until all contracts/financed objects that match the specified filters have been processed.
After the When processing is finishedcomplete, an information window will be displayed appear with the number of processed contracts:
Error Log for Create Asset Cards Task
Below is a list of fields that are checked during the job. If they are empty and should not be, the message "Field xy must not be empty in table ab" is written into the log. If they are filled in and should not be, the message "Field xy must not have a value in table ab" is written. The task is called conditionally, so when the first error is detected, it is written to the log and the task continues on the next financed object. There may also be other error messages – e.g. incorrectly set number series for fixed assetsFA, when creating a fixed asset FA card or depreciation book, a standard check may work, e.g. of the type of non-existent set Code of the FA Posting Group Code.
Inspections performed:
there must be a Financing Contract for the object and a Catalogue Card
according to the value in the Date for FA Depreciation Date field in the template setup, it is checked whether there is a non-empty corresponding date on the contract according to the selected option
The Depreciation Books template is checked for a non-blank Depreciation Start Date field.
To run a task in
Task Scheduler
The A task can be started within the task scheduler by displaying the Send option to send to the scheduler option (Schedule...) after starting the task starts, then a dialog window with scheduler settings options opens. Alternatively, a new item is created in the Job Queue Entry list with Object Type to Run = Codeunit. Object ID to Run = 4046910. Other conditions and Period (Recurrence) will be set according to the company's own needs.
The job will then cycle through all contracts with respect to the specified criteria in the Batch Job setup to create an the asset card.
Start the scheduler from the job.
Run the scheduler on job queue entriesitems.
After completing a job, it is recommended to always check:
Job Queue Entries to determine whether the job was terminated by an error message. After solving/removing the written error, the task can be started again using the Restart button
Fixed Asset Error Log (fixed asset error log), FA) to determine whether any contract processing has been terminated due to an error found. After resolving/deleting the written error report is resolved/deleted, the task can be run repeatedly.