The fuel card service is the basis for the management of fuel cards and their transactions.
For the fuel card service, it is possible to define discounts according to individual products, for which it is necessary to set the fuel card product code list. This setting is used when importing fuel card transactions. It is also possible to issue a one-off fee from the fuel card, but this requires setting up a code list for fuel card fee types. The service is defined in relation to the period of the rate, but it is also possible to define a fee for the issuance of the card, which will be dissolved into installments. When calculating the fuel service, the rate period is then taken into account so that the amount for the calculation is correctly calculated and the fee for issuing the fuel card is added to it.
Fuel Card Type Products
Fuel card type products are used to define fuel card transaction products for re-invoicing to clients, both for billing and for the definition of discounts if clients are provided with discounts on individual products.
The user enters a unique product code of the fuel card type
Product Name
The user enters a detailed description of the fuel card type product
Standard Sales Code
The user selects a standard sales code that will be used to charge the product and finalize the VAT
Product Type
The user assigns the product to one of the categories Diesel, Gasoline, Oils/Lubricants, Washing, Highway tolls/tolls, Other
According to this value, the sums in the attachment for fuel card transactions are then grouped
Fuel Card Charge Type
The table is used to define fuel card charge types that are not part of Fuel Card Transactions
The user enters a unique code for the type of fuel card charge
Product Description
The user enters a detailed description of the fuel card charge type
Standard Sales Code
The user selects a standard sales code that will be used to charge the fee and finalize the VAT
Fuel Card Service Ranges
Fields in the code list:
Manually entered by the user
Card Vendor No.
The card vendor code is manually selected by the user from the vendor directory
Card Vendor Name
Completes the system automatically after selecting the card vendor number
Services Range Description
Manually entered by the user
Vendor Service Range Code
To be completed by the user
It is used to add fuel cards to the order
Fuel Card Types
The code list is designed to record the designation of card types by the supplier. The vendor fuel card type must be specified by the vendor on fuel card orders.
Manually entered by the user as required by the card vendor
To be completed by the user
Card Vendor No.
The card vendor code is manually selected by the user from the vendor directory
Card Vendor Name
Completes the system automatically after selecting the card vendor number
Indicates the default fuel card type
Fuel Card Customer Nos.
The code list is designed to record vendor customer numbers for TK orders and vendor discounts. The supplier requires you to send an order with a customer number. There may be multiple customer numbers for a given vendor.
Manually entered by the user
Card Vendor No.
The card vendor code is manually selected by the user from the vendor directory
Card Vendor Name
Completes the system automatically after selecting the card vendor number
To be completed by the user
Fuel Card Pricelist
The fuel card price list is used to keep track of fuel cards, their rates, discounts and fees. The records are then used to calculate the fuel card service and reinvoice transactions.
The price list of fuel cards is linked to TK Rates, Discounts and One-off Fees.
Fuel Card Rates
On the Fuel Card Pricelist under the Fuel Card Rates button.
Fuel Card Code
The system will automatically fill in the Fuel Card Code from the Fuel Card Pricelist line from which the rates were opened
Card Company Fee Periodicity
The User enters the fee periodicity according to which the Leasing Company pays the fee to the Supplier
Option values:
Card Comp. Fee Excl. VAT (LCY)
The amount of the regular fee for the card company, entered manually by the user
Customer Fee Periodicity
User enters the fee periodicity for the customer
Option values:
Fee for Cust. Excl. VAT (LCY)
The amount of the regular fee for the customer, depending on the value of the Customer Fee Periodicity field, is entered manually by the user. The value is entered into the payment calculation.
Fee Amount Excl. VAT (LCY)
The amount of the card issuance fee for the customer, entered manually by the user
It is a one-time fee for the issuance of the card
Valid From
The user enters the effective date of the rate.
Valid To
The field is non-editable. If the user creates a new rate (new line), then the field is filled in automatically with the Valid From date on the new rate minus one day.
Fuel Card Type Discounts
In fuel card discounts, the user defines the discount that the supplier provides for individual products and that the leasing company provides to the client.
It is not possible to enter a new fuel card type discount via the customer card, because the supplier and TK price list are not specified. When you try to enter, the system reports an error:
Fuel Card Type One-Off Charge
In one-off fuel card charges, the user defines the fees that can be charged to the client.