Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Table of Contents

Payments Ahead

This new functionality allows users in processing of incoming payments received from customers (finance /bank /receivables /VAT) to generate tax documents (and VAT entries) in the case that the date of payment is earlier then the date of sales invoice applied to it. System can create a tax document of type “Invoice” for payment when it is posted to GL and a tax document of type “Credit memo” for the usage (application) of this payment when the payment has been applied.

Functionality allows:

  • to setup this function (can be switched on or off) with a set of parameters to create proper documents and post proper entries (VAT Entries, G/L Entries)

  • in the Payment Journal to apply Customer Entries (invoices) with a higher Posting Date than the payment date

  • to mark so called “payments ahead” in the Payment Journal with flags added for creating documents for those payments and their application

  • to generate special data structure - Payments Ahead (headers and lines) containing information about payment and its application(s) with information needed to post tax docs when posting the Payment journal immediately or retroactively (backwards) when applying Customer Ledger Entries

  • to generate tax documents and post VAT and G/L Entries for Payments ahead immediately or later on using a special batch task for creating tax documents for Payments ahead

  • to generate tax credit memos and post VAT and G/L Entries when applying a Payment ahead immediately or later on using a batch job

  • to apply Customer Ledger Entries automatically with a batch job (in addition to applying in Payment journal or manually in receivables)

  • to split one “bulk” payment according to the application to more than 1 receivable using Applies-to ID to more lines in the Payment Journal

Notification of upcoming installment

This functionality allows users to create notifications and send them to customers, when the receivables are coming due in a particular number of days.

As an “receivable” can be used:

  • An open receivable in Customer Ledger Entries (sales invoice) with Due date in the future

  • An instalment of the Financial Contract, which was not posted yet, but its Due date is also coming due in particular number of days

In setup for this functionality users can define:

  • What customers /financial contracts are to be notified

  • How many days before Due date the notification should by created and sent

  • What template of an email and what email address should be used for notification

A list of notifications created and sent is kept in the new table for Notifications.

A batch task (allowed to be run in Job Queue) is prepared to generate and / or send notifications.

Objects External Check

Leasing companies sometimes mandate specialized companies to check the financed object e.g., if it is used in line with the agreed conditions or with the warranty rules.

Before this modification the system allowed to create only one record in connection with the financed object. Now, after this modification, user can create more records for the same object and on this way store the history of these external checks.

Insurance set discount

Insurance Set:

  • New field Discount / Surcharge Code

    • It is possible to enter a discount on the new insurance set, which is transferred to the rates of the insurance set. The condition is that the insurance rates have not yet been used in insurance contracts.

You can select and set a discount code:

The system writes the discount into the insurance rates of the given insurance set.

Insurance Company Product

  • New Field „Rate Rounding Method After Discount“

    • The rate rounding method after the discount/surcharge can be specified for the insurance company’s product.

Financing type in detailed status sequences


GDPR Consents

  • New registration of consents on the contact card. On the contact card, all required Consent requests necessary due to GDPR or for sending marketing campaigns are recorded.

  • Consent can be based on the selected Type of contact detail (person, company) or a specific legal Subjectivity.

  • Consent can be established automatically or manually by the user

    • Manually by the user – Consent is based on the contact card

    • Automatically by the system: if the "Default when creating a contact" field is clicked on the "Content temp. evid. list" template, consent is automatically created when the system is created.

  • To establish consent, it is necessary to set up a new Consent Temp table. Evid. Sheet (4026541) including No. of Personal Data Requested, which the contact must approve for the given template. (Scope of provided data tab)

  • New report Evidence of Consent

  • Added Filter: Consent Evidence tab to API Add Contacts dialogue (4047198) on segments

  • New Cue for Consent (Consent Sent, Consent Active, Consent Expire) on Administration of users, security groups and permission Role Center


 Bug fixing

Functional area




Changing the filling of the Disposal Amount field in the report Insurance Payment by Insurance portfolio from the field “Insurance Company Month Amount” on the Insurance contract header to the value from the field “Amount” of the last installment in the Insurance Company Payment Calendar.



Addition of a filter for selecting the guarantee category only for active records.



Adjustment of recalculation for a contract cancelled before activation (contract status "Canceled")



A fix posting of vendor payment applies if the Payment Ahead module is enabled. Adjustments related to the posting of payment ahead applying are only valid for customers.



When calculating the insurance amount, differences could arise between the monthly insurance amount in the insurance contract header and the calendar, because in the calendar the monthly insurance amount was already calculated from the rounded yearly insurance amount and in the header from the unrounded one.
Adjustment of the calculation of the insurance amount when the insurance contract is created so that the system calculates the monthly insurance amount when the year insurance amount is already final and rounded so that there are no differences due to rounding.



During the technical evaluation, the system copies the insurance contract. The extension is to copy the insurance rate change table as well.
In the table of insurance rate changes, it recalculates the amounts for the changed insurance value. This table is a source for calculating insurance calendars.



With this modification, the VAT Date is transferred from the Header to the Lines of the Invoice/Credit Memo. The VAT Date in the lines is an unused HUNLOC functionality, therefore, to avoid possible differences, we unify both types of VAT date.



Bug logging has been modified so that the error message is shortened to 250 characters and the length is not overflowed.



The possibility of setting up a check on the existence of insurance contracts at the level of the insurance product without specifying the insurance company


Maintenance Permission

Bug fixing on Maintenance Permission Field Customer No. (300) will not be editable on the Maintenance Permission card.