Role Center: OneCore - Migration
After confirming the Migrated Contracts Overview option, a dialog window will open with the possibility of filtering via the Financing Contract Header.
The user then has the option to export the report např.do xls (via Print.. /MS Excel). The result is a report that contains
Field Name
Dátum odovžania
Dátum predpokladaného ukončenia
Dátum signuna zkony
Lease Term (in months)
Contract Type
Detailed Status of the Financing Agreement
Admission price
Zostatková hodnota kalkulovaná
Calculation Interest %
Currency Code
Number of Objects of the Convention
Number of Contract Guarantees
Number of Individual Insurance Contracts
Number of Insurance Contracts-Non-Individual
Amount of Payment Last Posted
Payment Amount First Open
Zostatok istiny
Lard of the Covenant (LCY)
Customer No.
selected data of the financing contract.
This report can be used as a basis for comparing migrated contracts with contracts from the source system of the leasing company.