Basic information about the supplier (name, legal personality code, legal form code, vendor salesperson code, etc.)
Address & Contact
Vendor communication data (registration address, telephone, fax, e-mail, correspondence mailing address)
Operative Leasing
Setting Up Fields Needed for Item Ordering Items
Vendor Set up vendor invoicing setup (billing, payer, and so on)
Set up vendor payment methods (payment terms, payment methods, and so on)
Income (Receiving)
The tab is used to purchase goods from the supplier.
Funding (Funding)
The tab stores information about the vendor (bank) for funding
Provided Services
Information about the services provided by the suppliervendor
Contact Persons Services
Contact persons person for the Service area or the purchase of an objector Object Purchase
General Tab
Basic information about the supplier (name, legal personality code, legal form code, etc.)
No. (No.)
Specifies the number of the involved entry or record, according to the specified number series.
Specifies the name of the vendor. You can enter a maximum of 100 characters, numbers, and letters.
VAT Registration No.
VAT Tax Identification Number
If the field is empty blank and the user enters a value after leaving the field, the check for that VAT number will go to the VIES register and display the verification validation and details tab after checking the BC
Detail Type
The detail type determines whether the contact is a company (the entity we do business with) or just a person. This means, for example, that the customer can be a private person, i.e. it is a Type of Person and a detail of the Company.
Legal Form Code
The field is used to record the legal form of the contact (e.g. PO entrepreneur, FON – natural person not entrepreneur, FOP – natural person entrepreneur, etc.).
Legal Subjectivity Code
The field is used to select the legal personality of the contact. According to the selected legal subjectivity, editable fields are set in BC.
Closed (Blocked)
Specifies which transactions with the vendor can't be processed, for example, because the vendor has been declared insolvent.
Closed-Privacy Blocked
Specifies whether access to data subject data should be restricted during day-to-day operations. This is useful, for example, when protecting data from changes as part of privacy controls.
Balance (LCY))
Specifies the total value of your completed purchases from the vendor in this that fiscal year. It's calculated from the amounts excluding VAT on all completed purchase invoices and credit memos.
Last Date Modified
Specifies when the record was last modified
Changed By
Specifies the user who last modified the record
Balance (LCY) As Customer
Specifies the amount that this customer owes you. This is relevant if the customer is also a supplier. The amount is the result of offsetting their liabilities and receivables.
Balance Due (LCY)
Specifies the total value of your unpaid purchases from the vendor in the current fiscal year. This is calculated from amounts that do not include VAT on all open purchase invoices and credit memos.
Document Sending Profile
Preferred method of sending method documents for this vendor – You don't have to select a sending method every time you post and send a document to the vendor. Documents for this vendor will be sent using the specified sending profile, and this setting overrides the default document sending profile.
Search Name
Specifies an alternate name that you can use to search for the record if you can't remember the value in the Name field.
Intrapod code. Partner Code (IC Partner Code)
Specifies the code of the intercompany vendor code if the vendor is one of the intercompany partners.
Purchaser Code
Specifies which purchaser is assigned to the vendor.
Responsibility Center
Specifies the code for the responsibility center, such as a distribution hub, that is associated with the given user, company, customer, or vendor.
Disable Search by Name
Specifies that you can change the vendor name on open purchase documents. The change applies only to documents.
Address & Contact tab
The tab bookmark cannot be edited on the vendor card, Address changes must be transferred to the contact card by adding a new registration or correspondence address
Customer Address (Street and House Number)
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Address 2 (Address)
Additional Address Information
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Post Code (Post Code)
Postal code from the contact's registration address
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Kraj (Country)
Region from Contact Registration Addressthe contact's registration address
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
City from the contact's registration address
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Country/Region Code
Country from From Contact Registration Address
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Correspondence Address Code
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Address from Koresp. Contact Addresses (Street and House Number)
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Post Code (Post Code)
Postal code from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
A town from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Country/Region Code
Country Z Z Land from Koresp. Contact Addresses
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Phone No.
Specifies the phone number of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
non-editable field
Mobil Phone No.
Specifies the contact's mobile phone number
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
Field editable
E-mail (Email)
Specifies the e-mail address of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
Field editable
Fax No. (Fax No.)
Specifies the fax number of the contact
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
Field editable
Home Page
Specifies the contact's site
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
Field editable
Correspondence Type
Specifies the preferred type of correspondence for the interaction
pulls from the equilibrium a uniform field from the a contact
Field editable
Language Code
Specifies the language that will be used to translate specified text on documents for foreign business partners, such as the product description on an the order confirmation, or to select layouts for interactions and emails
pulls from the equilibrium field from the contactThe default value is added from the Contact card after the vendor is created (for a leasing solution, the Language code is not populated from the vendor template)
Field editable
Primary Contact Code
Specifies the primary contact number for the vendor.
Specifies the name of the person you contact regularly when you do business with this vendor.
Preffered Make Filter
Selection from the Brand Overview Tags List table. When selecting multiple tags, you must use a vertical line (|).
Object Vendor Contract Level
Multiple Choices: EmptyChoice of options: Blank, Cooperation Contract, Framework Purchase Contract
Fuel Card Order Print Definition
Selection from the Printout Definition table
Order E-mail
The Calculated field, displays the number of email addresses for object subject orders.
Invoicing tab
Set up vendor invoicing (billing, payer, and so on).
VAT Registration No.
Specifies the vendor's VAT number for vendors in EU countries/regions.
Registration No. (Registration No.)
Specifies the vendor identification number
Possibility to verify the registration number in Ares by clicking on the three dots
Personal ID No.
Specifies the vendor's social security number
The value is downloaded drawn from the contact card of the vendor
The field is non-editable, if the user wants to edit the value, he must edit the birth number on the contact card and it will also be written to the vendor card
Tax Registration No.
Specifies the secondary VAT number for the customer.
It determines the registration and identification number of economic operators, which is used in the exchange of information with customs authorities when conducting trade to or from the European Union.
Specifies the customer in connection with sending the electronic document.
Global Location No.
The Global Location Number in the GS1 System is designed to identify objects or entities within the supply chain. It is necessary for the identification of business partners in EDI communication and for GDSN. Only the standard 13-digit numeric number structure can be used for it
Tax Liable
Specifies whether the customer is responsible for sales tax.
Pay-to Vendor No.
Specifies the number of the different vendor that you will pay for the vendor-supplied products on the vendor card.
Invoice Disc. Code
Specifies the vendor's invoice discount code. When you enter a new vendor card, the number that you enter in the No. Number field is automatically inserted.
Prices Including VAT (Prices Including VAT)
Specifies whether to show display the Unit Price and Line Amount fields on document lines with or without VAT.
Gen. Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
Specifies the vendor store type to associate link transactions that are created for this vendor with to the corresponding general ledger account, based on the general ledger posting setup.
VAT Bus. Posting Group)
Specifies the VAT specification of the relevant customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record to the appropriate general ledger account according to the VAT posting setup
Vendor Posting Group
Specifies the vendor store type to associate link the business transaction that is created for the vendor with to the corresponding general ledger account.
Currency Code
Specifies the currency code that is inserted by default when you create a purchase document or journal lines for a vendor.
Transaction Type
Specifies the default transaction type for the purpose of reporting in Intrastat reporting purposes.
Transaction Specification
Specifies the default transaction specification for the purpose of reporting in Intrastat reporting purposes.
Transport Method
Specifies the default transport type for the purpose of reporting in Intrastat.
Disable Unreliability Check
If the field is in its default state (the field is not checked)
A service Service will be launched run to obtain published information about unreliable payers and the result of the review will be shown in the Unreliable VAT Payer field on vendor cards and purchase documents.
This service Service also publishes information about registered payer bank accounts of payers (only these accounts are allowed for payments). Information about registered payers' payer bank accounts is stored in the Vendor's Bank Accounts and used in the payment system.If the user sets the value to = YES. This means that the unreliability check checking will be disabled. If a user runs an unreliability check on such a contact, the system will show the message: "The check is not allowed for supplier D00010."
VAT Unreliable Payer
The value of the scan result in the registry is downloaded to the field. The value can be Yes/No and Not Found. When you click on the value, a list of payer bill-to unreliability items opens with details about the validation result.
If the value in the field is Yes, then when posting purchase documents, the user will see the message: "Vendor D00040 (CZ27221881) is an unreliable VAT payer, do Do you want to continue?"
Last Unreliability Check Date
The date of the response from the registry. When you click on the date, a list of payer unreliability items opens with details about the verification result
Application Method
Specifies how to apply payments for this vendor's ledger entries
Payment Terms Code
Specifies the a formula by which that calculates the payment due date, discount date, and discount amount are calculated.
Payment Method Code
Specifies the payment method, such as bank transfer, cash, or check.
Specifies the importance of the vendor when proposing payments by using the Suggest Vendor Payments feature.
Do not use payment variance (Block Payment Tolerance)
Specifies whether the seller allows payment tolerance
Print Statements
Specifies the printing of reports for the vendor record.
Last Statement No.
Specifies the number of the last statement.
Last Statement Date
Specifies the date of the last statement.
Preferred Bank Account Code
Specifies the vendor's bank account that will be used as the default on payment journal lines for exporting the payment file to the bank.
Partner Type
Specifies whether the vendor is a person or a company.
Intrastat Partner Type
Specifies for Intrastat reporting whether the vendor is a person or a company.
Cash Flow Payment Terms Code
Specifies the payment terms that will be used to calculate cash flow.
Creditor No.
Specifies the vendor number
Location Code
Specifies the warehouse location where items must be received from the vendor by default
Shipment Method Code
Specifies the delivery conditions of the related shipment, such as free on board (FOB).
Lead Time Calculation
Specifies a date formula for the amount of time it takes to replenish the item.
Base Calendar Code
Specifies an editable calendar for arrival scheduling delivery planning that keeps track of the vendor's working business days and holidays.
Customized Calendar
Specifies whether you have set up a custom calendar for the vendor
Over-Receipt Code
Specifies the excess receipt code that will be used as the default for the current vendor.
Default Order Address Code
Specifies the vendor's default order address.
The tab contains information about the supplier vendor /bank/ for funding.
Bank (Funding)
Default Value No
parameter to designate the Supplier (bank) that provided the credit facility
Abbreviation (Acronym)
text field where the user can manually enter the abbreviation for the given Vendor (bank)
If the services provided are listed on the vendor card, after creating the framework service agreement, I will be copied to the contract card from the vendor card to the contract card. If the services provided services are specified in the framework service contract agreement and were have not been entered on the vendor card, the system will copy them to the vendor's card.
Service Kind
Types of services provided by the supplier
Service Type Code
Type of service of a given type
Make Filter
The user can select one or more car brands from the make list
If a the tag filter is filled in, the service provided Service is intended only for these those tags only
User note text box
Valid From
Valid From Service Provided
Valid To
Validity until when the service Service is/or was provided
Business Location No.
If the service given Service is provided only/also at a specific business location, the user selects the given business location
Maintenance Agreement No.
If the service Service is provided under a framework agreement, the value of the framework agreement number is selected in this field. If the service is specified in a Service is entered on the framework agreement, a the service line will also be automatically created in this tab with the registered framework agreement number
Business Location No.
Select from the Contact Business Places table
Maintenance / Object (Service / Object)
Whether it is a person for the Service area or the purchase of an Item
Contact Service Kind
The user selects the type of service provided by the person
Make Filter
If the service Service is provided regardless of brandthe tag, this field is blank.
If the service Service is provided only for a specific brand, the user specifies in this field.
The user can enter one or more tags separated by "|"
Comment text box
Contact Person No.
Select Selecting a contact from the contact list
First Name
Text box
The value is automatically drawn according to the entered Contact Person No. from the Name field from the Name Detail on the contact card is automatically drawn
Text box
The value is automatically drawn according to the entered Contact Person No. from in the Surname Last Name field from the Name Detail on the contact card is automatically completed
Phone No.
The value is automatically drawn according to the entered Contact Person No. in the Phone Number field on the contact card
Text field of 80 characters
User fills in manually
Service Order E-mail
E-mail address to send the order for of service work, if it needs to be sent before the start of the repair