Registration address:
When creating a contact through with the Partner Creation wizard for creating a partner, after completing the wizard, the registration address is downloaded applied to the created contact card by clicking on the "Finish" button as follows:
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is empty (the contact is not assigned to any company) and at the same time the address is not filled in by the user in step 2 of the wizard, then the contact card reg. Address does not create
The field "Take company regCompany Reg. addressAddress" has value = No and is hidden on the card.
The user can create a registration address and add it to the card himself
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is empty (the contact is not assigned to any company), but the user fills in the address in the wizard in step no.2, then reg. Address Creates
The field "Take company regCompany Reg. addressAddress" has value = No and is hidden on the card.
The user can create a new registration address and add a new one to the card.
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is filled in (in step no.2 the address field from the current company address is automatically filled in), then only the values in the field Address, City, Postal Post Code will be drawn downloaded to the created contact card. No reg. address and field Kód.reg will not be are created. The address will be hidden on the card (detto as on the customer or vendor card)
The field "take company reg. address" is visible on the card and has a value = Yes
Correspondence Mailing address:
When creating a contact with the Partner Creation Wizard, after completing the wizard, the correspondence address will be is created on the created contact card by clicking on the "Finish" button after completing the wizard as follows:
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is empty (the contact is not assigned to any company) and at the same time the address is not filled in by the user in step 2 of the wizard, then the correspondence address is created on the contact card, but the address values are empty. The user can change the values by updating the fields at the correspondence address
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is empty (the contact is not assigned to any company), but the user fills in the address (registration address) in the wizard in step no.2, then the correspondence address is created on the contact card by copying the reg. address
If the contact is Type=Person and at the same time the Business Partner No. is filled in (in step no. 2 the address field (registration address) from the current company address is automatically filled in), then the correspondence address is created on the contact card by copying the reg. address
Update the registration address on the contact card
the cez address Registration number verification protocol
If, during the verification of the data by the Verify ID functionRegistration Number, the address is updated against the data in the entered reg. address in the fields:
The user can automatically update the registration address by clicking on the Accept/Accept All button. The update takes will take place automatically when the system creates a new registration address and inserts it into the contact card fields. It will only create a new address if any of the fields listed above are is different from the currently compromised infected reg. address
The user clicks on the three dots next to the Company ID IR field
On the opened list of Verification Protocol of the IRRegistration Number, click on the Verify IR Registration Number button
A new row is created in the list with the current date in the Validation field
If the value of the created row in the Detail Status field is Valid, it means that all data, including the address, are identical, there is nothing to update on the contact card and the user can close the log by clicking the Close button.
If the Detail Status detail status field of the created row is Partial Valid, the user checks which of the data was verified as invalid by clicking the Validation Details button
In the Current Value field, the user can see the current values that are entered on the contact card.
In the Response field, the user can see the values that have been achieved by integration from the ARES database
The user decides whether they want to update the invalid Invalid values or not. If not, it just closes the list with the Close button
If he decides that he wants to update the invalid data, he can accept all the changes with the Accept All button, or he can update only the marked selected rows with the Accept button.
The new address is created and the values are applied to the contact card. The original address will be deactivated by automatically filling in the Valid To date
Function after changing the boolean value
in the
Take Company Reg. Address field on an existing contact card
If the Take Company Reg. Address Use company reg. address field is visible on the card and has a value of Yes (the contact takes the address of the company under which it is registered) and the user changes it to NO
The Registration Address Code field is made visible on the card and the address fields are cleared, and the user can select/enter the registration reg. address from the Alt.Address list, independent of the company address.
If the "Take Company Reg. Address" field is visible on the card and has a value of No and the user changes it to Yes
the Registration Address Code field is hidden, and the address field is populated with the values of the contact's current company address for the person
If contact = person and the Company No. company number field on the contact card is filled in and the user changes to blank
Value Take Company Reg. Address = No and the field is hidden
The reg. address code will be visible and editable on the card
Existing address fields are cleareddeleted.
The user can create an address by creating a reg. Addresses in the Alt.Address List and Paste On tabAddresses list and paste the
If the contact is Type = Person and the Company No. field on the contact card is blank and changes to Filled
Transfer Company Reg. Address = Yes, field is visible
The reg. address code will be hidden on the page
Existing address fields are cleared and populated with the values of the current regREG. Addresses added by the company.
Transfer Company Reg. Address = No, field is visible
The reg. address code will be visible on the page
the existing address fields are deleted and the user has to create a reg. address, which is added to filled in the fields on the card when inserted after inserting it into the Reg. address code field
When updating the company address (inserting a new reg. address on the contact card), the address field fields of all persons of in the company that are also updated, which have a value = YES in the Take over company reg. address field is also updatedTransfer Company Reg. Address field
Address Section
Registration Address Code
The registration address code is linked to alternative addresses, where Type is equal to Registration address.
The user enters the full address via the Registration Address Code and after confirmation, the Code is added to the contact with all registration data
The user can change of the registration address can be done by the user by creating a new address after by clicking on the field. The List of Alternative Contact Addresses table opens, where you can create a new address using the New button.
After creating a new address, the user has marked selected the address line that he wants to add to the Contact, then confirms the OK button. Subsequently, the OC verifies whether there are any contracts for this contact in a state other than Canceled or Archived:
If not, the change of address change will be carried out only on the contact and (or customer or supplier, if anycreated)
If so, the system will ask if a change should be made to the contracts
If the user answers Yes, then the system will go through all the customer's contracts and change the registration address:
changes the address details data and/or address code
create a record an entry in the history of contract changes with an automatic text – change of the registration/correspondence address XX_xx to XX_yy and fill in other additional data (date, user, serial number of the change, etc.); The change list closes immediately
if the user answers No, the system will not change the registration address code on the contact card; There will be no change in the contracts
Contact Address (Street and House Number)
Address 2 (Address)
Additional Address Information
Post Code (Post Code)
Postal code from the contact's registration address
Kraj (Country)
Region from Contact Registration Addressthe contact's registration address
City from the contact's registration address
Country/Region Code
Country from From Contact Registration Address
Phone No.
Specifies the phone number of the contact.
Mobil Phone No.
Specifies the contact's mobile phone number.
E-mail (Email)
Specifies the e-mail address of the contact.
Fax No. (Fax No.)
Specifies the fax number of the contact.
Home Page
Specifies the contact's site.
Correspondence Type
Specifies the preferred type of correspondence for the interaction
Language Code
Specifies the language that will be used to translate specified text on documents for foreign business partners, such as the product description on an the order confirmation, or to select layouts for interactions and emails
The default value is added after you complete the Create Partner wizard from Marketing Setup from the Language Code field
Correspondence Address Code
Empty by default, the default value is blank
Can be selected by the user after creating an alternative address
The user can change of the correspondence address is made by the user by setting up by creating a new address after clicking on the field. The List of Alternative Contact Addresses table opens, where you can create a new address using the New button.
After creating a new address, the user has marked selected the address line that he wants to add to the Contact, then confirms the OK button. Subsequently, the OC verifies whether there are any contracts for this contact in a state other than Canceled or Archived:
If not, the change of address will be carried out changed only on the contact (or customer or supplier, if any)
If so, the system will ask if a change should be made to the contracts
If the user answers Yes, then the system will go through all the customer's contracts and change the mailing address:
changes the address details data and/or address code
create a record an entry in the history of contract changes with an automatic text – change of the registration/correspondence address XX_xx to XX_yy and fill in other additional data (date, user, serial number of the change, etc.); The change list closes immediately
if the user answers No, the system will not change the correspondence address code on the contact card; There will be no change in the contracts