Insurance contracts that are part of the financing instalments must be created from the financed object using the wizard. The Insurance Contract Creation Wizard uses the default settings from the financing product or financing template – the Insurance tab (for a detailed description, see Produktový management Product Management). Settings taken from the product/template are only default – the user can also create insurance that is not defined on the product/template.
If they do not select an insurance that is mandatory or requires confirmation, a user warning or error message follows, depending on the settings on the product or template.
Detailed in the document Produktový management Product Management
If "Confirmation" or "Mandatory" is set, a notification will follow with a decision option to allow the user to continue.
Work with insurance contracts is described in the PD on insurance Insurance.
The list of insurance contracts entering into financing payments can be opened:
Overview of Financing Contracts – Elements ->Insurance Contracts
Financing Contract Card – Elements ->Insurance Contracts
Object List – Elements – >Insurance Contracts
Financed Object Card-Elements ->Insurance Contracts
From the OneCore – Financing and OneCore-Financing (All products) role centre via Insurance
From the OneCore Role Center - Insurance