After confirming the "New Financing Template" button, the user will be shown presented with a window through which the user can filter the desired financing product.
Financing Type
The default value of the field is All, the user can change it to a different value, depending on the type of financing for which they want to create the a new template. Possibilities:
Financial leasing
Credit / Loan
Instalment Sale
Operative Leasingleasing
Fleet Management
Financing Product Type Code
The user selects Financing Product Type Code From the dial Financing Product Type filtered to the financing type specified in the previous field
Legal Form Code
The user selects the Legal Form Code from the Legal Form code list if he/she wants to find a financing product matching this legal form
Currency Code
If the user wants to create a Financing Template, where the creation of calculations with a certain currency will be allowed, then he selects the given currency in this field (blank empty value means local currency)
The field is not required
The user selects the commodity for which they want he wants to create a financing template
The field is not required
The user selects the group for which he wants they want to create a financing template
After selecting the filter, the user selects the Financing Product from which they want he wants to create a Financing Template at the bottom of the dialog window. Based on the selected filter, the system will automatically display only those financing products that are Active and valid as of the current system date.
No. (No.)
The Financing Template number is generated by the system from the number series that is set in OneCore Settings
If the value of the Manual Numbers=YES field is on the number sequence, then the user can enter a the value in into this field manually
The user enters the a short text name of the Financing Template
The default value of the field is "In preparation", from which the user can switch the value to "Active". Switching to "Inactive" is only possible using the Change validity function. Any other sequence of statuses states is not allowed
In order for the user User to be able to select a given the Financing Template in the calculation, the value of the field must be equal to "Active".
When the status is switched to:
Active - the system checks:
Whether the user has the Allow Financing Template Activation flag turned on in User Settings = Yes (Allow Change Fin.Template to Active). If:
Proceeds to the next checkreview
It doesn't have
It displays an error message and does not allow you to continue:
Whether If Status is on product = Active. If:
It displays an error message and does not continue.
Checks if Active From (125)) is filled in on the template. If:
NO - it displays an error message and does not continue.
Yes - checks if Active from (Active From(125)) on product=<Active from since (Active From(125)) on the template:
If it does not valid apply - it displays an error message and does not continue
If valid - it continues without a message, resp. or unblocks Active To (130)) for editing
Non Active can only be switched by the Change Validity button – see below.
Financing Product Type Code
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Financing Product Type Description
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Financing Type
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Financing Product No.
Non-editable field
The value of the field is filled in added automatically according to the selected financing product in the dialog box.
After clicking on the value of the field, the user is shown the relevant Financing Product
Financing Product Name
Non-editable field
The value of the field is filled in automatically after adding the Financing Product No.Numbers
Releasing Excluding VAT (VAT)
The field is non-editable.
When a template is created, the system automatically takes the value from the financing product.
Leasing with delivery of goods
The field is non-editable
Fields are filled from the used Financing Product Type
Purchase Type
The field is non-editable.
When a template is created, the system automatically takes the value from the financing product.
Legal Form Filter
The value of the field is automatically filled in when you select Financing Product No.
The user can change:
If the value of the field is not empty when replenished from the financing product, then the user can only remove some legal forms, but the field must not remain blank (blank means any value)
If the field is empty after adding from the financing product, then the user can select any value from the code list, thus limiting the possibilities of using the template
Customer No.
A user can select a customer if they want to create the financing template for a specific customer
Customer Name
The value of the field will be filled in after selecting the Customer No. and is not non-editable
Master Agreement No.
A user can select a framework agreement if they want to create the financing template for a specific customer with a framework agreement
From the framework agreement, the following fields are added to the template:
Master Agreement Customer No.
Customer No.
Branch Code
Salesperson Code
Master Agreement Customer No.
The value of the field will be added filled in after selecting the Framework Agreement No. and is not non-editable
Branch Code
Select the branch for which the financing template is being created
The user selects a branch store if the financing template is only for this branchstore
Salesperson Code
Select a salesperson code from the Salespeople/Purchasers table
The field is for informational purposes only and there is no logic behind it
Created At Date
Non-editable field
The system will automatically fill in the current date when a new financing template is created
Created By Name
Non-editable field
The system will automatically fills fill in the logged-in user ID when creating a new financing template
Active From
The user manually enters the date from which the financing template is valid
The field is editable only if Status = In Preparation. When the a date is entered, the system checks whether the following applies:
Active From (Active From) on the product<= Active From on the template. If:
The date is written without a message
Does not apply
Displays an error message and does not write the date
The value of the field must be greater than or equal to the current system date
Active To
The field is not editable on the template, the value can only be written by means of expiration termination (see below)
Template Expiration (Validity Termination)
After clicking on the Change validity button, the system will open a dialog window to change the validity of the template.
When you click After clicking the Execute button, the system checks whether the Active to (130) field is filled in:
If not, it displays an error message and does not continue with "Value The value Active To must be filled."
If Yes, it checks whether if the Active To value is greater than or equal to the value in the Active From field:
If not, it will display the message "Active to must be equal to the same or higher than... date..." And it doesn't go any further.
If so, it writes the "Active To" value to the template and switches the Status to Inactive.
Commodity Code
The value is added filled in by the system from the dialog window when the template is created and is uneditablenon-editable
Group Code
The value is added filled in by the system from the dialog window when the template is created and is uneditablenon-editable
User selects a subgroup if he wants to limit the Financing Template to one subgroup of the catalogue card
Species (Type)
User selects type if he/she wants to limit the Financing Template to one type of catalogue card
Used It is used for machines
Make Filter
Lookup do API Make (4026562), opens Make make List (4026564, List) opens (bez filtrovwithout filter)
Selects the Zvole user, manually codes tagskódy brands, which chce through the means of sablóny že chce prostredníctví šablóny sprístupniť pre kalkulace.
Pri viacnásobnom výberu se automaticky automatically doplní slitlítko
Model Line Code Filter
Lookup do to API Model Line (4026589) with filter:
If the Filter tags is filled in, it is filtered to those tags
Since As the Make Code is not filled in, so without a filter, the user can select the model line he wants.
The user manually selects the model series codes that he wants to make available for calculations through via the template.
Pri viactuľného výberu se automatically populate schromlítkoWith multiple selections, the pipe is automatically completed
Model Filter (Model Code)
Lookup do API Model (4026563), otevře sa Model List (4026565, List) s filtrami takto:
If the Brand Make Filter field is filled in, then the selection will be filtered to the tag brand codes that are entered specified in Brand the Make Filter
If the Make Filter field is not filled in, then the selection will not be filtered to Brand Make code (je možné vybrať akýkoľvek kód modelumodel).
The user manually selects the model codes that he wants to make available for calculations through the template.
Pri viacnásobnom výberu se automaticky automatically doplní slitlítko
Used Financed Object
The value is supplemented by the system from the financing product and is non-editable
"EmptyBlank" value
This means that the Financing Template applies to both new items and used items.
The financing template only applies to new subjects, and if the value of the field is
The financing template applies is valid only to for used items
Contract Type
Single-subject Object or Multi-subjectSubject, takes over the system from the financing product and cannot be changed on the template
Tire Category
Taken from the financing product, can be modified.
Editable if on the Financing Product Type is an array Financing Contract = Yes
The category is taken over by the system in the calculation for the creation of the tire service
The user has the option to select a specific catalogue card in the Items subform of the Financing Template Items subform if he wants to limit the Financing Template to specific catalogue cards. The user presses the lookup in the Catalog No. field, then a dialog box opens with the filters that have been set in the subject Subject tab.
After selecting the catalogue card at the bottom of the dialog window, the user presses the "OK" button and the catalogue card is copied to the Financing Template.
Object List Price Excl. VAT (LCY) (Catalogue Price (60))
The system will add adds the list price from the selected catalogue card
Object Promoted Price without VAT (LCY)
Does the system automatically fill in the amount from the Object List Price Excl. VAT (LCY) field when selecting a catalogue card
The user can enter the a "special" price if he does not want to base the calculation on the catalogue price but on the special price (see below to edit for the wizard modification)
The meaning of the other fields is clear from the screen.
Calculation Parameters
Calculation Type
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Meaning described in the chapter for the product
Part Payment Period
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Product Type Financing with Services = No, not otherwise
Financing Term – (min)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user can only enter a higher value than the one was drawn from the financing product
Financing Term – max
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Financing Term – step
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is editable
Financing Term – default
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
The user can change the default value of the duration in months, when the value must be greater than the value of the Financing Period – min field and less than the value of the Financing Period – max field and according to the Financing Period – step field
Distance Unit
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Editable only if the Financing Product Type field is Contract with Services=Y is on the Financing Product Type, not otherwise not
This is the default value for the calculation
Max. Contr. Distance Contractual Mileage Tolerance (Max. Contr. Distance Tolerance)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Upper Tolerance
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product TypeE field Field Financing with Services = Yes and if the zero field is Upper Tolerance % field is zero, otherwise non-editable
The user can change the value in the field, which must be less than or equal to the value of the Max. Contractual Distance Tolerance field
Upper Tolerance %
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, and if the Upper Tolerance field is empty, otherwise not non-editable
The user can change the value in the field
Lower Tolerance
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes and if the zero field is Lower Tolerance %, otherwise not editable
The user can change the value in the field, which must be less than or equal to the value of the Max. Contractual Distance Tolerance field
Lower Tolerance %
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, and if the Lower Tolerance field is empty, otherwise not non-editable
The user can change the value in the field
Lower Tolerance Limit
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
The user can change the lower tolerance of the operating units. The value of the field limits the number of unfinished KM when the leasing company has yet to will still refund the client's money.
Calculate APR
Default Value = No
Depending on this flag, the OC will not (No)/will (Yes) calculate the APR (annual percentage rate of charge according to the requirements of legislation) in the contract
On tabscards, it is editable only if Financing Type = Financial leasing or Credit/Loan
Calculate IRR
Default Value = No
Depending on this flag, the OC will not (No)/will (Yes) calculate the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) in the contract
On tabscards, it is editable only if Financing Type = Financial leasing or Credit/Loan
Recalculation Settlement Type
It takes the default value from the financing product.
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Changes the user's choice of options manually if they need to
The system will then take this over into the financing contract. Use in wizard for contract recalculation – change of time and mileage (for contracts with Financing with Services = Yes)
Do Not Recalculate
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Typefield Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Turned on by Enables the user if he/she wants this flag to be transferred to the calculation when creating a calculation from the given template (for the use of the flag, see Změny smlouvy).
Recalculation Period
Editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type field Financing with Services = Yes, otherwise no
Meaning described in the chapter on the financing product
Currency and Calculation Parameters
Currency Code
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
If the value of the field is "Empty", then it is the local currency
Interest Rate Type
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
If the value of the field is "Empty", which means that the Financing Product applies to both fixed REFI codes and variable REFI codes, then the user can change the value of the field.
If the value of the field is "Fixed" or "Variable" , then the field is not editable
The interest rate of the calculation interest rate of the contract remains is unchanged for the entire duration of the contract.
The interest rate of the calculation interest rate of the contract changes during the term of the contract according to the terms and conditions set out in the contract
Not editable if it is Financing Not Mandatory = Yes on the financing product type
Margin % (Margin %)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user can enter a the default value that , which will be added to the wizard for creating the calculation
The value cannot be lower than on the a financing product
Non-editable if Simple Fee Used = Yes on financing product type
Calculate Excess Rate (Recalc. Exc. Rate)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
If the value of the field is NO, then it means that the excess rate will not be automatically calculated in the calculation
If the value of the field is YES, then it means that the system will calculate the excess rate automatically excess rate will be calculated automatically by the system depending on the definition of the coefficients of the operating unit rates defined in the Financing Template (in the Navigation)
Calculate Sublimit Rate (Recalc. Sublimit Rate)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
If the value of the field is NO, then it means that the sublimit under-threshold rate will not be automatically calculated in the calculation
If the value of the field is YES, then it means that the system will calculate the below-the-threshold rate will be calculated automatically by the system depending on the definition of the coefficients of operating unit rates defined in the Financing Template (in the Navigation)
Excess Rate – Default (Exc. Rate – Default)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Sublimit Rate – Default
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
A payment calendar is a tax document (Paym. Calendar is Tax doc.)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
The setting determines whether the payment calendar is also a tax invoice for the contract given group of contracts. In this case, the system blocks the printing of the invoice for the installment, as the tax document is not the individual invoices, but the payment calendar. This setting is transferred by the system The system transfers this setting to specific financing contracts.
Gen. Terms and Condition Code
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Down Payment % - min.
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the value of the field Allow to enter down payment amount=YES is on the model
The user can only enter a higher value than the one was drawn from the financing product
Down Payment % - max
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if it is on the Financing ModelsModel field value Allow down payment amount = YES
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Down Payment % - step
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
Down Payment % - default
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the value of the field Allowed Allow to enter down payment amount=YES is on the financing model
The user enters the default down payment value in %, which must be higher than the value of the Down Payment payment field in %– min field and at the same time lower than the value of the Down Payment payment in % – max field according to the Down Payment payment in % – step field
Initial Fee Excl. VAT
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the Entry Fee % field is empty, otherwise not editableuneditable
The user enters a value in a field that can be changed in the calculation
Initial Fee %
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the Entry Fee excl. VAT field is empty, otherwise not non-editable
The user enters a value in a field that can be changed in the calculation
Selling Fee Exc. VAT)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the value of the field Allow entering sales fee amountEntering Selling Fee Amount=YES is on the model
The user enters a value in a field that can be changed in the calculation
Residual Value Excl. VAT (Residual Value Excl. VAT)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
Editable if the value of the field Allow to enter residual value amount=YES is on the model
The user enters a value in a field that can be changed in the calculation
Simple Fee % (Simple Fee %)
By default, it is taken from the financing product
Editable on both product and template only if it is Simple Fee Used =Yes to Type financing product, otherwise not.
Does the The user enter enters the default value of the fee for the given repayment payment period.
Insurance and Financing Template Insurance tab
The "Insurance" tab defines the allowed types of framework contracts agreements for setting up insurance contracts, which can be set in the Financing Template Insurance (see below). In the calculation/contract, the user cannot select insurance with a different type of framework agreement than the one defined here.
When you click on the Financing Template Insurance button, the Financing Template Insurance list overview opens.
The values are taken to the subform from the financing product. The user can change the values at will.
Insurance Company No.
The user selects the insurance company if they want he wants it to be pre-filled in the calculation.
Insurance Product No.
The user selects the product of the given insurance company if he wants it to be pre-filled in the calculation
If the user does not select an insurance company, he can select a product from the list of insurance products. This record can be used to create an insurance contract as well as to define the control a check of the existence of an insurance contract only at the level of an insurance product
Ins. Product Variant Code
The user selects the variant code of the insurance product if he wants they want it to be pre-filled in the calculation.
Framework Agreement Type Code
The user selects the framework agreement of the given insurance company if he wants it to be pre-filled in the calculation.
In addition, the field is filtered to the framework agreement types of framework contracts that are defined in the Allowed insurance framework contract agreement types field
Set No.
The user selects the set of the framework agreement if he wants it to be pre-filled in the calculation.
Insurance Package No.
The value of the field will be added if the user adds an insurance package using the "Insert Packagepackage" function
Ins. Prod. Base Type for Check
Option Type
Possible values
Liability Insurance (Liability)
Default = Empty
The field is editable only if all fields are empty, except for the Insurance Contract Check (40) field
After entering a value in this field, all fields are non-editable except Insurance Contracts Existence Check
This control definition can be used when it is required to check the existence of insurance contracts only according to the type of insurance product (e.g. that there is a property insurance contract for the financing contract)
WARNING: During the checkinspection, the system does not differentiate between the type of insurance of the given insurance contract, i.e. whether it is a collective contract (premium insurance in instalments) or individual insurance
Insurance Contracts Existence Check
Editable only if there is a value different from Mandatory on the product on the given insurance policy.
This setting determines whether the system will use the wizard when creating insurance contracts other than third-party liability Create Insurance Contracts and when activating the contract, check the existence of insurance contracts (checks the existence of at least one such insurance contract in the Preparation status for each financed object). In the case of a third-party liability insurance contract, this check will only be carried out only if the subject of financing is Third-party liability = Yes Otherwise, nodon't:
With this setting, the system will not check the existence of an insurance contract either in the wizard for creating insurance contracts or when activating the contract.
With this setting, the system will check the existence of at least one insurance contract for each financed object. If a contract is not selected in the wizard for creating insurance contracts, then the system will only display a query and it is possible to continue without selecting insurance contracts. Also, if it finds an item without the given insurance contract when activating the contract is activated, then the system will only display a query and it is possible to you can continue.
With this setting, the system automatically sets the value of the Required=A field in the given insurance contract when creating insurance contracts by the wizard creates insurance contracts.
With this setting, the system will require the existence of at least one insurance contract for each financed object. If such an insurance contract is not selected in the wizard for creating insurance contracts, then the system will not complete this wizard. Also, if you find an item without such an insurance contract when you activate the contract, the activation will end up with an error.
Informative value only. The user can mark select the insurance contracts that he wants to use as the default in the calculation.
The value is taken from the financing product when the template is created, and the user can then edit it.
In the wizard for creating insurance contracts without a link
Flag that specifies that the defined insurance is used to create a pre-insurance policy, i.e. the insurance contract will be concluded for the period from the registration of the vehicle to the takeover of the vehicle by the client. The wizard for creating a pre-insurance policy Pre-Insurance Wizard searches for a record with the flag Pre-Insurance = YES flag and automatically creates an insurance contract with predefined parameters
Default value = No, user changes manually
Only one record can have a value of "Yes".
It is also possible to define the default settings for the creation of individual insurance contracts on the financing template.
After pressing When you press the Indiv. Insurance Financing Template opens the Indiv Indive overview. Financing Template Insurance (Fin. Template Indiv. Insurance).
Insurance Company No.
User selects insurance company
Required field
Insurance Product No.
The user selects the product of the insurance company
Required field
Ins. Product Variant Code
The user selects the variant code of the insurance product if they want it to be pre-filled when an individual insurance contract is created
Framework Agreement Type Code
The user selects the framework agreement type.
Required field
Insurance Contract Existence Check
This setting determines whether the system will check the existence of insurance contracts via wizard when creating individual insurance contracts (for each financed object it checks the existence of at least one such insurance contract in the Preparation statestatus)
Withdrawal options:
With this setting, the system will not check for the existence of an insurance contract
With this setting, the system will check the existence of at least one insurance contract for each financed object. If the a contract is not selected in the wizard for creating individual insurance contracts, then the system will only display a query and it is possible to continue without selecting insurance contracts
With this setting, the system automatically sets the value of the Required=A field in the given insurance contract when creating insurance contracts by the wizard creates insurance contracts.
With this setting, the system will require the existence of at least one insurance contract for each financed object. If such an insurance contract is not selected in the wizard, then the system will not complete this wizard and will display an error message.
The user can mark the select insurance contracts that he wants to use as default in the calculation
Editable field, default value = No
Informative value only. In the wizard for creating insurance contracts without a link.
User can add to subform Financing Template Insurance insurance package using the "Insert package" function. The functionality is the same, or it has been described in the financing product.
The functionality is the same, or it has been described in the financing product.
Multi Calculation Tab
Tab The tab is visible only if the Financing Product Type is a template with Contract with Services=Y, otherwise not.
Values The values are taken from the financing product and are non-editable.
Multi Calculation
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
If the value of the field is YES, then it means that the user can create Multi Calculations for the calculation with the given product
Number of Columns (Mileage)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
This is the maximum allowed number of columns Multi Calculation columns
Number of Columns (Financing Period)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product and is non-editable
This is the maximum allowed number of rows allowed Multi Calculation lines
Migration Tab
The values are taken from the financing product – their meaning is described in the chapter on the financing product.
Migrated Contract
Don ́t Allow Down Payment Posting in Activation
Don ́t Allow Initial Fee Posting in Activation
Don ́t Allow Invoice Posting in Activation
On the Financing Template, there are defined services that can be selected in the calculation (the meaning is the same as for the financing product). Services that will not be defined in the Financing Template are considered forbidden in the calculation and the user does not have the option to select them in the calculation.
After clicking on the "Financing Template Services" button, a form will be displayed in which all services defined in on the Financing Product are taken over.
No. (No.)
The system will automatically generate a Template No financování_XXX as a Template No.
Composed Service Code
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Service Kind
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Service Type Code
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Tire Service
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Service Code
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
If the added value is non-empty, then the field is non-editable
If the value "Empty" value is added, then the user selects the value of the field from the appropriate relevant price list based on the combination of the "Service TypeKind" field
Service Maintenance = Non-editable
Tire Service = Non-Editable
Replacement Car = Replacement Vehicle Pricelist
MV Tax = Non-editableEditable
Highway Ticket = Highway Ticket Pricelist
Fee/Service = Fee List
Fuel Card = Fuel Card Pricelist
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
The field is not non-editable for Service Typetype=Service Maintenance and Highway Stickervignette., for other service types it is.
Mandatory Service Service
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
A user can change the value of a field only if the value is NO
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
The user can change the value of the field, but if the value of the Required field is Mandatory Service=YES, then the value of the field is automatically YES and the user cannot change it to NO.
Charge Service (Charge)
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Charge Period
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
Field The field is non-editable
Permit Service Correction Minus in %
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
The user can only enter a higher value than the one was drawn from the financing product
Permit Service Correction Plus in %
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
The user can only enter a lower value than the one drawn from the financing product
Default Service Correction in %
The value of the field is taken from the a financing product or from the a feature to add a service
The user can change the value of the field where the value must be greater than the value in the Allowed Service Correction minus in % field and less than the value in the Allowed Service Correction plus field in % field
Add Service
The user can add a service using the "Add Service" button.
The user marks in blue the line with the service they want to add to the Financing Template and presses the OK button. The system adds the service to the Financing Template.
The User can delete the service until the Financing Template is Active using by clicking the Delete button. The user stands on the line that he wants to delete, requests deletion and presses the Delete function.
If the value of the Mandatory service Required field is Service equal to YES on the line, then the system will not allow the service to be deleted and the user will display an error message
If the value of the Mandatory Required Service field is equal to NO on the line, then the system deletes the service. Additionally, if there is a blank value in the Composed Service Code field on the line to be deleted, then the system deletes the one line row that is just requested. If the value of the Composed Service Code field is not empty, then the system deletes all lines rows with the same value of the Composed Service Code field.
Location: In the Financing Template bar, there is a "Coefficients" link. The values in the code list are the same for all currencies. In the code list, the user defines the Coefficients of Operating Unit Rates depending on the tolerance of the operating units of the calculation, if the Calculation Calculate Excess Rate/Sublimit Rate=YES is set on the Financing Template.
The value of the field is taken from the financing product
The user enters the unique code of the record
Distance Unit From
The value of the field is taken from the financing product, the user can change it
The user enters the tolerance of the operating unit from for which the given Coefficients appliesapply
Distance Unit to (Incl.)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product, the user can change it
The user enters the tolerance of the operating unit to for which the given Coefficients apply
Coefficient Amortization
The value of the field is taken from the financing product, the user can change it
The user enters the Amortization Coefficient of Amortization that applies to the defined criteria
A coefficient that takes into account the contribution from the financial part of the repayment to the calculation of billing rates
Coefficient Maintenance
The value of the field is taken from the financing product, the user can change it
The user enters the Service Coefficient that applies to the defined criteria
A coefficient that takes into account the contribution of the maintenance service to the calculation of billing rates
Coefficient Tyres Tire Service (Coefficient Tyres)
The value of the field is taken from the financing product, the user can change it
The user enters the Tire Service Coefficient that applies to the defined criteria
A coefficient that takes into account the contribution of the tire service service to the calculation of billing rates
API Financing Template Card (4047012, Card)
API Fin. Templ. Services (4047021, List) - list of template services (Service Contract Type (5)=Financing Template, Contract No (10)=same as template number)
API Coeff. of Oper. Unit Rates (4047062, List) – Coefficients of Operating Unit Rate
API Fin. Temp. Insurance (4047020, List) – overview of the insurance templatetemplates.
Copy Financing Template
Location: There is a "Copy" link in the Financing Template bar of the financing template.
When the function runs, the system copies the existing financing product so that all the data is copied, except for the following:
Number – a new number from the number series will be assigned.
Created Date – The current system date at the time of copying.
Created By – according to the currently logged-in user at the time of copying
Valid From - empty
Valid To - emptyEmpty
Bid To - Empty
Financing Template Status - will be transferred to In Preparation
The records in the associated tables will also be copied with the assignment of the new variant number assigned:
Currency and Calculation Parameters
Contract Service
Insurance Financing Product/Calculation Templates
Coefficients of Operation Unit Rate
Catalogue Cards, Calculation Templates
Fee Detail
Fuel Card Detail
Replacement Vehicle Car Detail
Highway Ticket Detail
Financing Product/Template Service
When the copy is complete, the user is asked "A new financing template with the number ..... Do you wish to show see it?"
After selecting the YES option, the new financing template is displayed.