Checks if VAT Change Date is filled in
If it is not filled in, it will display an error message "VAT Change Date must be entered. EN: VAT change date must be entered. SK: VAT changes must be entered." And it doesn't go any further. Likewise, when running via Schedule...
If it is filled in, it continues to the next check
Check if the Contract Change Type is filled in
If it is not filled in, it will display the error message "Contract Change Type must be entered. EN: Contract change type must be entered." and it doesn't go any further. Likewise, when running via Schedule...
If they are filled in, it continues
If all checks are error-free, the job runs and iterates through the funding contract headers. It looks for contracts that meet:
Fixed filters:
Change Copy=N
Change Copy Exists=N
Filters that have been entered by the user in the Task dialog box in the Filter: Financing Contract Header section
It will then check the found contracts to see if there is an aliquot payment on the contract in the API Financing Contract Line (4026398) payment schedule:
Financing Contract No. (1)=same
Type (6)=Payment
Aliqout Payment(810)=Y
If it exists, it checks to see if this payment is posted. That is, in the Posted=Y field.
if it is not posted (i.e. the contract is after activation and before the aliquot is posted), then it does not process this contract will not be processed or it will be written , or it writes it into the Contract Change Log:
writes the contract to the Contract Change Log with Recalculation Result=Fail and Error Detail=Posted aliquot payment does not exist. (EN: Posted aliquot payment does not exist.)
Continues to the next contract
if it is posted, it continues to check VAT Reporting Date (see below)
If there is no aliquot payment (Handover Date=1st day of the month), the API Financing Contract Line (4026398) checks it will check if the contract has at least one posted regular payment or down payment in the contract payment calendar API Financing Contract Line (4026398):
Financing Contract No. (1)=same
Type (6)=Payment
Aliqout Payment(810)=N
Recalculation Settlement (3045)=N
Partial Payment Credit (3055)=N
Posted (50)=Y
If such a payment does not exist (i.e. the contract is after activation, without aliquot and before posting the down payment or the first regular payment is posted), then it does not process this contract is not processed, or it is written into the Contract Change Log:
writes the contract to the Contract Change Log with Recalculation Result=Fail and Error Detail=Posted regular payment does not exist. (EN: There is no posted regularinstallment.)
Continues to the next contract
If such an installment exists, it continues to be checkedVAT Reporting Date (see below)
It will then check the found contracts to see if they exist for the given contract Posted regular payment in the API Financing Contract Line (4026398) payment schedule, which hasVAT Reporting Date (850) orVAT Date(CZ/SK: 4027520)greater than or equal to the specified VAT Change Date from the task dialog box:
Financing Contract No. (1)=same
Type (6)=Payment
Aliqout Payment(810)=N
Recalculation Settlement (3045)=N
Partial Payment Credit (3055)=N
Posted (50)=Y
VAT Date (CZ/SK: 4027520) or VAT Reporting Date (850) => VAT Change Date
If such a payment exists (i.e. the contract has a posted payment with a VAT date greater than the VAT change date), then it does not process this contract, or it writes it into the Contract Change Log:
writes the contract to the Contract Change Log with Recalculation Result=Fail a Error Detail=The contract must not include posted payment with a VAT Date higher than or equel to the VAT Change Date. (EN: The contract must not contain a posted payment with a VAT date higher than or equal to the VAT change date. SK: Na zmluve nesmie byť zakalovaná splatá s dátumom DPH vyšší alebo rovným ako je dátum zmeny DPH.)
Continues to the next contract
If no such payment exists, it continues to the next check
It will then check the found contracts to see if they exist for the given contract Unposted regular payment in the API Financing Contract Line (4026398) payment schedule,
Financing Contract No. (1)=same
Type (6)=Payment
Aliqout Payment(810)=N
Recalculation Settlement (3045)=N
Partial Payment Credit (3055)=N
Posted (50)=N
If such a payment does not exist (i.e. the contract is in the last month of regular duration and before the automatic extension), then it does not process this contract will not be processed, or writes it will be entered into the Contract Change Log:
writes the contract to the Contract Change Log with Recalculation Result=Fail and Error Detail=Unposted payment does not exist. (CZ/SK: Unposted payment does not exist.)
Continues to the next contract
If such an installment exists, a check is made that first Unposted Payment it also has a VAT Reporting Date (850) or VAT Date (SK/CZ:4027520) greater than or equal to the specified VAT Change Date from the task dialog box. If the condition:
IS fulfilled, so proceeds on to process the original contract (see below)
NOT met, so:
writes the contract to the Contract Change Log with Recalculation Result=Fail a Error Detail=The first unposted payment does not have a VAT Date higher than or equal to the VAT Change Date. (EN: The first unposted payment does not have a VAT Date greater than or equal to the VAT Change Date. SK: The first unposted payment does not have a Dátum DPH vyšší alebo rovný Dátumu zmeny DPH.)
Continues to the next contract
Then he proceeds to process the original contract:
The task for the found contract, which meets all the checks above, performs the following actions:
process the change of VAT posting groups as described in the chapter below https://iao.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OCDOC/pages/145358896/Zm+na+sazby+DPH+na+aktivn+ch+smlouv+ch#Zpracov%C3%A1n%C3%AD-origin%C3%A1lu-smlouvy
When processing contracts, it displays the message: "Working on it... Contract..." (if the task was started via Schedule..., the message is not displayed)
after processing, it creates an entry in the Contract Change History as described in the chapter below https://iao.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OCDOC/pages/145358896/Zm+na+sazby+DPH+na+aktivn+ch+smlouv+ch#Z%C3%A1pis-do-historie-zm%C4%9Bn and to Contract Change Log
If the task is run without a scheduler, the user will see an information window at the end of the processing with the number of processed contracts: "The change has been made on X contract(s). An error occurred in Y contract(s)." with the option to open the Contract Change Log.