Mass Invoice Nos.
The user selects the number series under which invoices for mass insolvency payments will be generated
Mass Credit Memo Document
Invoice number + Sx – in case of mass cancellation of an invoice, the system adds the "S" flag to the invoice number.
If the user chooses Partial cancellation of the invoice, each subsequent credit memo will have number = invoice number + S + x (a number expressed as how many credit memos have been created from the mass invoice)
Mass Credit Memo Nos.
Mass Payment Invoice Credit Memo Nos.
For a description see Fakturace prodej Invoicing Sales
Mass Maint Reinvoice Nos.
The user selects the number series under which posted invoices for service permission from the mass task will be generated
The system creates unposted invoices in which it uses this number series, and then posts a sales invoice with the same number.
Fuel Purch. Cr. Memo Nos.
The user selects the number series under which the purchase credit memos for fuel will be generated
Fuel Card Posted Purchase Credit Memo Nos.
The user selects the number series under which the posted purchase credit memos for fuel will be generated
Fuel Purchase Invoice Numbers (Fuel Purch. Invoice Nos.)
The user selects the number series under which purchase invoices for fuel from the mass task will be generated
Fuel-Card Posted Purchase Invoice Numbers
The user selects the number series under which the purchase posted invoices for fuel from the Mass Task will be generated
Fuel Post. Purch. Cr. Memo Nos.
The user selects the number series under which sales credit memos for fuel will be generated
Fuel Sales Invoice Nos.
The user selects the number series under which sales invoices for fuel from the mass job will be generated
Master Agreement Nos.
The user selects the number series under which the customer's master agreements will be generated
Maint. Purch. Cr. Memo Nos. Purch. Cr. Memo Nos.)
The user selects the number sequence under which purchase credit memos for service permissions will be generated
Mainton Posted: Purch. Credit Memo Nos.
The user selects the number sequence under which posted purchase credit memos for service permissions will be generated
Service Purchase Invoice Nos. (Maint. Purch. Invoice Nos.)
The user selects the number series under which invoices for service permissions will be generated
Posted Purchase Invoice Nos. of Service Allowances
The user selects the number series under which invoices for service permissions will be generated
Mass Maint Credit Memo Nos.
The user selects the number sequence under which sales credit memos for service permissions will be generated
The system creates a non-posted credit memo in which it uses this number series, and then posts a sales credit memo with the same number.
Service Sales Invoice Numbers (Maint. Sales Invoice Nos.)
The user selects the number sequence under which sales invoices for service permissions will be generated
Maintenance Master Agreement Nos. (Maint. Agreement Nos.)
The user selects the number series under which the framework service agreements will be generated
Fuel Card Nos.
The user selects the number series under which fuel cards will be generated
Int. Maintenance Permission Nos.
The user selects the number series under which Service Permissions will be generated
Mass maint. Credit Memo Nos.)
The user selects the number series under which service credit memos will be generated
Mass Payment Credit Memo Nos.
A user selects a number sequence for the Posting Installment Credit Memos mass task for an unposted credit memo. After the job runs, the system uses the number sequence when it creates the unposted credit memo (in the background).
Mass Payment Posted Credit Memo Nos.
A user selects a number sequence for the Mass Posting Credit Memos for Installments batch task when creating a posted credit memo for installments.
Mass Invoicing Account No.
The field is used to specify the "temporary account" for mass invoicing (the invoice is marked Mass invoice A) except for the invoice print type Payment.
When posting, the system executes the entry:
Customer Posting Group(311xxx) Dimension MASS / Standard Sales Code
Mass Invoicing Account No. (e.g. 395xxx)/Customer Posting Group (311xxx) MA dimension
Customer Posting Group (311xxx) for Dimension 2 (Contracts)/
This means that a mass invoice for individual contracts will be unfinished in the customer entries in the open entries. In closed entries, a large invoice with the Mass dimension will be settled.
User selects the account number to which the mass invoice will be posted
Do Not Post Credit Memo from Payment Calendar
If YES, the function under the Cancel button in the payment calendar will not post a credit memo for the payment. Creates an unposted credit memo with the Payment Credit Memo flag YES.
If there is an NIE, the function under the Cancel button in the payment calendar will post a credit note for the payment.
Check for Billing Invoicing Difference
NO – the system will not check the value in the payment calendar and in the invoice lines – standard functionality
YES – The system will compare the value in the payment calendar fields against the invoice lines for each group.
Group 1 - Principal, Interest
Group 2 - Insurance
Group 3 - Service
Account for Billing Invoicing Difference
Lookup to Tab. G/L Account (15) (chart of accounts)
VAT Prod. Posting Group for Billing Difference
lookup VAT Product Posting Group (324)
Standard Text Code – Fuel (PHM)
The user selects a standard text code with which a single line will be created in the mass sales invoice of fuel and it will be printed on the invoice
Standard Text Code – Service
The user selects a standard text code with which a single line will be inserted in the mass sales invoice of the service permission and printed on the invoice
Contract Dimension Value
The user enters a dimension value that the system adds to the header of the mass sales invoice (the system adds individual contract numbers to the lines)
For a description see Fakturace prodej Invoicing Sales
Road Tax Tab
Only for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.