It is used to check out unsubscribe from pre-insurance policies and to report proper regular insurance contracts of the financed object.
Whether the status of the financing contract is Signed. If:
Displays the message "The contract status must be Signed, the process cannot continue." and the process stops
Proceeds to the next checkreview
Whether the financing contract is with Financing Type = Operative Leasing or Fleet Management. If
Displays the message "This guide is only for operating lease and fleet management contracts!" and the process stops
Displays the Object Preparation WizardGuide
Wizard Fieldfield:
Financing Contract No.
Complements the system from the header of the financing contract
Financing Type
Complements the system from the header of the financing contract
Customer No.
Complements the system from the header of the financing contract
Customer Name
Complements the system from the header of the financing contract
Financed Object No.
Fills in the system with the item number from which the function was launched
Object Name
Fills in the system with the item number from which the function was launched
Expected Handover Date
The system will add Adds the current date to the system
The user can change the
Pre-Insurance Termination Code
User selects code from table Termination of Insurance Terminationthat will be added to the Termination Code On pre-fuse
Checks the filling of the field Pre-Insurance Termination Code if there is a pre-insurance policy for the object. If:
Displays the message "The code to terminate the pre-insurance must be filled in!" and the process stops. After confirmation OK The user can enter the missing code and continue with confirmation Finish
Proceeds to the next checkreview
Checks the value of a field Registration Date Before OnLine Insurance in Financing Contract Setup. If the value of the field is:
Checks if a field is filled in Leasing Company's First Registration Date Date of first registration on the leasing company on the financed object and whether its value is <= as Valid From on the insurance contract reported online (the system will set the validity of the insurance contract according to the expected handover date entered in the wizard). If:
Is the field empty or higher , leave let it be Valid From
The system will display displays a message to the user "The date of the first registration for the leasing company is not filled in or is higher than the date "Valid fromFrom" on the insurance policy. Contract XXX. Cannot be activated." and the process stops
The field Field is filled in and the date is <= Valid From
Proceeds to the next checkreview
Proceeds to the next checkreview
If there are insurance contracts on the contract that have the a flag on the insurance framework contract Insurance Company Verification Required = Yes, checks if that insurance contracts are verified. If:
Displays the message "Insurance contract Contract XXX must be verified!" and the process stops.
Proceeds to the next checkreview
Checks whether Valid From on insurance contracts reported online (the system sets the date from the Expected Handover Date) is >= current date. If:
Displays a message to the user 'Insurance No.: XXX. Date From must be >=current date." and the process stops
Proceeds to the next checkreview
Whether there are pre-insurance policies on the contract that are reported online, that are unverified or unreportedundeclared. If:
Displays a message to the user "There are undeclared or unverified pre-insurance contracts on the contract. Contract XXX cannot could not be activated." and the process stops
Continues the process of preparing for the handover
Results Result of the preparation of the handover of the course:
There is pre-insurance, the system terminates the insurance contract:
Valid To = Expected Handover Date from Wizard - 1D
Status = Closed
Termination Code = Code entered Entered in the wizardWizard
Pre-insurance reported online
Preparation for connection to integration (for customer modification)
Regulates regular insurance contracts:
Valid From = Expected Handover Date from Wizard
Valid to = calculated Calculated by the system according to the financing period
Preparation for integration connection to report the integration for reporting proper insurance policies reported online
Financing Contract Header
Changes Expected Handover Date To Date From Wizard - Field Expected Handover Date
Contract Services
Valid From = New Expected Handover Date
Valid to = calculated by the system according to the financing period
Contract Recalculation
The system checks if there are insurance contracts with a flag Insurance Reporting Online = Yes. If:
The system always starts recalculation of the financing contract (Calculator lines > Finish)
Checks for flag Complete Calculation on the header of the financing contract. If the value of the field is:
starts contract recalculation (Calculator lines > Finish)
It only runs the calculation of payments (Payment Calculation function).