There are two options in the Fuel Cards menu: Fuel Card and Fuel Card Transaction.
Service Fuel Card
A fuel card can be set up without a financing contract, but only for the leasing company's own vehicles.
Here, the only editable field is Discount amount – customer, the field is pre-filled with the value from the code list, but the user can still edit it.
Fuel Card
Once the user has created the Fuel Card service, it is possible to create a fuel card.
Blocking Date
To be entered manually by the user
Blocking By
The system will be completed automatically according to the logged-in user after completing the Blocking Date. If the user changes/deletes the blocking date, the value of the field will change
Return Date
To be entered manually by the user
Exclusion Reason
The user selects from the following options: Expiration, Cancellation, Contract termination, Damage, Loss of card, Other reason
Exclusion Date
To be entered manually by the user
Card Excluded (Exclusion By)
The system will be completed automatically according to the logged-in user after completing the Blocking Date. If the user changes/deletes the blocking date, the value of the field will change
To be entered manually by the user
Fuel Card Discount
In the header of the fuel card, the user can open the fuel card discount detail by clicking on the "Discounts" button, which is a view of the discounts defined in the contract for the given card.
Fuel card discounts are described in detail in the documentation Ceníky služeb smlouvy in the Fuel Card Pricelist chapter.
Fuel Card One-Off Charge
In the TK header, the user can open fuel cards via the "One-off fees" button, where they can define a fee for this card to be invoiced.
After posting, the system writes the number of the posted sales invoice to the fee line.
Create Fuel Card
The user can create a fuel card on the financed object if there is a service with the "fuel card" type on the contract.
If the TK service is currently terminated or does not exist, it will display the error message "there is no TK service" and terminate.
Completion of important fields from the fuel card
After ordering a TK the user will receive a fuel card from the supplier. From the card, the user fills in Card Number-Company (Card No. – Company)
Your fuel card is ready to process TK transactions.
Fuel Card List on Financed Object
On the financed object, the user has access to the item's fuel cards from two places. In the area menu Process and the FactBox Service Usage.