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Invoice Rounding
Specifies whether amounts are rounded for purchase invoices. The rounding is applied as specified in the Rounding Precision (LCY) field in the General Ledger Setup window. This option is not enabled for purchases.
Copy Vendor Name to Entries
Specifies whether you want the name on vendor cards to be copied to vendor ledger entries during posting.
External Document No. Required (Ext. Doc. No. Mandatory)
Specifies whether it is mandatory to enter the external document number in the External Document No. field on the purchase header or on the general journal line. For purchases, the need for an external number is usually set. The information entered in this field of the purchase invoice is transferred to the Variable Symbol field after it is posted (the system removes non-numeric values during the transfer).
Allow VAT Difference
Specifies whether to allow manual adjustments to VAT amounts on purchase documents. It is recommended that you enable this so that you can charge the same amounts as those on the purchase document.
Appln. between Currencia
Specifies whether vendor payments in different currencies can be settled. Possibilities:
None: All entries included in a settlement must be in the same currency.
EMU (EMU): You can apply entries in euros and one of the old national currencies (for EMU countries/regions) to each other.
All: You can apply entries in different currencies to each other. Items can be in any currency. When you apply entries in different currencies to each other, there may be small rounding differences. In order for the program to account for these rounding differences, you can use the Ok.Alignment Accuracy (Appln. Rounding Precision) in the Currency table and the Ok.Alignment Accuracy (Appln. Rounding Precision) in the General Ledger Setup table.
Default Posting Date
Specifies how to use the Posting Date field on purchase documents. You can choose from the following options: Work Date – when creating a purchase document, the system pre-fills the working date of the user creating the document; No Date – The posting date will be blank in new documents.
Allow Alter Posting Groups
Allows you to use multiple posting groups for one customer. The default posting group of the customer is set on the Customer Card, this posting group can then be changed on the sales document if this substitute posting group is set in the Refunds code list. It is recommended to enable it.
Automatic Advance Payment Posting tax. Automatic Adv. Invoice Posting
Specifies this option for posting automatic prepayment invoices when matching a payment with an advance invoice. For purchase advances, this setting is not recommended.
Ignore Updated Addresses
Specifies whether address changes made to purchase documents are copied to the vendor's card. By default, changes are copied to the vendor card.
Copy Line Descr. to G/L Entry
Specifies that descriptions from document lines of the account type are transferred to the resulting ledger entries.
If it is turned off, it the system accumulates multiple purchase document lines into a single G/L entry when posting. Cumulation takes place in the buffer based on the match in the fields
G/L Account
General Bus. Posting Group (Gen. Bus. Posting Group)
Gen. Prod. Posting Group
VAT Bus. Posting Group)
VAT Prod. Posting Group
Tax Area Code
Tax Group Code
Tax Liable
Excise Tax (Use Tax)
Dimension Set ID
Job No.
Fixed Asset Line No. (Fixed Asset Line No.)
Accrual Code
Additional Grouping Identifier
Document Default Line Type
Specifies the default value of the Type field on the first line in new sales documents. If necessary, you can change the value on the line. We recommend that you set the value to G/L Account.
Allow Alter Posting Groups
Allows you to use multiple posting groups for one customer. The default posting group of the customer is set on the Customer Card, this posting group can then be changed on the sales document if this substitute posting group is set in the Refunds code list. It is recommended to enable it.
The setup is similar to Customer Posting Groups. The procedure for setting the fields is the same as Described
The procedure for setting up Subst. Customer Posting Group is the same as in Chapter