The functions (Post, Cancel, Posting Preview, Navigate, Split Down Payment) of the payment calendar are described in Fakturace prodej Invoicing Sales.
Payment No.
Sequential Payment No. (Three-Digit)
The down payment is number 000
Instalments subsequently with an increment of +1
Date From
Start of Payment Period
Fills the system automatically
For the down payment: it is the handover date of the object
For First Payment=Contract Calculation Start Date
Subsequent Payments Contract Model Setup
Date To
End of repayment period
Fills the system automatically
For the down payment: it is the handover date of the object
It is determined in relation to the peridity of repayments
Posting Date
Fills the system automatically according to the contract model settings
For the down payment: it is the handover date of the object
VAT Date
To give VAT payments, the system fills the contract automatically according to the contract model settings
Maturity date
Does the system fill automatically:
For down payments: Due Date=Posting Date
For installments: Billing Date+Date Formula from Contract Payment Terms Code
For Sales Line: Posting Date+Date Formula from Contract Sales Price Payment Terms Code
Document No.
Does the system fill automatically when a payment is posted
Document No. under which the payment was posted
Mass invoicing
Fills in the system automatically if the payment is invoiced via mass invoice (e.g. Per Customer, Utilisation in OL and GMP)
It is used in operational leasing/fleet management
Does the system fill automatically when posting a payment to A
Does the system fill up automatically when cancelling an installment on A
The hidden field is only mentioned for the sake of completeness. If an accrual line is posted and a due payment has not yet been posted, the system will block this payment.
The hidden field is only included for the sake of completeness. Through the calculator lines, it is possible to block unposted lines so that they are not recalculated.
Individual Tax Document
It is filled to A if part of the down payment is posted by an individual invoice (used in financial leasing).
Instalment Amount
Fills up the system automatically
Payment to be paid, the sum of all payment items
Rounding according to the Total Rounding Code on the Contract Model
Amount Excl. VAT (Amount Excl. VAT)
Instalment Value Excl. VAT
It is not a physical field in the table, but a variable on the pagi (overview)
It fills in the system automatically by adding values to the variable:
Amount Exl. VAT= Principal + Interest + Insurance + Deposit + Service + Selling Price + Simple Fee
Payment Balance
Fills up the system automatically
Payment Balance Value, displays the Balance of the given payment from Customer Ledger Entries
When clicked, an overview of customer entries opens with a filter for the given document number, Open=A and Posting date of the payment.
Annuity Excl. VAT
Fills up the system automatically
Sum of Principal+Interest
Fills up the system automatically
Principal Payment in the Given Monthly Payment
Rounding according to the Part Payment Rounding Code on the contract model
Will the system automatically add VAT
Interest Payment in Given Monthly Payment
Rounding according to the Part Payment Rounding Code on the contract model
VAT Amount Principal
Will the system automatically add VAT principal
Amount VAT Interest
Will the system automatically add VAT interest
Fills up the system automatically
For insurance via the insurance module: value=Liability insurance amount + Accident insurance-amount + Other insurance-amount
For simple insurance: the value is calculated from the contract header and rounding according to the Insurance Rounding Code on the contract model
Liability Insurance Amount
Fills up the system automatically
From the client payment schedule of the third-party liability insurance contract
Accident Insurance-Amount
Fills up the system automatically
From the client's payment schedule of the accident insurance contract
Other Insurance-Amount
Fills up the system automatically
Sum of Client Payment Schedules of Supplementary Insurance Contracts
Fills up the system automatically
For services via Service Contracts: value=sum of the payment schedules of the applicable services in the given month
For simple insurance: the value is calculated from the contract header
Rounding for standard and simple service according to Service Rounding Code on contract model
After clicking, the Service Payment Line report opens with a filter for Financing Payment No. – the user can see the structure of the total amount of the Service.