The process for processing payments received in advance may vary based on your settings (internal processes). Individual processing procedures can also be combined with each other. The documentation describes the basic processing procedures:
Marked items must be positive (same adjustment as on the customer's balance, See Chap. Check for signs of applied entries). The signs of the applied entries are checked when the payment is posted. Example of an error message when this rule is violated:
A mass payment can be split using the Split payment by to Applying See Chap. 6.3.6. Split payment in Payment Journal. When splitting a payment, the system evaluates whether the conditions for generating Payment Ahead are met for individual items and if so, it sets the Generate Payment Ahead flag on individual partial payments.
A description of the Payments in advance card can be found in the
Tax documents for prepayment
either individually manually from the Payments Ahead tab using the Action button > Post Invoice,
or Batch Job in Bulk Generated Tax Documents and Credit Memos for Payments Aheadsee
or the system generates them automatically in the background when you post any general journal or when you post settlement on the balance.if a prepayment was generated during this posting (applies to already existing Payments in advance with flag Generate Prepayment Invoice Immediately = Yes)
either individually manually from the Payments Ahead tab using the Action button > Post Credit Memo,
or Batch Job in Bulk Generate Tax Documents and Credit Memos for Payment Ahead, see Chap.
or the system generates them automatically in the background when you post any general journal or when you post settlement on the balance.if an advance payment was generated during this posting (applies to already existing Payments in advance with flag Generate Tax Credit Memo for Payment Ahead Immediately = Yes)
When a payment is partially settled, if the conditions are met, a Payment Ahead is generated for the full amount of the payment received.
If an application of customer ledger entries is posted, when a new Prepayment is generated as part of the settlement, the system then runs in the background Generating Tax Documents and Tax Credit Memos,
The settings required for automatic customer entry application are described in Nastavení pro úlohu Vyrovnat položky zákazníka Settings For Apply Customer Ledger Entries Batch
Below is just an overview of the settings (tables and fields):