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Výkaz DPH

Zaúčtované daňové doklady, daňové dobropisy a daňové vrubopisy vytváří Položky DPH obdobně jako standardní prodejní faktury a dobropisy, kdy je vyplněný Základ DPH a Částka, proto pro Platby předem nejsou ve Výkazu DPH žádné speciální úpravy.

V případě potřeby je možné platby předem odlišit např. samostatnou DPH účto skupinou zboží.

Kontrolní hlášení


Table of Contents

VAT Statement

Posted Tax Documents, Tax Credit Memos and Tax Debit Notes create VAT Entries similarly to standard sales invoices and credit notes, where the VAT Base and Amount are filled in, so there are no special adjustments in the VAT Statement for Payments Advance.

If necessary, it is possible to differentiate between advance payments, e.g. a separate VAT posting group of goods.

Control Reports

For the Control Report, no modifications have been made for Payments in advance in the system. The Control Report processes individual VAT Entries corresponding to the posted documents (Tax Document, Tax Credit Memo, Tax Debit Note, Final Posted Sales Invoice). This means that in the Control Report these documents will be reported separately according to the document number (see the settings of the VAT Control Statement Section, field Sum by = Document number). This corresponds to the process by which tax credit memos are sent to the customer.