Number of Payments
It will complete the system automatically according to the financing period and the repayment period
The field is not user-editable
Entry Fee %
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the contract creation wizard. Based on this value, the system will create a calculation input for the entry fee according to the system settings.
A user can only change the value if the Contract Status is <Effective. If:
The entry fee existed before, the OC will update the calculation input according to the new value
The entry fee did not exist before, the OC bases the calculation input on the value specified by the user in the contract
If the initial fee or calculation input existed in the contract, but the user deletes the value, the OC only updates the existing calculation input to zero. The user should manually delete the zero calculation input.
Initial Fee excl. VAT
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the contract creation wizard.
The User can change the value, using the same mechanisms as when changing the Entry Fee % (see above).
Acquisition Price Excl. VAT
The system automatically fills in the sum of the values of the Base Amount field from the contract calculation inputs:
To Acquire=A
Calc. Input Variant = Purchase Price or Change of Purchase Price
Calculation Enter Date=Expected Handover Date, resp. Handover Date (after activation)
Input Price Excl. VAT
Fills in the system automatically, as the sum of the Calculation Amount fields (filled in if the calculation input is To Calculation=A) from calculation inputs that have parameters
To Acquire=A
Calculation Enter Date=Expected Date Handover, respectively. Handover Date (after activation)
Amount Paid By Customer %
The field is non-editable. Changing the amount is only possible on the calculation input for the entry price for the loan.
Fills up the system automatically
The system sums up the value of the field To Acquisition=A, the value of the "Amount incl. VAT" field and the value of the "Amount paid by customer" field in all calculation inputs. It then calculates the value of the "Amount paid by customer %" field
"Amount paid by customer" * 100 / total "Amount incl. VAT"
Amount paid by customer
The field is non-editable. Changing the amount is only possible on the calculation input for the entry price for the loan.
Completes the system automatically, as the sum of the Amount paid by customer fields from calculation inputs, which have parameters:
To Depreciation/To Acquisition=A
Down Payment %
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the contract creation wizard.
For Financing Type=Credit and Fleet Management it is not editable, for other types of financing the user can change the entered value
A down payment will be recalculated in case of a change
Advance payment
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the Create Contract Wizard. After changing the value in the Down Payment % field, the system automatically calculates the absolute down payment value from the input price
For Financing Type=Credit and Fleet Management it is not editable, for other types of financing the user can change the entered value
Financed Value
Non-editable for all types of financing
The system automatically fills in the value:
Financial Leasing, Oper. Leasing, Instalment Sale, Fleet Management: Input Price Excl. VAT-Down Payment
Credit: from the calculation input from the Calculation Amount field
The value is entered into the calculation Annuity without VAT or into the financial calculator
Calculation Residual Value %
Automatically completes the system according to the residual value entered in the Create Contract Wizard
The user can change the value of the field only if the value of the "Allow residual value amount to be entered" field is equal to YES on the financing model. Otherwise, the system will display an error.
Each time the value in the Residual Value field changes, the calculation system updates the value in this field
Calculation Residual Value
The system automatically fills in the residual value entered in the Create Contract Wizard
The user can change the value of the field only if the value of the "Allow residual value amount to be entered" field is equal to YES on the financing model. Otherwise, the system will display an error.
Each time the value in the Calculation Residual Value % field changes, the system updates the value in this field
Change in Purchase Price
completes the system automatically as the sum of the calculation inputs of the contract with the "To procurement" and "To calculation" flag and the calculation input type "Input Price Change"
non-user-editable field
Selling price
The user can manually enter the amount that the client will pay at the end of the contract in addition to the entry price on the financing contract. Also used is the term selling fee.
Interest Rate Type
The system will be added from the wizard if the Financing Product Type contains the flag Optional financing=N
The field is editable according to the flag on the Contract Product Type:
Optional financing=N – editable (i.e. it is allowed to change the interest rate type during the contract term to another one such as on the product/template)
Optional financing=A – not editable (typically for fleet management when the subject is not financed)
When the value is changed manually, the system updates the value of the Reference Date field
After updating the Reference Date, it will also try to find the new REFI code:
If it finds it, it will add the Base Rate and Cost Rate rates from it.
If it does not find it, it deletes the original REFI code, but keeps the interest rates (for technical reasons, it is not possible to delete them).
When changing to an empty value, the original REFI code deletes but keeps the interest rates (for technical reasons it is not possible to delete them).
For calculation with Financing Product Type that has Optional Financing = A is empty and uneditable
For the calculation with the Financing Product Type that has Optional Financing=N, the system automatically fills in the value entered in the contract creation wizard and is editable
If it is editable, the user can change the default value. When the REFI code is changed manually, the system will update the Reference Date in order to search for rates to the current date.
When changing the REFI code, the system filters according to the following filters:
Currency Code
There must be the same currency code in the calculation/contract as on the REFI code
Valid From
The "Valid from" date must be equal to or less than the reference date
Valid To
The "Valid To" date must be blank, equal to or greater than the Reference Date
Interest Rate Type
Fixed, variable
The interest rate type must match the interest rate type of the REFI code.
Active=Yes (on REFI code)
If no REFI code matches, it will not allow you to select anything else.
If the user selects a matching REFI code, they proceed to check the REFI code rates:
For the given REFI code, there must be Base Rate and Cost Ratethat have:
Valid From
The "Valid from" date must be equal to or less than the Reference Date of the contract
Valid To
The "Valid To" date must be empty, equal to or greater than the Contract Reference Date
The base rate must have a value greater than 0.00, check when the rate is applied
Financing Period (month) must be Min. Leas. Sml.Contract From<=Financing Period<=Max. Period leas.sml.doLeas. Contract To
If the Base Rate and Cost Rate are suitable, then they are taken into the wizard fields:
Basic Rate
Cost Rate
If there is also a valid Special Liquid Expense (same conditions as for the Base Rate and Cost Rate) that has the same Financing Contract No., then it will take the value of the Special Liquid Cost into the Cost Rate and not the Cost Rate.
Then calculates:
Reference Interest=Base Rate+Cost Rate
Calculation Interest = Reference Interest + Interest Margin (Takes Margin from Product/Template)
If the user enters the Calculation Interest value, he calculates the value Interest Margin%=Calculation Interest%-Reference Interest
Calculation Interest in %
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the Create Contract Wizard
User can change if Interest Rate Type is Fixed. In the case of the Variabil interest rate type, the system automatically calculates the calculated interest after entering the interest margin and the field is not editable by the user
The calculation interest can also be zero, even for Optional Financing=N. If the input price is non-zero and the calculation interest is zero, the system calculates the annuity payment by dividing the financed value by the number of payments – in this case, the annuity payment is even.
Interest Margin %
The system automatically fills in the value entered in the Create Contract Wizard
The user can change it if the interest rate type is Variable. In the case of the Fixed Interest Rate type, the system automatically calculates the margin after entering the calculated interest and the field is not editable by the user
Reference Interest %
The system will automatically fill in the value entered in the contract creation wizard, or according to the entered REFI code
Non-user-editable field
Cost Interest %
The system will automatically display the value entered in the contract creation wizard or according to the entered REFI code
Non-user-editable field
Basic Rate %
The system will automatically display the value entered in the contract creation wizard or according to the entered REFI code
Non-user-editable field
Fills up the system automatically
Non-user-editable field
A detailed description is given in the subchapter below
APR % (APR%)
It is an indicator of the annual percentage rate of charge. The system calculates it automatically when generating a payment calendar on the financing contract
Non-user-editable field
A detailed description is given in the subchapter below
Annuity Excl. VAT (Annuity Excl.VAT)
It calculates the OC automatically after creating a calculation using a formula without creating a contract payment calendar. Rounding according to the Part Payment Rounding Code on the Financing Model. The recalculation is possible using the Payment Calculation button – for calculation, see the Payment Calculation chapter.
If a contract payment calendar is created, the OC will update this field when deploying the payment calendar from the Annuity Excl. VAT field from the payment (line) that matches:
First non-posted (Posted=N) and
Regular (Aliquot Payment=N, Downpayment Line=N, Recalculation Settlement=N, and Partial Payment Credit=N
If the contract flag is Financing with Services=N, then also the non-zero Payment amount (Amount<>0) of the payment from the TC of the contract. If Y, don't check the Amount.
Insurance Excl. VAT (Insurance Excl.VAT)
It calculates the OC automatically after creating a calculation using a formula without creating a contract payment calendar. The recalculation is possible using the Instalment calculation button (in the case of standard insurance and in the case of simple insurance separately) – for calculation, see chapter Instalment calculation.
In the case of simple insurance, it is rounded separately according to the Insurance Rounding Code on the contract model.
In the case of standard insurance, it is rounded according to the insurance settings.
If a contract payment calendar is created, the OC will update this field when deploying the payment calendar from the Insurance field from the payment (line) that matches:
First non-posted (Posted=N) and
Regular (Aliquot Payment=N, Downpayment Line=N, Recalculation Settlement=N, and Partial Payment Credit=N
If the contract flag is Financing with Services=N, then also the non-zero Payment amount (Amount<>0) of the payment from the TC of the contract. If Y, don't check the Amount.
Services Excl. VAT (Services Excl.VAT)
It calculates the OC automatically after creating a calculation using a formula without creating a contract payment calendar. Recalculation is possible using the Instalment Calculation button (in the case of standard services as well as in the case of separate services) – for calculation, see the Instalment Calculation chapter
Rounding according to the Service Rounding Code on the financing model, in the case of standard services also simple services.
If a contract payment calendar is created, the OC will update this field when deploying the payment calendar from the Services field from the payment (line) that matches:
p ̈First non-posted (Posted=N) and
Regular (Aliquot Payment=N, Downpayment Line=N, Recalculation Settlement=N, and Partial Payment Credit=N
If the contract flag is Financing with Services=N, then also the non-zero Payment amount (Amount<>0) of the payment from the TC of the contract. If Y, don't check the Amount.
Payment Excl. VAT (Payment Excl.VAT)
It calculates the OC automatically after creating a calculation using a formula without creating a contract payment calendar. Recalculation is possible using the Instalment Calculation button – see calculation Výpočet splátky Payment Calculation
If a contract payment calendar is created, the OC will update this field when deploying the payment calendar from the Payment Excl. VAT field from the payment (line) that matches:
First non-posted (Posted=N) and
Regular (Aliquot Payment=N, Downpayment Line=N, Recalculation Settlement=N, and Partial Payment Credit=N
If the contract flag is Financing with Services=N, then also the non-zero Payment amount (Amount<>0) of the payment from the TC of the contract. If Y, don't check the Amount.
Without a separate rounding setting – is the sum of already rounded values.
Payment incl. VAT (Payment Incl. VAT)
It calculates the OC automatically after creating a calculation using a formula without creating a contract payment calendar. Rounding according to the Total Rounding Code on the Financing Model. Recalculation is possible using the Payment Calculation button – for calculation, see chapter Payment Calculation.
If a contract payment calendar is created, the OC will update this field when deploying the payment calendar from the Payment Amount from Payment (Line) field that matches:
First non-posted (Posted=N) and
Regular (Aliquot Payment=N, Downpayment Line=N, Recalculation Settlement=N, and Partial Payment Credit=N
If the contract flag is Financing with Services=N, then also the non-zero Payment amount (Amount<>0) of the payment from the TC of the contract. If Y, don't check the Amount.
SimpleFee % (Simple Fee %)
Adds the wizard to create a calculation/contract automatically if there is a Simple Fee=Y on the Financing Product Type (not possible for contracts with Financing with Services=Y) from the financing product or financing template (if the calculation was created from a template) from the field of the same name from the Currency and Calculation Parameters subform.
Editable if the Financing Product Type is Use Simple Fee=Y and Status<Active is not otherwise (not even on the change copy), Simple Fee and Simple Fee Sum are automatically recalculated when changing
When the Simple Fee value changes, it is automatically recalculated:
Simple Fee %=round(Simple Fee*100/Financed Amount (4047245),2)
Simple Fee
Adds wizard for creation automatically according to Simple Fee %
Editable if the Financing Product Type is Use Simple Fee=Y and Status<Active (even on the change copy) is not. Simple Fee % and Simple Fee Sum are automatically recalculated when changing
The value is included in the instalment – for calculation, see chapter Instalment Calculation
The following is counted:
Simple Fee=round(Financed Amount (4047245)*( Simple Fee %/100),2)
Simple Fee Sum
Calculates OC automatically
The following is counted:
Simple Fee Sum = Simple Fee * No.of Payments (24)
Simple Service Code
It will add the wizard to create the calculation automatically if there is a flag on the Financing Product Type Use simple service=Y (not possible for contracts with Financing with Services=Y), otherwise not. The code tracing is the same as the lookup filtering described below.
Editable only if the Financing Product Type is Use Simple Service=Y and Status<Active (even on the change copy) otherwise not
Lookup to a new Simple Service table (see PD Business Settings) with the following filters enabled:
Fuel Type = same as on the subject of the contract
Engine Displacement From<Engine CCM (72) on course<=Engine Displacement To (Incl.)
Valid From<workdate<=Valid To (can also be empty)
Simple Service
The field will be editable only if it is on the Financing Product Type Use Simple Service=Y and Simple Service Code<>blank and Status<Active (not even on the change copy).
The value is included in the instalment – for calculation, see chapter Instalment Calculation
After selecting Simple Service Code, the value is filled in automatically from the Simple Service Rate table as follows (filters):
Code Same
Duration From<Financing Period (23) From Contract<= Duration To (Incl)
Valid From<workdate<=Valid To (can also be empty)
Simple Insurance Code
It will add the wizard to create the calculation automatically if the Financing Product Type has the flag Use simple insurance=Y, otherwise not. The code tracing is the same as the lookup filtering described below.
On the editable tab, only if there is a Financing Product Type Use Simple Insurance=Y and Status<Active otherwise not, add after Service Payment Period
The user can change the lookup to the Simple Insurance table while the filters are on:
Duration From<Financing Period (23) From Contract<= Duration To (Incl)
Valid From<workdate<=Valid To (can also be empty)
Simple Insurance
The field will only be editable if it is on the Financing Product Type Use Simple Insurance=Y and Simple Insurance Code<>blank and Status<Active (not even on the change copy).
The value is included in the instalment – for calculation, see chapter Instalment Calculation
After selecting Simple Insurance Code, the value is filled in automatically from the Simple Insurance Rate table as follows (filters):
Code Same
Valid From<workdate<=Valid To (can also be empty)
Payment Calendar Is Tax Document
Populates the system automatically from the Currency and calculation parameters subform from Financing Product/Template
If A – it is not necessary to print installment invoices from the payment calendar
If N – for instalments from the repayment. Calendars it is necessary to print invoices (typically for foreign exchange contracts)
VAT Special Mode
For SK legislation – the calculation of instalments will be made according to par. 66 of the VAT Act (second-hand goods)
For CZ legislation – detto.
The system displays the value of the field from the financed object
By clicking on the value of the field, the system will display an overview of the financed object
Releasing Excluding VAT (VAT)
The field is non-editable.
The system displays the value of the field from the financed object.
By clicking on the value of the field, the system will display an overview of the financed object